
The Ex-Husband Returns: A Second Chance At Love.

After a totally disastrous marriage, she has decided to keep her heart locked away for the rest of her life from the most hurtful things that can ever come to her. To be precise, men. She has finally realised that it’s so stupid to rely on any man or bid her own happiness on them. Even if it can be tough to be a bread earner and a single mom at the same time, even if she feels lonely at times, she will never ever enter any romantic relationship anymore. There’ll only be one person she will love with her whole heart, her babies. She can do this, and she must do this, because she is an independent strong woman who is the owner of her own fate. However what happens when the man she has solely voted to be away from comes to her aid? He comes back and asks her to be his wife? “Marry me ex-wife” on his knees, he begs. “Sorry, ex-husband, I can’t.”

Raven_Writer · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
101 Chs

Chapter 17

Carmela left the school in a daze, her mind racing. She had never hit anyone before, and the fact that she had lost control scared her. 

But she was also relieved to have gotten her kids away from Nichole. As she drove home, she thought about the things Nichole had said. "I have to protect them," she thought, her hands gripping the steering wheel. "I can't let anything happen to them."

When she got home, she was surprised to see that the house looked completely different. The damage from the kidnapper had been repaired, and everything looked brand new. 

"What on earth, happened here?" She was happy to the new look of her furnished house. 

At the door of her door front stood a man in a black suit and square glasses. The man turned out to be Andrew. 

Why was he here? 

"Andrew, surprise seeing you here." Carmela looked flushed as her kids rushed past her into the house. 

"We need to speak." He said, walking into the house.