
The Exorcist Lass of Another World

"The Exorcist Lass of Another World" is a gripping dark fantasy novel set in the Yomian Empire, a realm plagued by corruption and engulfed in darkness. Demons, bandits, and monstrous creatures roam freely, ravaging the outskirts and leaving devastation in their wake. Meanwhile, the wealthy elite of the nation reside in luxurious comfort within the capital city of Akuma. In this treacherous landscape, a noble group of exorcists tirelessly battles against the tides of evil, striving to protect the empire from its own self-destruction. Amidst this chaotic backdrop, a baby is born, possessing an unknown and extraordinary power that holds the potential to alter the course of the world. As the child grows, she becomes the focal point of hope and speculation, with the nation's fate resting on her shoulders. Will she rise above the pervasive corruption and emerge as the catalyst for positive change that the empire so desperately needs? Or will the allure of power and darkness consume her, leading her down the same path as those she seeks to vanquish? "The Exorcist Lass of Another World" is a thrilling tale that explores the delicate balance between good and evil, the enduring struggle against corruption, and the inner turmoil faced by a young protagonist destined to shape the destiny of an empire hanging in the balance. Prepare to be captivated by a world teetering on the edge, where the choices made by one extraordinary individual could tip the scales of salvation or damnation.

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3 Chs


Sixteen years have passed since Kareen's birth in the slums of Akuma, and the world has undergone significant changes. The Yomian Empire has increased its control, expanding its reach.

During these years, Kareen's life took a dark and twisted turn. As foreseen by Regina, her tremendous potential caught the attention of Sir Aric and the council of Lords. Despite her parents' pleas, Kareen was brought before Lord Vesper.

Lord Vesper, intrigued by Kareen's abilities, saw an opportunity to mold her into a weapon that would further solidify the empire's dominance. He commanded Sir Aric to undertake the task of transforming Kareen into a ruthless killer—a tool for the empire's insidious schemes.

Sir Aric honed and sharpened Kareen's natural affinity for Ki. She underwent grueling training, enduring physical and mental trials that tested the limits of her resilience. Her innocence faded, replaced by a chilling determination that settled deep within her crimson eyes.

Years of rigorous conditioning and manipulation molded Kareen into a remorseless assassin. She mastered various combat techniques, delved into forbidden arts, and embraced the darkness that permeated the Yomian Empire. With each life she extinguished in the empire's name, a part of her humanity withered away.

Now, as a young woman, Kareen stands tall and composed, an embodiment of death cloaked in an elegant, black assassin's garb. A chilliness that frightens those who cross her has replaced her once cheerful spirit.

One fateful day, Lord Vesper issued a decree—allowing Kareen to visit her family in the slums. The intention behind this visit is twofold: to show the empire's control over even their beloved daughter and to instill fear in the hearts of those who dare question the empire's authority.

With a detachment bordering on indifference, Kareen returns to the dilapidated slums that had once been her home. Her arrival sparks a mixture of awe, fear, and disdain among the impoverished residents who remember her as the innocent babe taken from their midst.

Her parents, Mary and Quin, now aged and worn by life's hardships, are filled with a mixture of joy and repulsion as they lay eyes on their daughter. Their hearts ache at the sight of the merciless killer she has become. Kareen's face remains impassive as she observes the mix of emotions that flicker across their faces.

Mary reaches out tentatively, her trembling hand reaching for Kareen's face. But Kareen swiftly steps back, her eyes devoid of the love and warmth her parents long for. The coldness in her gaze only deepens their despair.

"Is it really you, Kareen?" Mary's voice quivers with a mixture of love and disappointment.

Kareen's response is chillingly void of emotion. "I am Kareen, but the person you once knew no longer exists. I am a servant of the empire now."

Quin's voice cracks as he speaks, his eyes welling up with unshed tears. "What has become of our daughter? How did she become this... this monster?"

Kareen's voice remains detached as she delivers the truth they are desperate to understand. "I am what the empire made me. I am the instrument of their will, a weapon to secure their dominion. It is all I have ever known."

Silence descends upon them, the weight of Kareen's words hanging heavily in the air. The empire's cruelty and sadness had split Kareen and her family apart.

Kareen leaves, as her mother falls to the ground crying. Her husband comforts her. Kareen meets with Sir Aric, who is tasking her with a mission, "We are going to kill a camp of bandits today, young lady." Kareen nods with an expressionless look on her face. They arrive at the camp hours later and begin slaughtering the bandits. As they kill off the bandits one by one, she finds a slave locked in a cage. The slave notices Kareen and yells out to her, "Please help me!"

Kareen turns away to leave, but suddenly a raspy voice echoes in her head, telling her to save the slave. "Who are you?" She asks the voice. The voice continues to command her to release the slave, ignoring her question. "Will you tell me who you are?" She asks with a different question. The voice responds yes. She destroys the lock on the cage, opening the door. The trembling slave emerges, their eyes wide with a mix of gratitude and fear. Kareen extends a hand, inviting them to join her. "Come, we must leave this place."

The slave, their body covered in scars of suffering and eyes filled with trepidation, hesitantly accepts Kareen's hand. A spark of hope ignites within them as they choose to trust this enigmatic assassin.

Together, they vanish into the night, leaving behind the destruction and bloodshed that has consumed Kareen's existence for so long. Sir Aric and his knights look over the destruction in the camp, unable to find Kareen. Sir Aric smirks, "So she decided on her own. How interesting." He looks up to the night sky, a crescent moon enveloping the sky.