
The Eternal Traveler: A Journey through Twilight and Beyond

Ethan Hunt, a normal person suddenly gets an opportunity to travel to different worlds, starting with the world of 'Twilight.'. Not only does he discover that he now possesses immortality, but he also has the incredible power to copy other people's abilities. With his newfound abilities, Ethan must navigate the challenges and adventures that await him in this Twilight world and beyond. What should you expect from this fanfiction? 1) MC will have a system. Though the system won't have any type of consciousness. It will be more like an information interface that will summarize MC's abilities and their level. There system will not give any quests or rewards to the MC. Basically MC will not be a slave to the system as system will not direct what he should or shouldn't do. (I hope you are clear about this point.) 2) I have not yet decided whether the fanfiction should contain whether Romance or Harem. We will have a vote about this in future chapters. 3) MC will be a Chaotic Neutral person. A chaotic neutral person follows his whims. He is an individualist first and last. He values his own liberty but doesn't strive to protect others' freedom. Of course this applies only to the people who are strangers to him. MC won't hesitate a bit to protect his loved ones. 4) The starting world will be 'Twilight'. I will update you guys, the list of the other worlds in the future chapters. The 'Twilight' world will last for at least 120 chapters, though it may also extend beyond that. I know 120 chapters is quite a lot, but this world is the starting world of our MC as it will shape his personality and his future purview. So please be patient and read it all the way. 5) English can be considered as my third language so I will use the Chat GPT in order to improve the grammar of my fanfiction thus making it interesting and easy for the readers to understand. However if the readers find it to be troublesome or problematic to read then please communicate it to me through the chapter comments. Chat GPT can make the conversations quite robotic, so I will try not to let it affect the conversations between the characters. 6) Lastly, the MC won't be a bystander in the plot of the world. He will actively try to interfere in the plot and won't be afraid to change the plot. Well if you wanted to read the same plot over and again, you could have watched the movies instead of coming here to read my fanfiction. Hope you guys are okay with it. Also the fanfiction will contain quite a few OC's. Moreover each chapter will have a bare minimum of 1000 words and it can go beyond that. I guess this could be considered quite a detailed description of my fanfiction. Please bear with me and enjoy your read. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I own nothing except the main character of the book. The Twilight and the upcoming worlds to which the MC would travel to belong to their respective creators. Also the cover page is not mine. If the owner of the cover page wants it to be taken down, then it can be done. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For 5+ advance chapters visit my patreon. patreon.com/StoryTeller229

Story_Teller_229 · Komik
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33 Chs

20. Escape

'.....'= Thoughts 

"....."= Conversations 


(*Gore warning*)

It didn't take long for the masked men to gain their bearings. They quickly removed the muskets from their straps and holding them into their hands, they slowly walked towards Ethan and their leader.

Ethan who had flown out of the carriage along with the leader, due to being unable to control his newly gained strength, slowly stood up.

He looked at the leader growling and screaming in pain with his entire left shoulder crushed brutally.

Ethan looked at the leader and then removed his mask slowly, hoping that he wouldn't twist or crush the leader's face mistakenly.

He didn't want to kill the leader that quickly, but currently the situation was not in his favour as he had to run far away from here so that Eliza and the other wouldn't be able to track him.

Ethan calmed himself down as he tried to not lose himself due to the grievances he had towards the leader of the kidnappers.

He then gave a quick look to the leader and without any hesitation he steeped on his legs, brutally crushing the bones present in it. The leader's scream intensified upon such a cruel act of Ethan.

Ethan didn't mind and then turned towards the approaching masked men who had already aimed their muskets at him.

Ethan smirked as he knew that these muskets wouldn't even pierce his body. After copying Victor's ability he got an exact indea of how strong his current self was after the appropriate information was inserted in his brain regarding the newly acquired ability. Though that didn't mean that he would have a perfect control over it. In order to use bus strength effectively Ethan knew that he had to spend quite a time in training himself.

