
The Evil Villainess is Me (GL)

I turned the Heroine into my personal butler! Scarlett De'Chevalier, the ice cold daughter of the Marquess and Marchioness. She was known to be cruel, ruthless, and harsh. The best three words that could ever describe her but then something changed. The young miss suddenly brought someone to the mansion- it was a well suited girl in a butler's uniform. Everyone has been saying that since the butler has arrived in the mansion the young miss has gone crazy. Never have the maids seen the young miss smile this much! Did someone place a hex on her?!

Zerin_Lee · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Chapter 1: The World of Teliyah.

Chapter 1: The World of Teliyah.

Scarlett's POV

The morning came after the realization, I'm the villainess of the otome game titled [Magical Love Romance].

Meaning death's door will come knocking once I turn eighteen, that's where every person who has magic will be attending a special privileged school for every magic wielder there is in the country.

The heroine will choose her match, her love interest and decide what to do by then.

All I know, whoever she chooses I'm destined to have my head be thrown onto the pits of hell.

I need to stop my death flag from happening.

"First thing's first." I looked through my room, the pink color blinds my eyes because of how... childish it is.

While it's the past Scarlett's favorite color, its certainly not mine and I would prefer this room to be a color fit for nobility. I have to start changing some things around here.

I walked forward towards my closet and slammed it open.

"Elise!" I called out to my maid that was standing guard outside of my room all morning, she was baffled of how I acted before most likely-

I was acting polite and even said the word 'please' when I asked for her to bring some porridge. Of course, now that some of my memories of Scarlett's returned I can see that was nothing out of normal for the original villainess.

I could hear her knock three times before entering.

I glared through the closet and began taking out all of the pink clothing that I had. "Pink ribbons, pink dresses, pink underwear, pink jewelry- hmm... pink everything."

I'm afraid that I need the whole closet to be refurbished.

The creaking of the door being opened gained my attention. I held one of the pink dresses and walked towards Elise who looked flabbergasted as she watched me. "Every pink item that I have. Throw it, burn it, sell it, give it away. I have no care of what you do. I want all of the pink clothes out of my sight." I ordered with a clear voice and her eyes seemed like it was about to cry.

"M-My lady! What happened?! Isn't this one of your favorite dresses?! Are you certainly alright?!" she reached out to my forehead all worriedly but then there was a sudden look of fear in her face.

She bows down to the floor and yells, "I'm sorry! I should have never touched you without consent, my lady! Please have mercy and I'm willing to be slapped again for your forgiveness-"

I bit my lip at the gesture of a middle aged woman begging and bowing down at a child, I felt horrible. Scarlett De Chevalier was certainly a rotten egg, no doubt about that. There were tales of how she punished her maids and servants by beating them with hard slaps.

My hands gripped themselves on instinct, my judgment of my other half becoming clouded.

For such soft hands, it seems they can still hurt innocent people in the story.

"Ugh..." I groaned a little as clips of the memories came back slowly bit by bit. It was true, I did hit Elise before. More than once... and she still stayed by my side after all that? Even in the original story, it seems that she was the only left of her staff... that stayed.

I shake my head trying to regain focus as I turn to my maid. "Elise. That doesn't matter to me, all I want to do is take out my old clothes for personal reasons. It just doesn't suit my tastes anymore." she stopped at my words and I reached down to help her up. "However, what I do not forgive is you dirtying your uniform by kneeling like a savage. Do not do it ever again. That part is also unsightly."

This maid blinks in confusion, standing up. "You will not punish me?" she questions with her leg wobbling slightly.

"No." I told her and handed her one of the pink clothes on her arms and smiled. The sudden gesture of smiling seemed to further shock her.

"T-Thank you, my lady. You... seem different today." I could see her hold the fabric in her hands more tightly.

I sighed and tried to dismiss the last part of her sentence. She seemed to be happy with getting away with the punishment so I motioned for her to move because time is of the essence. "Now can you take all of this junk out of my room? You may call on other maids to help you as well. I believe you'll be taking out a lot of clothes and I want them to be gone as soon as possible."

Elise fumbles and almost lets go of the pink fabricated dress, it was full of gems sown at the sides and I'm sure that one dress is worth half a year's salary of a common worker. "R-Right away, my lady!"

She leaves the room in a rush, perhaps to tell the other maids to help her to fix my wardrobe.

