
Master Captain Tournament

A few days had passed since the encounter with Fumetsu

A tournament that is held once a year called The MC Tournament is a world wide tournament that all Master Captains attend

The day had just passed dawn and Takono, Seiya and Prince met up to discuss Fumetsu and the tournament

Takono: So Seiya are you prepared for the tourney

Prince: You need to because you have no choice but to participate

Seiya: Listen, I will not be participating in something that is pointless

Prince: That's the thing it's not pointless

Takono: The annual Tournament is held to see what Master Captain will become the next head leader

Seiya: Well if I have to participate I'm going to destroy everyone I go against and sleep after

Takono: If that's the case, you might need to go out and train

Seiya: Nah I'm good, I will rest though

Seiya leaves the office

Prince: Rest up and we will get up early tomorrow

Takono and Prince leaves and goes home

Takono says to himself

Takono: I will figure out a way to beat Fumetsu

Takono: I have to for my family, friends, and the race of HUMANITY!

The next day…..

The sunrises and Prince wakes up and walks to Seiya room

Prince: Wake up Seiya we will train now

Seiya: Fine I'll be up in a minute

Prince walks to Takono room and doesn't see him there

Prince(Mind): Where did he go?

Prince walks downstairs and walks out to the training ground and see Takono hands bleeding and him constantly punching a log

Prince: Ta-….. Takono

Takono turns around with tears in his eyes

Takono smiles

Takono: Hey Prince!

Prince: How long have you been out here for?

Takono: Maybe 2-3 Hours

Prince: Why?

Takono: When the times come I will need to protect humanity from Fumetsu

Takono: And I need to push myself to be able to beat him

Seiya walks downstairs with a white towel on his shoulder

Seiya: I'm ready

Prince: Well listen up

Prince: The tournament is on Saturday and there are 4 events that last the entire weekend

Takono: Friday is the festival day and Friday night is a party

Prince: Saturday day is the warmup and Saturday afternoon is The tournament

Prince: Then Sunday the Leaders will meet for the annual Leaders meeting

Seiya: Isn't the tournament this weekend?

Prince: Yes it is and you need to train for it

Seiya: Bring it!

A few hours later…..

Prince: Great training today tomorrow we head out to go to Nishita village and then from there we will travel to the festival

Seiya: Well good night

Takono: See you guys tomorrow

Everyone goes into there rooms and takes showers then heads to bed

The next morning…..

Seiya and Prince wakes up at sunrise and they both walks to the kitchen

Prince: Where is Takono?

Seiya: I was going to ask you the same thing?

Prince: I'll be right back

Prince walks to the training ground again and sees Takono doing push-ups

Takono: 497, 498, 499, 500!

He gets up sweating like he was drenched in rain

Takono: Hey Prince I see you are woke

He grabs his ribs

Prince: Your pushing your body to much

Takono: I'm fine

Prince: You are not, I'm no doctor but you muscles has to be torn in your stomach

Takono: I'll be alright

Prince: Head to the infirmary and meet us at the main gate

Takono: Fine

He heads for the infirmary

A few minutes later

The three meets at the gate and Takono is wearing a white bandage around his chest and stomach

Takono: We left Kikazu in charge

Prince: Yeah he is the only high ranking member as he is a Captain

Seiya: Let's get moving before sunset

To be continued...