
the start of a new life

17.6 million years ago, there was a 3rd world war. with that war came weapons and repercussions that nobody expected. several people fled to bunkers underground, but then a plague broke out. with many people staying in the same bunker, and the few people still at war, the plague spread like wild fire. the last time that robots have recorded a human being seen was about 13 million years. and even then it was only one human. there's no telling how many people are left. But I know of at least one. me. my name is Alexander, or Alex for short. I'm around 17 or 18 but to be honest I don't really remember. you're probably thinking something along the lines of: "but Alex, if you're that old that where are your parents and how were they alive if there weren't many humans left?" well that's a great question. to be honest I don't know much but I'll tell you what I do know. my parents came from a small bunker with about 7 people and that's where I was born. but when I was about 13 someone there caught the plague and it started to spread. my parents made the decision that I was to leave and go to a bunker a few miles away. it took a lot of convincing me, but I finally left. now you might be thinking: "but how did you know where the bunker was?" truth is I didn't. I grew up this dog named Oliver. he was a hunting dog and he was good with memory. he led me there and at the same time protecting me from anything that tried to attack me. he wasn't like any dog that they used to have when the war started. he's more like a wolf than anything, almost as if he had devolved yet still had the traits of a hunting dog. and yes he's still alive and living with me. however, I'm not exactly sure if my parents are still alive. I assume not, as they most likely caught the plague and died. I've decided to get out of this stupid bunker. after all it's boring dying from old age without even seeing the outside. I've seen it before, but I was small and young, and I don't really remember it. so today me and Oliver are going outside and exploring.