
The Eternal Battlefield

[A dynamic plane of war, existing for aeons is now in the process of devouring your planet!] [Welcome to the Eternal Battlefield!] [It is a place where extinction is frequent and technology can dissolve stars, a complete battle zone where you must kill to gain levels and skills.] [You have been identified as a human, a non-mana based being. Starting enhancement process...] [Process complete you are now Lv. 0 human (No class)] [Enter human. I wish you good luck] . . . [You will need it...] _____ Summary: Noah and Alice are childhood sweethearts that have been separated for years due to circumstances. In a dramatic reunion the two discover a new world called ‘The Eternal Battlefield’. Living up to its name, this game like world isn’t as peaceful as it seems. Under the skills, magic, monsters and dungeons is the fight for survival of the human race. Currently on volume 1 [Protected Zone]

GoldSoul · Fantasi
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140 Chs

"F*** Off"

In class, Alice had her head down trying to rest. They had only travelled for two days in the Eternal Battlefield but the mental toll was building up. Constantly sitting on a horse and fighting monsters all day long, she would be so tired that she would immediately fall asleep by the time they set camp.

Now waking up and going to school after all of that, even though it wasn't the same physical body. It was the same mind. If Noah hadn't woken her up today she would have slept in till the afternoon.

She turned her head and looked at Noah whose fingers were dancing as he searced something onto his laptop. He looked perfectly fine, rather he looked even better than normal, his skin even glowing.

'How is that even possible? Does he not need rest?'


While Alice pondered whether Noah was actually human, Noah was currently going through all the new information online about the Eternal Battlefield. Now that a 100,000 had entered it the number of people posting about it had increased. The posts were from all parts of the world, most of them asking questions.

Many long threads of discussion had appeared in the last three days of people talking about which city they appeared in and the types of monsters they met. They discussed strategies deciding what the best weapon was. A few who were close to each other talked about meeting up.

Noah memorized all the towns and cities the people mentioned, From what he saw most people had appeared in cities after that, it was the towns close to cities and then to the towns far at the outskirts like BlueCloud, the place where they had been transported.

Going through as much as he could, he didn't find any posts of people appearing in GreenCloud town the place where they had been travelling.

Not willing to take the risk Noah decided that he had to start wearing a mask to hide his identity. He could already see that in the next few months people would be finding each other on earth, and threatening each other to give up items in the Eternal Battlefield.

He was sure that crimerate would increase when people were sure they wouldn't completely die on earth, as they would continue to live in the Eternal battlefield.

His face could be easily recognised, so if someone posted about his location online, he didn't want to be pursued by haters and fans. Worst then them would be criminals who would try to threaten him into giving them money on earth. As a heir to a multi-trillion dollar company, he was sure everyone would like to have a piece of him.


Alice and Noah walked out of class. Now all the students looked at both of them leaving together. Yesterday after hearing that both of them were engaged had sent the whole school to a frenzy.

Yesterday's gossip catalysed the spread of Noah's presence in the school. Almost everyone at school knew which class he was in.

A crowd of people were already waiting outside the classroom. They seemed to be from all grades. Screeches filled the hall as people pushed and pulled, to take photos of Noah.

"If any of my photos are found on social media, your account will be not only be locked you will soon be contacted by my lawyers. Please don't post anything online." Noah declared loudly pulling Alice along out of the crowd.

"What is happening here!" A teacher said seeing the hallway crowded and blocked. "All of you go to your classes!"

"Wait Noah, can I have your numbers?!" Noah didn't look back and started running away with Alice.

The teacher roared again, "Back to class! Or I will minus 5% from your final English exam."

The students hearing the threat slowly dispersed.

The classes went by, the school was still being investigated, so many classes were compromised and were spent looking at information about the Eternal Battlefield. While doing this Noah was texting Mike on his phone. He had found out that Mike was in the same class as Alice when she first transferred here.

As Alice used his laptop Noah texted Mike, [I heard that there were some rumours about Alice?]

[There were, but they're fake.]

[Does everyone know that?]

[Most of the guys know they're fake, as for the girls some believed them some didn't.]

[What about the teachers?]

[They... might have thought they were true.]

[How did they start?] Noah looked up to see Alice was still busy.

[What happened was Vince Fender had been trying to get close with Alice after she had gotten on Polara's bad side. Polara somehow got a photo of Vince returning the money he borrowed to Alice. With some blurring and editing, she then spread the photo everywhere saying Alice was an orphan earning money by selling her body. Most of the guys recognised Vince and knew everything she said was fake. But things got dirty when Vince started denying it was him.]

[Do you know why he denied it?]

[Polara had been gunning for him at the time, and I think he had been delaying his answer to her confession and was running out of excuses to delay any further, so he used Alice as an excuse. Polara stopped buzzing around him and started going super mean girl on Alice.]

[Why didn't anyone do anything?] This was something he wanted to know for a while. After not getting an answer, he put his phone down]

"Noah, this is a post from people in PurpleCloud Town, aren't we going teleport there after getting to GreenCloud Town?"

Noah changed his attention to the post. There seemed to be a lot of people in PurpleCloud Town it was the town closest to RoyalCloud City the destination of their journey,

From the looks of it, PurpleCloud Town had a lot more shops and residents of the Eternal World living in it. It was actually a stopping point for caravans and merchants so it constantly had new items available.

Noah's phone buzzed. He picked it up and saw it was a message from Mike.

[Everyone avoids getting involved with Polara after she had guys who tried to stop her once get expelled from school.]

Then he sent another message.

[I do know that around a year and a half ago, that the school couldn't ignore Polara after the media started talking about everything she'd done. When they were investigating, a bunch of people had spoken up about Polara anonymously. But she was only suspended for a while, which she spent partying in another country.]