The masked men hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to proceed as they witnessed Ethan's brutal display of strength. But before they could react, Ethan lunged at them with lightning speed, his strength-enhanced muscles propelling him forward with frightening force.

He ripped the muskets from their hands as if they were made of paper, the metal bending and splintering under his powerful grip. With a swift and calculated movement, he struck them with such force that their bodies were flung across the area, crashing into the trees with bone-shattering impacts.

Their screams echoed through the building, but Ethan remained unfazed as he advanced on them, his eyes glinting with an almost animalistic intensity. He was a predator, and they were his helpless prey.

The men scrambled to their feet, desperate to defend themselves against this inhuman force that was tearing through their ranks. They fired their remaining weapons at him, but the bullets merely bounced off his skin like raindrops on a stone. Ethan barely even flinched, his expression twisted into a feral snarl as he closed the distance between himself and his attackers.

One by one, he effortlessly overpowered them, each blow like a sledgehammer against their bodies. Bones snapped, flesh tore, and blood sprayed in violent arcs as he unleashed his unstoppable rage upon them. The area filled with the grotesque sound of flesh being rent asunder, a sickening symphony of carnage and destruction.

When the last of the masked men lay broken and motionless at his feet, Ethan turned his attention back to the leader. The man was sprawled on the ground, his face twisted in agony and fear as he gazed up at the monster that stood before him.

Ethan's lips curled into a sneer as he approached the leader of the kidnappers.

Without a word, Ethan grabbed the leader by the throat, lifting him effortlessly off the ground. The man gasped and struggled in vain, his hands clawing at Ethan's inhuman grip as he fought for breath.

With a savage growl, Ethan slammed the leader back down onto the ground, the impact jarring his already broken body. The man's screams pierced the air, but Ethan paid them no heed as he unleashed a relentless barrage of kicks and blows upon his helpless victim.

Each strike was an explosion of pain, a punishment for the sins that the leader had committed. Ethan's every movement was fueled by an overwhelming fury.

The leader's pleading cries fell on deaf ears as Ethan unleashed his full, terrifying strength upon him. Bones shattered, organs ruptured, and blood flowed like a crimson river as the leader's body was ruthlessly battered and broken.

And when Ethan was finally finished, when the leader lay nothing more than a mangled and lifeless heap, he stood amidst the wreckage of his violence. His chest rose and fell with each ragged breath, his eyes still burning with the primal fire of his inhuman rage.

He looked at the sky and screamed with all his might letting out the pent up rage and helplessness he had felt over the days of imprisonment and torture.

As the echoes of his scream faded into the night, Ethan quickly walked towards the nearby lake, his body covered in the masked men's blood and the stench of death. With slightly trembling hands, he began to remove his clothes, the fabric stained with the evidence of his brutal retribution. Each article of clothing fell to the ground, leaving him standing naked and exposed in the moonlight.

The lake water looked inviting, shining and purifying. Ethan hesitantly stepped in, feeling the cold water surrounding his body. The dark water surrounded him, reflecting the moonlight. He dipped beneath the waves, the cold biting into his skin as he scrubbed at the blood that clung to his body. His hands moved with urgency, as he didn't want to waste any more time. He scrubbed until his skin was raw and his muscles ached, until the water around him turned a sickly shade of crimson.

When he finally emerged from the lake, he felt reborn. The blood was gone, the evidence of his savagery washed away by the cleansing waters. He stood on the shore, the night air chilling his wet skin, and breathed deeply, trying to calm the storm raging within him.

Determined to put as much distance between himself and the vampires as possible, Ethan set off into the night, his powerful strides taking him far and fast. Sometimes he would crash into trees due to being unable to control his speed. But after crashing a few times he was slowly getting the hang of his strength and did his best to to rush deep into the forest as quickly as possible.

The trees blurred past him as he ran, his heart pounding in his chest and his breath coming in ragged gasps. No, he wasn't tired; he was too damned happy for regaining his freedom.


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