
The Escape of Stigma

What happens when culture interferes with love? Love conquers all but will it stand against a norm that is already existing? Deborah is a woman who was forced by society to abandon her love, education, and future. She got pregnant by Dave but he didn't know he was the one responsible and failed to stand up for her when she was denounced. Join this interesting story as we explore the life of Deborah.

BlackMoon0724 · perkotaan
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17 Chs

Chapter 11

A single meeting might make a thousand years of friendship or Enemy.

Eric took her to the hospital and made sure she was in good care before he was able to relax and let the doctor in charge do his work. He kept pacing until she was out of danger. It happened that she has malaria and the common cold. Her pregnancy was not an easy one and the fact that she doesn't feed well made her weak and short of blood. After checking the baby and his health, the doctor stepped out of the Emergency ward.

Eric couldn't wait to hear the update about her condition.

" Doctor Eric she is out of danger for now. It is funny that the child is even more healthy than his mother. And I must say, she got a very beautiful baby. For now, I will recommend she eats well and takes plenty of rest. Her body is too weak to suffer another complication." the doctor said.

" Thank you, Doctor. " Eric said shaking hands with the Doctor.

" Can I go see her?" Eric asked

" Sure! She has been transferred to the pregnancy ward". The doctor said and beckon a nurse to take Eric there.

Naomi was placed on a drip. Though she still looked pale, she was no longer burning with fever.

Eric felt her pulse and was happy it was more vibrant.

"You are lucky I was there. Who knows what would have happened to you" Eric said.

He made sure she was okay before stepping out to buy her food and some fruit.

When Naomi woke up, she was alone in her ward. She was confused about how she got to the hospital and the first thing she did was feel her baby. When she was satisfied he was still there, she relaxed a bit. She could only remember fainting at her workplace. Then it dawned on her that she was in so private hospital and there must be very expensive.

She panicked and tried to remove the drip from her hand.

This was the scene, Eric saw when he came back.

"Wait! What are you doing? ," Eric asked

When Naomi saw him she felt a bit relaxed.

" Were you the one that brought me here?" she asked.

This was the first time Eric was having her close and he was lost in her beauty. Her brown eyes complimented her small full lips. Her eyelashes and brow were full and long. Giving her the looks of half cast. She stared at him without flickering. It was not until Naomi called him again that he woke from his daydreaming.

" Huh" Eric stammered

" I was asking if you were the one that brought me here," Naomi said looking directly at him.

"Oh that " He smiled "Yes you fainted and I had to rush you here," Eric said.

" Ahhh" she exclaims feeling a little dizzy.

" This hospital looks expensive and I don't have money to foot the bill. I must leave now so the bill won't increase " Naomi said trying to take off the drip again.

Eric held her back.

" Seriously? You almost lost your life, and put your baby at risk, and all you can think of now is the bill" Eric asked

" But I am out of danger now. It is best if I leave now. Even if you will be generous to pay the bill, I should not add to it" Naomi insisted.

" Can't you listen to me and calm down? You are having a complicated pregnancy and need intensive care always. Moreover, you are short of blood and vitamins. If you don't take proper care of yourself, you will have a disabled baby. I know you don't want that" Eric said scaring her intentionally.

This was able to put Naomi at rest. Having a disabled baby scared her.

" Is my baby young to be disabled?" she couldn't help but ask.

"Yes unless you eat and take the best care you can" Eric was happy his tricks were working.

" Please I don't want to have a disabled baby" Naomi freaked out.

" Calm down Naomi. As I said you might have one unless you take care of yourself. So all I want you to do is to sit up so I can feed and when you are done, you will be a good girl and take your medication. Okay?" Eric asked like a patient elder brother.

Naomi nodded.

She was so weak that after eating and taking her medication, she drifted back to sleep.

" Who said taking care of a pregnant woman was easy" Eric lamented. He looked at the sleeping beauty and smiled. She was worth every ounce of his time.

Eric was not just attracted to her beauty alone. There was this special force that drew him to her from the first day he led his eyes on her. Those eyes of hers held fire and hate. You could tell from the way she quickly flicked them when you held gaze with her. But just that little time was enough to make you lost in her flame. Eric wondered what her story might be. But he was angrier at the man that got her pregnant. What kind of imbecile will let a beautiful woman like Naomi go? Unless she doesn't know who the father of the baby is. But she doesn't look so loose as not to know who got her pregnant. Maybe she ran away from home. That was the only conclusion, Eric could arrive at. But he will not be a saint to inform her parents or whosoever is looking for her about where she is unless she wants them to know herself. This was the first time after many years that he felt so drawn to the opposite sex and he will not let this one go like that.