I looked around some more, eyeing the pink paint of the room. It really made me feel uncomfortable, but on the side there was a huge shelf with books. "I didn't see you last night. Did you belong to the hands of the villainess as well?" I muttered towards the books that had everything including politics, magic, and diplomacy.

I realized that even if Scarlett was a rotten girl to the core, I have to admire and respect her past capability of being studious and had an intelligent side while I played through the game.

It was rumored before that she wasn't that obsessed with the crown prince before, but when the two met it was something more of a love at first sight. Therefore Scarlett became delusional and did everything in her power to be arranged with the crown prince, also known as one of the male leads of the story.

She kept adding twists and turns to the plot that everyone hated because it made the story hard to beat. I remember the pain in my eyes and I tried to garner points late in the morning. I couldn't give up and planned my strike of attack on Scarlett for two days.

I had to try five more times before I managed to beat her to get to the crown prince.

"Speaking of which." I looked for an empty notebook or anything that I can write on from the shelf. "The world building of this otome game. I should note it all down in a journal so I won't forget and get distracted by my own temporary goals." my hands brushed through the top covers of the books, eye reading the titles imprinted on the front.

My hands stop through an empty one, and as if by luck has it. It was an empty book, it was practically yelling to write on its blank pages.

I took it out of the shelf, the book beside it tilted to the right and I moved towards the desk. I pulled the chair out of the table, and I sat down.

"There should be an ink and quill in the cupboard if I'm not mistaken." The memories that came back were all a bit hazy so I wasn't too sure.

Scarlett's memory didn't include pens in this world. So that's a shame, I'll have to settle for a feather that is easy to spill, hard to wash ink.

I pulled the cabinet and there were the materials I needed. It was neatly lined and organized. I can't believe that the past villainess was an organized person but- "It seems I was right." I took the ink and quill placing it onto the table.

"First," I held the quill in my hands with a soft grip dipping the tip of it into the ink. "I should get started from the very beginning." I muttered to myself writing the game title at the very first page with a cursive font.

[Magical Love Romance]

The game lore starts from the world of [Teliyah]. Consisting of three continents where three kingdoms live together in complete harmony.

The three continents:

[Amarileon Kingdom] - Also known as the Human Kingdom. Here resides the royalty and nobility of humans. They can possess the six elemental magic, [Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Light, and Dark]. Having the possession of Mana/Magic Power they are indeed powerful.

The four simple elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Air.

The rarest element trait: Dark and Light.

Magic that can heal others is almost impossible, [Healing Potions] can exist but they can take horrible side effects. Such as the next time you get hurt, it'll take even longer to heal.

Dark magic was known to be only for demons, it's what the humans thought. This magic can control other people's shadows/body or even take some of their lifespan with a ritual.

Strengths and Resources: Has good soil, trained military of soldiers and magic wielders, and a huge bringer of entertainment of arts. >[Need further info]<.

Weakness: The nobles are still greedy as ever and are prone to backstabbing anyone necessary/corruption. >[Need further info]<.


[Beastion Kingdom] - Also known as the Demi-Human Kingdom. Here resides the popular race called the demi-humans that everyone loved so much in the game, due to npcs or each character having their own cute little ears or tail.

Cannot have magic, but has fighting skills or abilities on their animal counterpart. They have their own monarchy as well, basing it off on the animal kingdom ranking.

Strengths and Resources: Has good soil and spring water, a good provider of silk and leather, the forests there are full of herbal medicinal plants, and rare exotic animals that's sold to the highest bid. >[Need further info]<.

Weakness: Has been harassed by humans a lot and has lived up to the trauma of it. They have the most slave count in the world. >[Need further info]<.


[Demilona Kingdom] - Here resides the land of the demons. They have their own way of ranking each other by strength, their monarchies only consist of the strongest demons that live. Unlike human nobility, where it's been passed on from generation to generation.

They can only do two kinds of magic, [Demon Magic] and [Dark Magic]. Their physical features are to be expected, they are either red skin colored with a pair of horn, wings, and tail on their back. It depends on their variation/kind of demon rank they are.

