


Molon couldn't sleep on the night of the wedding. Every time he thought of Shaman, the darkness of hatred wrapped him, and he wanted to get up promptly and kill him right there and then. It was as if Shaman had buried his first love, his future dreams, and his father. He knew that he will never come to terms with this. For the rest of his life, he had already lost his place in this community. Molon spent the night thinking about all of this, and in the wee hours of the morning he decided to go into the woods to check on his trap. Luckily for him, a fox fell into the trap. He tickled like a dog with two tales. He pulled out a sharp knife, grabbed the fox, and took away its life. The golden-haired fox's eyes soon faded. Molon skinned fox without inflicting any damage to its gorgeous blond fur. He brought the skin to his home, washed the inside with water, then dried it under the sunlight. Once the skin dried fully, it was noon when Molon came outside of Shaman's hut. Outside the hut, two brothers stood guard. At first, they didn't notice the boy approaching.

-I want to meet with Shaman

-What kind of business do you have, brat?

-I want to give him this fox fur as a wedding gift.

The two brothers looked at each other intently, thinking that they should tell Shaman anyway. Younger brother went into hut and reported, "There is a brat outside. He wants to give you a wedding gift." Shaman ordered to let him enter.

Younger brother came out and tells Molon,

-Shaman said you can come in. But hurry up and come out soon.

When Molon entered the house, Anu was sitting grievously on the bed, and when she saw him, her face turned red with embarrassment. Molon laid his eyes on Anu for a second then returned to Shaman,

- Please accept my small hunting prey as a wedding present for you.

-"Well done boy" Shaman praised him and just as he reach out his hand for a beautiful fox, Molon tried to stab the hunting knife, which was hidden inside his clothes covered by fox skin into the Shaman's guts. Lamentably, it slipped past him.

-"Die you bastard" Molon shouted. Shaman grabbed his wrist and stopped the knife.

-"Guard, come in." This time Shaman shouted, and two brothers came running in from outside.

Two hefty guys grabbed Molon's hair, pulled him back, put the knife in his hand and easily disarmed the young boy. When Anu screamed in fear, Shaman angrily yelled,

-What the hell were you two watching? He entered the house with a cold weapon. When the boy was asked what his motives were, he was twitching on the floor upsettingly that he had not achieved his goal.

-Drag him out. Put him in the dungeon, Shaman ordered.

The brothers dragged Molon out of the house and threw him into a deep hole with a thick metal grille on the top. It had been almost forgotten because no one had thrown in the hole for the past two years. But Molon is now an only guest of this dungeon. People around them looked at them curiously and guessed that something serious had happened.

The brothers returned to Shaman's house. After entering his yurt, they saw Shaman's outrageous face.

-Who was that brat!?

-Do you remember Ganji, who was the sacrificial lamb of our last ritual. This brat is his eldest son. It's most likely that he felt bitter, and wanted to take revenge on you.

-Huh! Didn't I entrust Ganji's children to Bochi? Call him here.

Bochi was loafing and lounging around on at Ganji's home when he was called. Right after crossing the door of big yurt, he saw Shaman drinking tea while wrapped in a cloth around his stomach wound and wearing a cape over his bare chest. Shaman stared repulsively at Bochi with his healthy eye and bawled,

-Is it too hard to take care of two little bastards!

-What happened, Shaman? The eldest went to check the trap he had set in the forest. The youngest is at home.

-Well then, that one who went to forest just tried to hunt me down with this knife, Shaman threw it at Bochi's leg and landed right next to him.

-I beg your forgiveness, it's all my fault, Bochi quietly emitted.

-Don't take your eyes away from the youngest. Perhaps, will he seek revenge on his father and brother? I can't let both of them live, Shaman told himself. Hearing this horrible last sentence Anu cried out,

-No please, you can't do that. That boy was in shock and didn't know what he was doing because he just lost his father. Otherwise, he wouldn't even imagine to do something terrible. She knelt down and begged Shaman's merci.

-Oh, so you also friend of them huh? Shaman said this and angrily grabbed the fox's fur lying on the floor.

-Do you see how cheaply that brat valued me!? After all I did for the community, that ungrateful son of dog tried to trample me down. But I'll let him be alive for a while. In some cases, a quick death become a reward. I will make my decision tomorrow; Shaman threw the fox's fur out after finished his sentence. Bochi came home with a grim face. He then called Esen,

-Your brother has committed a big crime. Did you know what he was planning?

-I don't know, he didn't say anything. But I know that he loves Anu.

-Hmm so was it because of that girl? But she is the new wife of Shaman. No one should lay an eye on his wives or daughters. Don't you two understand that?

-They used to see each other even before Anu became Shaman's wife.

-That doesn't matter. She wasn't meant for Molon. Because our Lord liked her.

-Can you tell me what kind of crime my brother committed?

