
The Evil Villainess is Me (GL)

I turned the Heroine into my personal butler! Scarlett De'Chevalier, the ice cold daughter of the Marquess and Marchioness. She was known to be cruel, ruthless, and harsh. The best three words that could ever describe her but then something changed. The young miss suddenly brought someone to the mansion- it was a well suited girl in a butler's uniform. Everyone has been saying that since the butler has arrived in the mansion the young miss has gone crazy. Never have the maids seen the young miss smile this much! Did someone place a hex on her?!

Zerin_Lee · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Prologue: I'm The Villainess.

Where... where am I?

Beep... beep... Rattle, rattle.

"Doctor the patient is unconscious, female, her pulse is weak and she's losing a lot of blood from the knife that she's been stabbed with near the abdomen." My vision saw a blurry nurse who was in her uniform detailing everything that happened. "We need to get her into the surgery room quickly,"

My head hurts. I wanted to hold my head but I couldn't. It felt like my arms and hands were paralyzed, refusing to move. I could hear myself groan in pain.

"Please... please hang on." I heard another voice close to my side. A woman's figure seemed to be flashing in my eyes panting, running to catch up with us.

I can only make out one thing about her, she stares at me while I try to reach out to her. She was... crying.


At that moment I felt like I wanted to tell her, don't cry. It's going to be alright. I'll be alright.

Stop crying...

"W-Will she survive, doctor? Please save her! I-I'll never forgive myself for this if she-" the woman covers her mouth talking with the doctor who nods in sympathy.

"Miss, she's in good hands. We have the best doctors in this hospital. If you'll excuse me we'll need to see her through." The doctor gives her one look of apology before the woman runs to my side.

I only just noticed I was laying in a soft bed with wheels. A stretcher? Not only that, but something else is hurting my stomach. I saw a knife that was sticking out of my clothes, the pain only worsened when I tried to move.

The woman cries, kissing my hand before telling me with those longing brown eyes of hers, "I'll be waiting for you." she mutters, my pale skin feels the hot tears drop on my hand. I could feel the warmth of her kiss. My eyes blinked, I'm not sure whether to feel flustered or glad.

Waiting... you'll wait for me?

Suddenly there was a pain greater than before that hit my chest. My body began shaking shivering, feeling like the fire was burning through me and torturing me.

I can't breathe- everything is blacking out. What's happening- I tried moving my body some more wanting to clutch my chest for support. It felt like I was suffocating like something was choking me- it hurts.

"My lady Scarlett woke up!"

Scarlett... who is that?

The name was oddly familiar. Scarlett... it's a really pretty name but where have I heard it before?

I felt my sides being moved, it was shaking with someone screaming. "My lady! You're having a nightmare again please wake up!"


I gasped feeling my body once more, the upper part of my body stood up looking around in a panic. My hands clutched to the sheets of the bed, exasperated breathing.

I heard a sigh of relief with a woman wearing a maid outfit. "You're alright my lady!" she looked so glad and happy suddenly hugging me from the front.

My eyes blinked in confusion with her still continuing to cling on me. Who is she? And... she called me- "My lady?" I muttered in question. Was she referring to me? My hands unconsciously moves over to my stomach.

My eyes widened in surprise- it's gone. Wasn't there supposed to be a knife that's stabbed onto me?

The maid stops hugging me, having a teary look while her arms are still in place of my shoulders. "The nightmares have been bugging you again, is that right my lady?" she says, patting my head. "It's okay now I'm here and I'll keep you company until you sleep again."

Nightmares... is that what it was? But it felt so real. I could see the blood, I could remember every detail of it, I could even taste it in my mouth.

The woman in my nightmare that held onto my hand who said she'll be waiting for me. Was she not real? It was dark, the only source of light we had was a lamp with a glowing stone on the inside. I could only see the figure of the maid being short, her face was wrinkled and didn't seem to be that old.

The black hair with white stripes on the side ran along her shoulder in a really pretty braid.

She had the most delighted smile when she saw that I was alright. I placed my hand where she pat my head, feeling her care.

I looked up to her asking, "Where am I?"

The maid tilts her head in confusion. "You're... in your room? My lady you do not remember your room?" she asks, giving me a weird look of suspicion.

I can't remember anything. Including my own identity. I closed my eyes trying to remember. I held the side of my head trying to think and remember. Who am I?

She called me Scarlett. Is that my name?

The more that I tried to dig for memories the more that ringing sound in my head worsened. I bite my lip trying to bear the pain but nothing. "I... my head. It hurts." I said weakly.

With a worried look she places a hand to my forehead checking my temperature. "You don't seem hot at all, my lady. However I will quickly go into the kitchen to make you some warm porridge. I will be back momentarily."

Before she could leave I took her hand that was placed in my head. "What is your name?" I hold it gently and she blinks looking even more confused than before.

"My name is Elise Warren, my lady. You do not remember my name?" she looks around worriedly, not knowing what to do.

I shook my head, giving her a faint smile. "I just needed a refresher. If you don't mind perhaps I... would like some of that porridge, please."

Now she blinks even more in confusion, taking back her hand before still being suspicious but still responds with a polite smile. "I'm glad you're alright, my lady. I'll be back to give you some proper food, if you'll excuse me." (Elise)

She curtsies moving towards the door opening it while holding a lamp that seemed to glow without a candle inside.