Strengths and Resources: The most country with rich minerals, especially gold. Its kingdom has the most fortified cities and villages. Due to their mineral trade, the kingdom is quite rich and generous to its people. >[Need further info]<

Weakness: The land's soil is not that good, limited crops and sometimes they hardly grow. Have a hard time trading because there seems to be a huge serpent living at the bottom of the sea which is the easiest trade route they have with the human kingdom. >[Need further info]<


My hands felt numb from writing too much. These are only the information on what I can remember when I played the game. I can also pinpoint all the hidden areas of the game where there were side quests with bountiful rewards but I will be needing a proper map of the world.

I've already used half of the ink from the small bottle container. I waited for the pages to dry some more and looked to my left. "Hold this- I'll go get the other pink shoes at the very back-" (Elise)

One of the maids holds up the box of the pink shoe, eyeing it curiously, "A-Are you sure that milady ordered these to be thrown out?" she tries to whisper to Elise but I could faintly hear all of it.

Elise whispers back to the maid a little loud if you ask me, "Yes! Milady did and we should continue to work." she reaches for one of the dresses at the very top of the closet.

I turn my chair to face the rustling busy maids. "Yes. I ordered for them to be thrown out." I straightened my posture facing the maid who's hands shook, almost throwing the box at Elise.

"Milady- you heard my senseless whispers- if it has angered you- please spare me-!" the maid without hesitation was about to kneel down but I dismissed her and continued to talk.

"I did not only order for them to be thrown out, they can be sold, given away, or even be burned." I explained turning my gaze at the pink jewels that were neatly tucked away in a corner. "Anything that's pink. You can have it."

She noticed my eye turning into the jewelry and was about to reach for it but hesitates. "E-Elise... surely this is a test right? I've heard some nobles do this to their staff to see if they are loyal or not? Perhaps even being indulged to the temptation of their master's belongings- we both know that milady's favorite thing of all is anything with pink!"

Elise could only shake her head, replying in a faint whisper that I obviously can hear. "M-Milady... I think she's serious."

Slowly, all their heads turn to meet mine. I raised my eyebrow, and immediately they looked away and continued to clean my closet. I spotted a few actually taking the pink gemstones that I'm sure are worth a few gold coins.

I know I could sell them myself and use the money for the start of my investment but I know Scarlett's spoiled locker has more valuable things that those pink addictions of childishness.

I ignored their trifled whispers and continued to write my plan now that my wrist has a few minutes of rest. Now where were we?

In each love interest route there is, there will be different outcomes and I die in each one of them.

The Love Interests, there are five of them. Every route will start once the Heroine enrolls into the private academy that's located in the south continent island where magic seems to be the strongest thing that resides there.

The academy was not entirely a safe place, because there were monsters from fantasies that resided in the magical forest near it. "Temaliah Academy for Magic." I wrote the name of the academy down before making the love interests list.

If recalled correctly the name of the school was in honor of some founding hero named Temaliah that caused all three countries to be at peace after a century war with one another.

Quite interesting, I'm glad that in this period of time there's not much chaos happening. "Now onto the love interests."


The [Knight Ending], Lancelot Barron.

>His history and relationship with the heroine: Childhood friends.

>His route: From the story, the Heroine gave his childhood friend the nickname "Lance".

He has an attribute for [Earth Magic], so he has been invited to join the school once the game starts. He moved away into the capital city when the both of them were only twelve, having feelings for the Heroine he promised to return and make the heroine his wife someday.

The Heroine unlocks her talent for magic and enrolls. The two meet in class, have faced obstacles having false criminal charges, protecting the crown, and fall in love to a happy ending. I was supposed to come in and be one of the obstacles, being in a shady position wanting the Heroine to die because she's been too much of an eye candy for the crown prince.

The crown prince was supposed to be my future fiancé once I hit the age of thirteen. Hmm...

I attempted to murder the Heroine, Lancelot found us.

The original villainess had been impaled by a sword into the chest, then he beheaded me in front of the Heroine.

Ending: He has been appointed as knight like what he dreamed of since he was a mere child, and lived happily ever after with the Heroine in marriage. While the villainess rotted where I last stood.


"I can remember about five or six side quests he needed to do in order to get stronger. I'm taking note if I can do the same as well." I took note of the quests for another time.

The second love interest should be...

The [Crown Prince Ending], Prince Nicholas Leonhart.

>His history and relationship with the heroine: Friends turned into lovers.

>His route: Possessing [Water Magic], heir to the throne.