-He tried to kill Shaman with a knife in his home. Fortunately, Shaman only slightly injured. Shaman will decide what to do with him tomorrow.

After hearing what has happened to his brother, Esen left the house biting his lips until its bled. He ran to the dungeon not far from Shaman's yurt. The two brothers guarding it saw Esen coming and said,

-Hey you don't come close, go back where you came from. Esen paused for a moment, then grabbed out the silver necklace left from his father around his neck, and approached one of them.

-Please let me see my brother for once. One of the brothers grabbed the necklace before the other and agreed to meet his brother quickly.

Esen take a peek from the top of dungeon, and saw his brother sitting in the middle of dirt.

-Brother, are you alright?

-I'm alright for now.

-Why did you do something like that?

-Love made me to do what I did. Only if there wasn't Shaman, Anu and I would never have separated.

-Why have you done such thing, why. What should I do without you now? Esen asked his brother crying.

-My brother, understand that without father and without me, you won't have any friends here. I have a hunch what my punishment will be. After I died, you should depart from here and follow father's footprints. Travel during the day and hide at night. All my belongings are yours now. Molon went silence after this. Esen understood from his brother's last words that the conversation was over.

Walked away from the dungeon bowing his head down. When he returned home, Bochi tried to ask for once but closed his mouth.

That evening Anu beseech Shaman and begged him to let Molon live for a whole night. Every time Anu ask him to show merci, Shaman realized that her cold heart was overflowing and that she truly loved the boy. In the middle of the night he suddenly said,

-Anu, if I keep the boy alive, what will you offer me instead?

-I'll give you my "life", she dolefully whispered. She had nothing else to give. But a little light of hope shone in her heart. Since we were not destined to be together, she wanted to gaze his face from afar at least and comfort her miserable heart.

The next morning, Shaman left early and gave instructions to the brothers. He then announced that all members of the community shall gather at high noon. When the time came, everyone gathered as his wish. Shaman came out and stood in front of their house with Anu his side.

- Yesterday, a member of the community, Molon, attacked me and shamelessly tried to murder me without fear. He even had a love affair with my new wife, Anu. Anu begged me to spare his life. I agreed to her request and decided not to take his life, hearing this good news Anu got misty eyes. Shaman continues his speech as,

- I invite everyone to come out to the back of my house, and he walked ahead first. As the people follow him to the backyard there was a large firewood piled up and Molon tied to a thick pole in the middle of it. When Anu saw this, she knelt before Shaman,

-"You said you would spare his life, didn't you?" said in worried tone.

-As you can see, I'm not going to kill him with my own hands. Come on Marcus lit it up, he ordered one of the twin brothers. Holding a torch in his hand, Marcus approached the campfire and threw it at the pile of firewood. The dry barks and firewood soon ignited. Molon kept his mouth shut, trying not to scream for a while, but in the end, he lost his temper and started screaming in pain. Esen and Anu cried their eyes out in the crowd and tried to move forward, but people held on.

Shaman said out loud that Molon was being released from society and his soul is going to heaven. Molon screeched loudly and tried to untie himself, however he couldn't move a single finger because strong iron wire was wrapped around him. It's when the smoke choked him, and the flames engulfed his whole body, boy stopped making any sound. His clothes and hair burned to ashes and turned into dark. The other wives carried Anu into the house because she could not see the horrible death of her beloved man for a long time and lost consciousness. The public panicked and began to recite prayers and verses. Mothers tried to cover the little children's eyes before this nightmarish sight. At that moment, Bochi pulled Esen out of the crowd and led him decisively to an unoccupied place.


Bochi looked around cautiously and checked there are anyone. Then he handed a bag to Esen.

-Stop crying. All of it already happened and had become past thing. Nothing is going to change even if you keep crying for a week. I promised your father to take care of you two brothers until you reach manhood. But things got a sudden turn. Shaman will not let you live for sure. So, you should get out of here right now. I prepared some meals and clothes. Also put a hunting knife in the bag. Cross the Ephedra valley. Be careful. Esen was still hesitant when he heard Bochi's words.

-Go now. Run now while no one is around, before it's too late, Bochi continued.

Suddenly, Esen ran to the forest as if he had regained consciousness. "Luckily no one saw us. I'll tell Shaman he ran away on his own. In fact, there is no way this little boy can survive in the wild." Bochi thought to himself. He went back to the campfire to avoid suspicion. The fire burnt out already. It seems like if anyone touches the body of the boy tied to a pole, it would fall apart easily like a cracker. The crowd quickly dispersed and began to follow their respective paths. Marcus approached Bochi and said,

-Where is the other brat?

-How would I know!? He was standing here a moment ago.

-Go find him. Bochi's anger ignited after hearing this from Marcus and said furiously,

-You find him by yourself. Who are you to give me orders!?