Noah put down his phone and focused on Alice.


During break, Noah and Alice changed place and sat on a bench on the school ground.

"Are we really sitting here?" Alice preferred the school roof where they were alone. Sitting so out in the open with so many people made her uncomfortable.

Seeing the two eat, a girl came forward and asked, "Are you two really going out?"

"We are." Noah simply answered he knew she was the first of many more.

Eeehhhh! The girl ran to her friends who were standing further away.

"Won't this get disturbing, we should change places," Alice said.

"I think a change of pace is good," He wasn't the biggest fan of having people come and disturb him, but he had been dreaming of the moment where he could spend time with Alice in public. He wanted everyone to know she was his. Alice wouldn't like him posting it on social media so the least he wanted to do was walk around the school while holding hands.

"Umm... excuse me, can I have your number?" A girl asked.

"Sure," Noah answered. Most people just wanted his number just for conversation and being able to say they had his number. Other than saying hello they wouldn't message him. So giving his number wasn't a big deal, plus with how much he changed phones, he would change numbers as well, so after a while, the number he was currently using wouldn't even work.

The girl then turned to Alice giving her phone to her. Alice took the phone wondering why she was given it.

Noah seeing Alice just blankly staring, laughed, "I think she wants your number as well."

"oh!" Alice typed her number and then gave the phone back.

"Thank you! Do you have any accounts that I can follow?" The girl looked at Alice as she asked. Feeling like that she left Noah out, she turned to him saying, "Just so you know, I'm already following you on everything."

"I do..." Alice started conversing with the girl. Noah sitting at the side suddenly felt so proud. 'Could this be the beginning of a friendship?'

Seeing someone in the school building he turned to look back. On the second floor, two girls stood staring out the window looking in his direction. But they weren't looking at him they were looking at Alice talking to the girl.

'Oh? Look who finally showed up.' It was Polara, the leader of the group that bullied Alice. She was the girl that mainly instigated the bullying. With her was another girl who was part of the posse who followed her around.


Polara watched Alice smile and talk, and couldn't feel worse. "Amanda why the F**k is she able to smile? After she ran away last time, she made us waste our time outside her house for four hours, then disappeared for a week. She finally comes back and she's now popular because her dead parents engaged her to some rich dude?"

Amanda nodded as she looked towards Noah and saw him looking towards her.

"No way! He's looking in our direction!"

Polara made eye contact with Noah felt her body heat up, "How can he be so hot? I need to make him mine or at least have him break up with Alice." She waved her hand as she smiled, greeting him.

Noah smiled back and turned away.

"Did he just smile back at you?" Amanda asked stunned by Noah's bright smile.

Polara just laughed and walked away as if it was natural for such a thing to happen.


Noah smiled back and looked away. His expression turning frosty. Alice and the girl who was next to her felt cold wind pass. The energy of Winter Style had instinctively activated because of the flux in his emotion. A chilly wind that made your hair rise was coming out of him.

Alice saw the change in Noah's expression. She had never seen murderous intent before but she felt like she could physically see Noah's bloodthirst. She ended the conversation and grabbed his arm taking him away. If Noah really broke, he might really go and kill someone at school.

"What happened? Calm down and tell me what happened?"

"Nothing much, it was just an annoying fly I couldn't kill," Noah said after calming down.

It was obvious he hiding the reason, thinking about it only one thing that could anger Noah so much. Just as Alice was about to ask about something, Noah's right arm jolted out having it block an incoming football. The ball hit his arm as it bounced onto the ground then bounced back into the air.

The spot it hit his arm at turned red.

Alice was surprised she grabbed his arm looking at it, "does it hurt?"

"Now that you touched it, it doesn't, are you okay as well?" The earlier anger was withdrawn back in.

Alice nodded more concerned about Noah.

"They should really see where they are kicking the ball. It almost hit you." Noah brushed his hand past her face to see if she was actually fine.

The game had already stopped, the players crowded near Noah and Alice. One of the players walked forward scratching his head, "I'm really sorry, are you okay?"

"Where were you even aiming." Someone laughed watching. Others joined in their retorts.

Noah noticed Alice had grabbed the back of his shirt. He looked towards her and noticed she had turned silent, her body was shivering as her expression showed that she was trying hard to hold back her fear. "We're fine, please be careful." Noah quickly said as he wanted to take Alice away.

"Sorry again, I'll be careful."

Someone else moved forward, a dark-brown haired and brown-eyed, handsome young man. Noah recognised him as Vince Fender. He had seen a picture of him when he had all students investigated. From his investigation, he knew that Vince was a model student, both the head of the MMA club and the student body president.

He would have just thought he was a normal guy if he hadn't asked Mike about him. Noah turned to leave with Alice but noticed she wasn't moving. Her legs were frozen in fright.

Alice had anger, disgust and fear fill her. When she had joined and gotten involved with Polara, Vince had gotten close to her and helped her settle into the school. She had thought she actually made a friend. Soon rumours started about her and when she told Vince to speak up, to say it was him in the photo. He completely denied it was him and went further to cut off contact with her setting the ball for her suffering rolling down. She had never seen someone as two-faced as him.

It made her fear trusting people when someone who seemed so kind stabbed her in the back. Her androphobia started coming back after that it only got worse after recent events.

"Guys let's be more careful, we should go back now." Vince noticed Alice's pale face and reached out his hand, "Alice, are you okay?"

But his hand was caught by Noah who looked at him with a frigid gaze. Noah pushed his hand back with force causing Vince to stumble back and fall to the ground pushing the person behind him as well.

"F**k off," Noah picked up Alice into his arms and walked away.