
Do It Again It'll Be Fine I Promise

I was a fool to believe I could ever have peace and freedom. I had never been given it before, so why start now?

I looked at the pure white being, its face blurry and unrecognizable. I tried to open my mouth and speak but there was no sound. I tried to move but I had no limbs.

"It's an astral form that you now wield, you lack the experience to move one" {Unknown}

A clear male voice sounded in my head. I was surprised but couldn't show it. So instead I attempted to speak as well. Again I failed. I internally (externally?) scowled and looked the man up and down.

He was a different form of white energy from the room with a yellow form outline. He was the epitome of abstract.

"This little show you put on for me these past few billion years was extremely entertaining for me. So let's try it again shall we? Astaros Systin." {Unknown}

My world spun as I began to regain form while stars and galaxies flew by. Bone cracked and fused together. Muscle and sinew then layered it as my organs and flesh returned to their rightful places. My skin returned pale and pristine as ever. Liquid swirled as the whites of my eyes reformed and my silver irises reformed. I was again reborn.

My short tour of the stars ended as I opened my eyes for the umpteenth time. Light filtered in through the trees as the dust settled around me. I was in a forest covered with brown rags that could roughly be called clothes. In an instant I snapped out of my stupor and stood. I began checking myself over looking to see if I had changed in some way, finally ending by checking to see if my sword was still there. My rod of mankind was exactly as I left it. I sighed in relief and began surveying my area. Spruce and what I thought to be oak trees stood tall and proud. Small shrubs and bushes dotted the area with the occasional rustle signifying the existence of life. However before I could check anything else I stopped.

I had been flexing my muscles to check their functionality from the feet up. And there was something in my chest attached to my sternum. I raised my hand and checked the point of interest. It felt like a small bead. Looking down my shirt my silver eyes zeroed in on the sight of a red glow that was coming from under my skin. It was obvious I couldn't investigate it now as I lacked the tools and sterile space. I began to check my clothes which seemed to be the only thing that had changed. I then began to check my memories. I was exactly as I was before. Astaros Systin, the only thing I had been handed by life. My name was the only thing I had from beginning to end.

Now that I was sure I was okay I began to move, and instead of running about, I began to climb a tree. Branch by branch I went up till I had reached the top. I was about forty-five feet off the ground. My hand grasped the tree crushing into its grey brown bark with my fingers as I looked around. Mountains loomed into the distance as the forest stretched for miles around. However about four or so miles off there was a river.

I began to plan as I looked upon the world I had been thrust into.

'So I need food, water and shel-HMPT.' {Astaros}

My grip on the trunk tightened and my free hand grabbed my head. Piercing pain filled my head as I refused to grunt in pain and alert the world to my presence. A robotic voice sounded out in my mind breaking through the pain and silence that now flowed throughout me.

'Damage Core Status: Initializing' {Unknown}

'Beginning information reception process'

Realizing I was about to have a problem I gripped the tree, my fingers smashing through the bark and into the wood behind it. The glowing red bead began to revolve in my chest.

'Shit' {Astaros}

I thought as Information began to flow into my mind. My breathing became ragged and my breath hot. The vision that had analyzed miles of land in a second now blurred and swam.

Then the pain suddenly lifted and my body instantly snapped back from the intense pain. I began to come down as the information I had settled.

This world's name was Telos and had only one large continent. It was ruled by a pantheon of goddesses who created 7 sentient races. The first being the Dragons which ruled the frozen. north. The second were known as the Beast-men who ruled the forested south. The third was the Elves who ruled the continental center. The fourth Humans who ruled the plains filled west. The fifth, Demons who ruled the darkened east. In the depths dwelled the Merkin. And finally the Angels who lived upon floating Islands. It was your classic sword and fantasy world.

Now that the pain had passed I began to grin. I now knew where I was and what my new goal was. Before I was to fight for my life and the people in it. Now run around and do what? Nothing. The best part? Not one living thing knew I was here. I was completely free from everyone and to add onto it I had been given the power to protect said freedom.

And so it begins

Blue_Robincreators' thoughts