From the story, they both met at the private academy. From the cliché napkin falling out of her pockets into the ground, and the prince picked it up for her resulting in some love at first sight crap.

He started pursuing her and they became friends. The original Scarlett noticed and began harassing the heroine to leave him alone, but it was useless because my supposed fiancé in the game was persevering and didn't care.

The original Scarlett was fed up with all of it and poisoned the heroine. Of course, she was caught and was hanged in death by a noose. [Route if Heroine did not survive].

[Route if the Heroine survived]: If you beat the game early and had more time to save the Heroine, the antidote was somewhere around the room. The Heroine pitied the original Scarlett and just asked for her to be in jail to reflect.

The crown prince however, didn't care and placed the original Scarlett in torture and wasn't given any food to die in famine in a single cell where she laid waste calling the crown prince's name.


I took a deep breath remembering the horrific art scene. I remember the game having a warning that it was not for the light-hearted, because they actually showed her rotten corpse and dirty pink dress covered in maggots and worms. "And if the Heroine chose this route with the crown prince. I will be that corpse that lays on the ground."

I finished writing the second one and waited for the ink to dry. Once it was dry, I continued.

The [Demon Prince Ending], Prince Quince Lennox.

>His history and relationship with the heroine: Enemies turned into lovers.

>His route: Both have the attribute for [Demon Magic] and [Dark Magic].

His route comes after being unlocked with an event with exams, with a spunky competitive personality, he thought that humans are inferior beings and that demons are better. The Heroine wanted to prove him wrong, that a human can be as good on equal footing as demons and challenged the prince of demons on the exam.

The player was met with puzzles and questions on his route. It was tiring, but everyone wanted him because he's a hot demon. I only did his route because I have no life before and it was worth it. If the player fails the route will redo again from the start. If the player wins, the Demon Prince will act like a tsundere and force the words, "Humans and Demons are equals... I guess." with a reddened face.

After that the prince of demons wanted to learn more about the Heroine, he loathed her and swore for revenge for the exam but after getting to know her better. He was slowly falling in love. He was also a huge troublemaker breaking many rules and keeping unwanted attention on him. He just keeps getting out of detention because he's a prince.

The hardships will come to their demon family suddenly visiting, Prince Quince's older brother actually planned to hurt the heroine and Scarlett joined in on the plan. Prince Quince unlocks his true demon form, he kills Scarlett and his brother.

Scarlett and Prince Quince's brother have been clawed to death.


"Ugh... note to self. Never join any plans on hurting the heroine." I wait for the ink to dry again and move onto the next page. I kept glancing at the maids working excitedly organizing all my possessions that's been tainted with pink. I could see them being tired, their bodies looking like they're about to give out.

I roll my eyes. "All of you. Out and come back once you're done fixing yourselves up. All of you look unsightly, drink some water and eat before I result in punishing you."

They all turn to me in confusion all afraid to speak up. Elise however curiously asked, "But milady- uh isn't your wardrobe the most important thing in the world for you?"

I scoff, that wardrobe means nothing to me now. I am not the original Scarlett and I don't plan on following her footsteps in this lifetime. "No, I don't care for such things anymore. I care about what my eyes see, and I see maids that need their complexion fixed. All of you rest and come back only when you are well." I replied looking irritated.

"Is it just me- or is she being... awfully kind to us-"

"Perhaps the cold got to her head?"

"Or is milady not herself?"

For each sentence a nerve formed in my forehead, "For the love of- I hear all of your whispers!" I yelled at them and they cower in a corner. "If you feel so inclined, continue working without a break. Then be my guest." I told them. I crossed my legs facing the desk once more. They shook their heads so quickly.

"T-Thank you milady! We'll go ahead and take our break! Come on you guys-"

The nerve of some people. They all scurried off in one line looking flustered. I moved to the dry page and began writing the next love interest... "Ugh." I groaned remembering who it was.


The [Forbidden Love Ending], Sawyer De Chevalier.

Also known as Scarlett's big brother in the game. That's why his route was considered forbidden.

>His history and relationship with the heroine: A cold person, melted heart by the Heroine.

>His route: Has the attribute for [Air Magic].

The two met when Scarlett was harassing the Heroine at the entrance ceremony. The brother not being fond of Scarlett saved her because Sawyer loathed Scarlett from a past conflict inside their household.

