
The Evil Scientist Is Troubled by a Yandere Hero Stalking Him

"Shino, a male mad scientist affiliated with the Earth-invading group 'Black Galaxy,' is attacked by a monster and rescued by Hinata, a male hero. Shino finds himself unilaterally admired and pursued by Hinata. While concealing his profession as a mad scientist, Shino maintains a friendship with Hinata. However, as time goes on, Shino finds it increasingly difficult to keep his occupation a secret from Hinata..."

Hasta96 · LGBT+
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1 Chs

"Title: I Caught the Treacherous Scientist, So I Will Interrogate Him Through Torture"

Dark![lab_cyberpunk](https://gcdnb.pbrd.co/images/7zTVBOlYIJXm.png?o=1) underground hideout.

This is the headquarters of Oscar, an organization of justice that fights against evil.

Two men were present there.

'Why did you betray us?'

One of the men was a boy of about high school age.

A youth with black hair and determined eyes.

He glared at the man in front of him with eyes full of resentment.

With a click, he readjusted the grip of the gun in his left hand.

In his hand was a carbon fiber plasma stunner.

The other man was a male of about twenty years old.

With silver hair, glasses, and wearing a white coat, he was restrained to a metallic chair.

His hair was disheveled, and his body was covered in wounds.

Yet, he looked up at the boy glaring at him with ease and smiled.

'Did you truly believe I ever considered myself friends with you?'

And with a mocking tone, he spat out the words.

Wearing a smirk, he lifted his lips, revealing bleeding cuts at the corners as he laughed derisively.