
The Evil King & Forced Queen

Adrianna_Renee · Masa Muda
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: A Deal is to be made

Anna passed out in a strangers home.

Rick went home and suddenly found the sorceress inside his home unconscious. He smiled and tied her hands together with rope and soon Anna woke up struggling.

"Well well well, aren't you a rare gem.... who knew you would wander into my home" He smiled

Anna glared "when I vanished it teleported me here... I don't know why... but I did.. please do not take me back to Adam, please I cannot" Anna stood up and pleaded to him. She looked down and touched his hand.

"Why are you in a hurry to get back to your love" he smirked mocking Anna.

She closed her eyes as the gem upon her head glowed.

~The Vision~

Rick sat upon the thrown giving gold to the poor. While he sat on the throne while Adams head rested in a jar near the throne as a prize...

~The Present~

Anna opened her eyes and Rick stood back as he panicked "what the hell did you just do?" He exclaimed.

"I can.. see bits of the future... I saw you on the throne with your brothers head on a table. You gave gold to the poor" Anna explained and backed away.

Rick smiled then grabbed her wrist and cut the rope.

"You hate my brother as much as I do apparently now... will you help me. I need you, plus I can give you a home" Rick extended his hand to Anna. She looked at him.

"As much as I hate your brother, I know he will find me then you will lose your leverage. I cant be seen with either of you. He wants to use me to see his future enemies to help him win in battle. You want to use me against him. I am nothing more than a pawn" Anna then walked to the door only to be greeted by a huge black dragon. She gasped as he tried to grab her with his arms. She then began to run away, but soon it grabbed her and held her close it. She looked down seeing Rick get smaller and smaller. "Help.." she whispered and saw the height distance she was at and passed out due to being too high in the sky.


Turning into my dragon form as I am pissed that my sorceress got away and my brother was able to distract me from my actual duties. I seek out my sorceress. Her scent in the air. I land at a home and there I see her leaving it, my brother inside. My blood boils at the thought of them in the same room. I scooped her up and held her tightly in my grasp holding her to my chest. I fly back to my palace.

I realize she is passed out due to the altitude I am flying plus she wasn't struggling. I finally reach my palace landing at the top of it as I turn back human and glare at her as she slowly wakes up and tries to run. Where my guards hold her in place.

"You thought you could leave me? Escape me? If you ever do, know I will find you and you will live to regret it my sweet. What were you doing with my brother!" Losing my temper as I speak.

She remained silent.

My patience wearing thin. I grab her face roughly and lightly press iron to her neck. Knowing it would slightly burn her.

She winced staying silent until she yelped and I stopped.

"When I vanished from here using dark magic, it teleported me to his house. I don't know why.. I haven't never seen him nor been to his house. It just happened. Please stop" The sorceress explained panting.

I release her face and back away. "This dark magic.. can you control it?" I walk to my throne and sit there.

"If I could do you think I would've ended up at your brothers home?!" She raised her voice.

"Tell me about this dark magic then" I demanded

"I.. I cant.. this magic is beyond my nature, my rights. It goes against everything I and my people stood for. If I use it, it has a chance of killing me. I was bleeding from my nose to get away from you. If I do anything bigger and more often. I will end up dead as a thief. " the sorceress looked down.

I wave my hand. The guards release her.

"You will be my Sorceress, you will, sit with me on the throne beside me or at my feet worshiping me. You will help me to my victories. " I explained as she slowly sighed and made her way to me.

"I will treat you as you treat me. You will be treated like royalty. NO ONE IS TO TOUCH YOU. You will have anything you desire. You will be under watch. You will sleep in my chamber or another chamber. You may call me, Adam in here, but out to the public you will address me as my Lord, My emperor, My king. Is this clear" I stand up and walk towards her.

She kneels. "Yes Emperor"

"Your name.." I question

"Anna" she spoke low.

"My sweet Anna, your life is just beginning" I smile