He stood cold and unmoving. When the Heroine came to thank him, he refused to do any contact after. Heroine being sad, saw an injured cat and healed it. Sawyer saw this act of kindness and wanted to know more about her. Slowly the cold boy's heart melted and was reciprocating the Heroine's kind advances.

Scarlett didn't care for her brother and only the crown prince. However, she also refused to have the heroine as her sister-in-law so she planned for murder. That is pushing her off the stairs at the school. Someone warned Sawyer about it and rushed to save the Heroine and ended up catching her in an embrace.

Scarlett was exiled out of their family and became homeless. A commoner, having no knowledge and having pride on not wanting to work.

She died due to an unexpected robbery that got her killed in an alleyway and ended up being defiled by those people.

"And that would be me if I don't reconcile with my brother. I have to mend our broken relationship sometime soon." I wrote it in the journal with a firm nod.

The last one should be the hardest route recorded according to players.


The [Beastion Ambassador Ending], Sir Flint Dobbernosh.

>His history and relationship with the heroine: Business Partners turned into Lovers.

>His route: Has his Beast Skill of a Dog. Specifically a Husky.

The cool and charming diplomat of the Beastion Kingdom. He's the type to curry favor and only make friends in high places but keeping ones below him at an accurate distance. He kept the Heroine at a safe distance as well, being good friends. The players needed to create a good reputation on the school in order to unlock his route.

It. Was. Hard.

The man was a complete sadist, one level after another he kept blocking the Heroine until the very 10th try only then he'll let you close. Then he looks up to you as a respectable social climber for the game and also needed you to be popular with other students.

He always wore a hat to hide his dog ears because he knew what kind of effect it does on some humans. He hated being patted, but for the Heroine, when she touched his ears is where his feelings softened.

The Heroine was being popular so Scarlett wanted to kill her as well on this route. The Ambassador saw me with a knife close into plunging the Heroine and had the guards to arrest me where-

The original Scarlett was sentenced to death by the guillotine, her head could be seen rolling in the ground when the execution happened. It's the Beastion Kingdom's punishment for anyone who dared harming someone.


"Note to self, this last love interest, though aggressive, if I can get him as my ally he'll be a perfect diplomatic partner and I can make way for some trade routes open with the kingdom." I wrote it down and sighed in satisfaction with the report that I made and waited for the ink to dry.

My foot tapped while I waited, the maids are still not coming back. Perhaps they are taking their time off to gossip and drink tea while they're at it but it's no matter.

I need a good plan to not get swept into all the routes or have another plan if the original Scarlett comes claiming its body again. "Then again I have her memories- so maybe we did fuse souls." I can't place a proper theory to this yet. I have to be careful.

The last person I should make a report about is- "The Heroine."

The [Heroine], Charlotte Gaimbert.

My hands moved towards the paper and began writing in a swift pace.

"Really adorable, obviously the best girl of all main characters there are..." I wrote it down into the journal absentmindedly. "She likes animals and healing people. Would do anything for a sweet treat and has the best smile model character in the game. If I remember correctly she's also fond of children and in one game scene she made a little girl stop crying with her magic."

I dipped the feather into the ink and stopped. "Ah." I took a look at my notes and grimaced.

I couldn't help myself from hitting my forehead in disbelief. What am I doing?!

All I've written seemed like a list of what I like about the heroine. "And that's a problem. I've clearly been charmed by the heroine halo just by writing what she's like." I should discuss what kind of a person she is instead and what weakness could she have that I can counter attack with.

That's right, she possesses the power of [Light Magic] one of the rarest magic in the world. For there is no magic that can heal others and this magic will only possess roughly about two or three people in the world.

Her family wasn't given, nor her background, all we knew is that she really has a likable personality that makes you want to protect every fiber of her being. Such a powerful Heroine Halo.

"Her attribute made her a target by all the kingdoms but she has strong allies that can protect her thanks to the Heroine charm. She can also protect herself." I remember her charming every player that bought the game.

I laughed recalling the times the game made my wallet spit out flies and decided that would be enough for today.

Right speaking of which, The Villainess's magical attribute. "My attribute."

I don't have any, that's why Scarlett was in a fit of rage and rebelled having the talk of all the other nobility, for a noble to have no magic is a disgrace.

After all, Scarlett's family was in a military family that served the king.