Marcus looked him in the eye with a sneer,

-Do you know that you are no longer the right hand of the Shaman? He doesn't trust you anymore.

-"I won't hear it from your mouth" Bochi walked back.

-"Well, I can find that brat myself. And then skin him alive" Marcus said softly.

At that moment, Esen was running through the forest at full speed. He often checks if someone is coming after him, but there is no sign of being chased. So, after a long distance, Esen went out into the valley and slowed down a bit. Everything that was left behind now didn't matter to him. But he hoped that if he crossed the Ephedra valley, perhaps there is a chance he might meet with his father. Sharp twigs and reeds, pulled by the hips, scratch the limbs here and there and prevent him from moving forward. However, he already traveled a third of the valley. Unexpectedly Esen heard a roar coming from the side. The boy immediately sat down and hid. Holding his breath, boy tried to see the animal through the bushes. Fifty meters away from him, there was a mutant walking. It was as if it was sniffing and chasing an animal. The boy, who was looking at the mutant for the first time, couldn't even close his eyes in fear. The mutant had no clothes. Its crimson-colored spine and shoulder, with enlarged muscles, appears to be filled with a variety of scars. Almost all its hair fell out and it looked around suspiciously with its small red eyes. At that moment, Esen remembered what his father had told him. His mother was killed by a mutant. She stretched out her hand to her husband and asked for help as the mutant clenched his sharp teeth and sucked the blood out of her throat. The mutant then attacked by dozens of men in the community, but before he bites the dust mutant got managed to kill five people. The reason why mutants are not so easily defeated is that they are stronger, faster, more resilient than humans, and still able to fight no matter how many wounds you inflict on them.

The mutant raised its nose up high and try to sniff something from air. Esen prayed that the direction of the wind would not change during this time. Trembling, he also prayed to his dead brother for help so that he would not be notified. His prayers seemed to be heard, and the wind was blowing in his favor. Suddenly, that mutant seems smelled some animal, picked up speed and ran in the opposite direction to Esen at a faster speed than a human. The deer, which was hiding under a bush, got up and ran away as the mutant approached it. But the mutant made a few big jumps and grabbed the deer by its neck. He went straight to deer's stomach, chewed on its flesh and skin, and began to swallow chunks of meat. The deer struggled for its life, but it could not escape. The blood flowed through deer's stomach, and the mutant continued to swallow the flesh and blood. His whole face-stained red with blood. Esen decided to use this time because he heard that the mutant loses his alertness while eating, so he continued to cross the Ephedra valley without making as much noise as possible. Esen managed to cross the valley and looked back for the last time before going up a small hill. Mutant was sitting on the ground like a human, holding the deer's head with both hands, turning it around and munching on it. Esen rest for a moment after he climbed the hill. But he can't slow down. If the mutant catches his scent, there's no way to survive.

It was night when Esen entered the forest. Nocturnal animals seem to be out hunting, and the roar of beasts and the squeal of rats can be heard somewhere. It felt dangerous to sleep on the ground, so he climbed a tree. He chose a branch that could support him and leaned against trunk. Esen unpacked the bag, put on thick clothes, and ate some of the dry food and bottled water. He tied himself to a tree branch with a rope so he wouldn't fall off the tree. If he fall from such a height, it's a guaranteed death. Exhausted, poor boy soon began to fall asleep. But he couldn't sleep comfortably. Nightmares come in turns. In those awful dreams, his parents were caught and eaten by the mutant, and his brother was still burned at the stake. He wakes up in a panic but soon fall asleep again. This time his brother Molon came again in his dreams. His face whole face was burned awfully, but he approached his brother and tried to grab his hand. His hand looked like a petrified tree, and Esen withdrew his hand in terror. Molon said to him, "-Wake up now and run away." Esen wakes up in no time after hearing those words, he looked around cautiously. There was nothing in his eyes. The moonlight dimly shines in the clearing of the forest. He heard a roar coming from where he came from. Esen easily recognized that it was not a wolf or other predator, but a mutant he encountered during the day. The mutant followed him. Realizing that he had to run away right now, Esen jumped down from the tree. Once he landed run ran along the forest path as fast as he can. The roar was heard again, followed by the sound of footsteps chasing him, and the rustling of twigs and leaves. Frightened, he threw away his bag. He took off the thick shirt that had prevented him from running and threw it away too. But the sound of chasing him was getting closer, and it was as if something is going to grab him by the neck next few seconds. He saw how fast the mutant was. So, he can't slow down at all. Sound of a rushing river heard in front of him. As he hurried out of the forest, he was already on the shore of a ferociously flowing river. The river is quite flooded. Still struggling to decide what to do, he looked back and saw the mutant is coming out of the forest. After witnessing how much the deer was suffered and died, he jumped into the river thinking it would be better to drown instead. The mutant stared after him on the shore as his arms and head swayed in a strong current.