Finally leaving me to be alone.

I looked towards the room.

It feels familiar yet it's not.

There was a mirror not too far. The reflection of my face was a little blurry.

I stood up, removing the blanket and putting on a cute rabbit slipper that was next beside the bed. It felt so soft and exquisite. These slippers belong to me now I suppose.

I held the handle of the candle that was on my bedside, raising it a little to see where I was walking. It appears it's my only source of light for now.

The more the light shined, the clearer I could see someone's face.

Black ivory hair with curls that ran along her shoulders in a tangled mess. Beautiful lavender, violet eyes that sparkled like amethyst jewels.

Snow white skin, lips pink and fair. It all felt so surreal.

Something out of a fantasy. "Is this... me?" I reached towards the mirror, my fingers brushing through the glass. The moment I did, flashes of memories began running through my mind. My nightmare from before- it was real.

I saved someone from being murdered in the price of my life.

"Agh!" I yelled the pain from all this information and emotion. I remember everything.

I remember saving her.

I remember my world, I remember this face. I hated this face, I loathed it so much when she hurt the heroine in every torturous way possible.

The wretched witch.

"The Villainess of the otome game, Magical Love Romance. Scarlett De Chevalier. Also known as the most spoiled brat that ever existed back when I played the game in high school." I clutched the handle of the candle glaring even harder at this face.

The game that released through the year sold like hotcakes because of the four different handsome capture targets and of course, the ever cute petite heroine took everyone's attention.

Including me that bought every merch that I could that had the heroine in it. From figures, artwork, HD prints and posters. I've had it all, I was a pretty shut in high schooler at the time.

However, Scarlett on the other hand is the typical beautiful horrible villains that turned out to be way too much that you can't help but want to kill her.

She literally had no filter and would do horrible things just because it was fun and it made her feel good about herself. Another thing many people hated is that she was a total obsessive jerk to the male lead. That's the future crown prince to which I'll be engaged.

She threatened the heroine to kill her if she got too near. She threw her books, locked her in the bathroom, poured food on her, and many things that's considered bullying and harassment.

Scarlett humiliated and even kidnapped the heroine for the sake of enjoyment in all different routes of the love interests.

Including treason and soon her family was executed and exiled because of her except her older brother that showed loyalty to the crown and was pledged of excuse being kept alive, mostly the other reason was Scarlett's brother was also a capture target in the game.

Every player I know who was also in the fandom wanted her gone.

The writers of course felt the same and had every route of her in... death.

"She's not bad looking but still." I groaned holding my chin inspecting such features.

Scarlett De Chevalier is one of the most detailed characters ever made in the game, especially in her official art merchandise.

That didn't sell well.

The only people who bought her merch were obviously people that needed psychological attention or were just that into the toxic mean girl trope.

Did I die and get reincarnated into her body?

I have all her memories and my past life. Don't tell me both of our memories are fused?

And am I really in the world building of Magical Love Romance? Or is this all some silly dream or hallucination?

I looked around the room waving the candlelight into the darkness. It seemed that everything was pink. Through the bed sheets, walls, accessories, and even my clothing. I just noticed I was wearing pink frilly pajamas.

I forgot she had a tendency to be obsessed with pink.

I grabbed one of the pink ribbons that was on my arms and I sighed.

I have a lot of clothes changing to do. Pink is not my style.

I gave another one look at the mirror and sighed.

"There's no denying it. I'm the villainess in this story. The villainess who's destined to die at every route." I remembered the scenic art that the game displayed.

Death by execution.

Death by suicide.

Death by poisoning.

Death by murder.

There was so much more but if I listed it down, it might fill the whole chapter with nothing but gruesome words and that would be awful.

My hands slide through my forehead brushing my bangs to move to the top, falling into rhythm, my eyes coldly looking through the soft palms of this body.

"How spoiled." my thumb caressed through the palm. There was a saying in my past life, you will know how tough a person is through the roughness of their hands. I couldn't feel an inch of roughness from this body.

"A villainess who's destined to die?" I muttered looking through my reflection.

I chuckled, to live in another life as a villainess.

What are the chances of it.

"How about a villainess who can change the tide and live by her own rules?"

The wind blew, it was so strong it opened my windows as if adding some effect.

Even nature agrees with me.

After all, I'm not the original weak villainess.

I shall take on the role of Scarlett De Chevalier but I won't be an oblivious lovestruck girl who's obsessed with the crown prince like in the original story. "I'll just mind my own business and not get into the plot of the intended novel. I'll build my own empire with these hands."

"After all they didn't call me the Queen of Investing back in my past life if I can't put my skill to good use."

I intend to live my new life different from the path the game has originally set.

The villainess will cease to exist and I will only do my own bidding. To not chase after the main lead but only my own interests.

Which is Money.

What more can a girl want? After all, I don't need someone else to feel complete. I will bend the world of Magical Love Romance at the tip of my fingers.

I know every side story and quest that will give me an advantage to everything.

"How fun." the thought of ruling the kingdom at the strings of influential and financial powers excites me. To play the game is already an excitement, but to experience it first hand this will become another board of monopoly.

And who knows maybe I'll befriend the heroine instead of her being my enemy.

Wouldn't that be something.