In the game, she didn't use any magic to kill the Heroine herself... nor hired anyone else because she wanted to feel the blood by herself. I was lost in thought on what I should do regarding that. If I want to survive I need to have some sort of leverage.

Scarlett only got into that fancy magic school because she asked Daddy dearest to be put in there. "The original Scarlett was problematic I suppose."

There was a certain age that magic would awaken in a person. It needs some sort of trigger before it can come on, there are late bloomers but is Scarlett a late bloomer or she just doesn't have any at all?



My head turned to the voice and saw Elise who was holding a metal tray. I could see a small steam coming out on one of the cups and smell freshly baked biscuits. "Elise, what do you have there?" I ask them closing the covers of the journal and place it into the side.

Elise smiles warmly, placing down the tray. "Milady was working hard on studying. I wondered if you were famished?" She takes the cup and pours tea in it.

Those cookies do look rather fetching...

I coughed reaching out to take a biscuit. "I am not that hungry but I am a bit peckish." I looked away while I ate the biscuit in contemplation. "T-Thank you. It's quite decent." I muttered out and continued to devour the little biscuit.

For some reason I couldn't tell her completely that it was good- my theory is because some part of Scarlett was still with me, lingering.

"Y-You've really changed milady." she said, holding her chest and covering her mouth in a panic and fear. My stomach churned with how she looked at me, like I was some animal about to pounce on her to die. "Of course erm- milady is still a good girl-" I stop her there.

"Elise, you don't need to lie." I replied to her finishing the biscuit and took the tea in my hands. The tea leaves danced with the waves of the warm water. "I am well aware of how I've been these past years and how I've treated others. I've had some time to reflect and I will change my ways from now on."

Elise blinks in shock and I purse my lip. I am not the real Scarlett but I have her body, those that she's hurt before.

They deserve an apology, they do. I got my mind ready for the right words to say and faced Elise, "It doesn't make up for all the horrible things I've committed but I apologize for... hurting you and the other maids. I took your kindness for granted, and I will not abuse it. No more of that I assure you."

The maid curiously puts her hand on my forehead, but this time with no fear in her eyes and smiles. "You don't seem to be sick and for milady to say something so... different and genuine. Hmm..." she let go, for a brief moment my eyes looked up to her hands, I saw that her wrists had bruises that clips of memories suddenly flashed in my eyes.

"Those bruises on your wrist. I did that right?" I told her and she hides it with her sleeves.

"No milady this is a different matter. I got this from cleaning." she lied but... I did that? The original Scarlett did- but I have to get used to saying its me.

I glared at her wrist and grabbed her hand. "Let's go fix it. I want it to be better."

Elise was suddenly dragged by a small girl who was rushing in the halls, pleading to stop. "Milady- this will heal- you need not to worry. You don't have to-" I glared at her and scowled.

"I have to. If you don't get this treated how will you carry me my biscuits and tea? I'll have to punish you for not taking care of yourself." I told Elise, the middle aged woman was weak and followed me for the fear of getting punished but she's smiling so perhaps I'm wrong?

"Thank you, milady." she told me and I yanked her hands roughly, one that doesn't have the bruise of course.

"I did this to you and you dare thank me. I do not deserve it." I tell her and my eyes get clouded by judgements of myself.

Having Scarlett's body will be a pain with the people I've hurt before but I don't plan on dying and I plan on making amends to anyone that might come back for revenge. That's all it is, this is not a kind gesture.

We found the family doctor and I brought her there. Scarlett would often get hurt and by this time I have her memory of this route. I dragged Elise who followed quietly and asked the doctor to fix her bruises.

The doctor eyed me with distaste but saw Elise was hurt indeed and immediately got into action.

After some ointments and bandages I frowned to see that she has to wear such a thing.

I... no- the original Scarlett was a bitch. Elise must've seen me frowning because the next thing I know her hand is on my hair, patting gently. "Milady, are you upset?" she asks and I remove her hand gently from my head.

"Yes. I am, what of it?"

"Is it because of-" she turns to her bandaged hand with a little worried glance. She places her hands in front with contempt. "The wound, milady?"

I only got more upset after that. "Yes but I can't give much reason why because I don't understand it well either."

"Will her highness be more happy if I present you with sweets?" (Elise) offers and I was tempted.

I nodded quietly and Elise stood by my side grinning in silence as we headed to the kitchen together.