
The Escape from Poverty of the AoE Wizard

EnvyArachnid · Game
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Learning The Basics

[Aulada Online, a fantasy VRmmorpg game that is played by more than 1 billion people nationwide. In just 3 years after its release, it became the center of attention for both players who play for fun and those who play the game to make real cash.] 

"I've been wanting to try out this game for a very long time.. If only we're not poor.." 

( Camera panned upwards from feet until it reached right below his nose.) 

"well… none of that matters anymore.. since I finally got my hands on it.." He smiled softly as he held the VR computer full headset in both of his hands and proceeded to lay on the floor mattress slowly.

He carefully put the headset on his head, reluctantly turning the device on out of nervousness. The headset then slowly starts. 

(Zooming Sound) 


He slowly opened his eyes, seeing his transparent virtual body and a character customization screen in front of him. 

"This is pretty trippy, not gonna lie.." He said followed by a nervous chuckle while looking at his transparent palm. 

The Character customization screen finally caught his attention and proceeded on creating the ideal character he's gonna play as. 

"Muddy Blonde.. Silver Eyes… and of course..! Shouta Figure..!" He shouted the last part shamelessly. 

"I've always wanted to have a cute body~.. Complete opposite of how I became in real life.. Sob.." He mumbled, sobbing softly as the picture of his large and ripped body in real life appeared in his mind. 


"oh it's finally time! What did he said about the class I should pick…?" 

Several Character Classes appeared on his screen. He proceeded to swipe through the class cards until.. 

"yes! ~ found it..!"  He said gleefully as he clicked on the wizard class card. 


He hurriedly clicked on the Y button leading him to the final panel of character customization. 


He paused for a second and spent some time thinking of what name he will use.. 

"mhm..yes that name will do.." He mumbled, looking up to the panel and saying the name he came up with loudly. 



"It's not my real name! So YES!!" He said with such vigor and clicked the Y button. 



A blinding light then flashed before Cash, making him cover his eyes with his arm. 

Moments after, he felt a breeze of wind on his skin. Cash slowly took his arm away from his eyes and was taken aback in awe after seeing the extremely realistic landscape and buildings in front of him. 

"whoa.. This is a game..? For real?" Cash said under his breath before getting jumped by a sudden notification pop up.

"Ack!!-- what the heck! That surprised me.. Whew.." He shouted, followed by a nervous laugh. (no one saw that right..?)

Cash then proceeds to read the notification that jumped him, pouting…


Talk to the training grounds guard "Lado"

"Oh, my first quest..!" excited, Cash quickly went inside the noisy training grounds and confronted by a blue haired man with a stern look in his eyes. 

"Hey, Training Grounds isn't somewhere a kid like you should wander into..!" The Man said in a stern tone while holding the back collar of Cash's rag shirt. 

"But..! I need to talk to Sir Lado..!" Cash replied nervously. "I need to talk to him for a quest..!" 

"Quest..? Wait.. You're a player..?!" The man said in surprise, slowly putting Cash down, crossing his arms. "I'm Lado..!" 

As soon as Cash heard that, he stood up straight, not knowing what to ask. 

"Follow me.." Lado said as he walked inside the training grounds. 

The two of them then arrived in what appears to be a long range target ground.

Cash who's Confused looked at him. Lado then points at the target "Hit the target with your MAGIC WAVE" 

"MAGIC WAVE..?" Cash said, tilting his head a bit while staring at Lado from below. 

"MAGIC WAVE is the special attack of wizards.." Lado then points at Cash's wand on his waist. "You're a Wizard right?" 

"OH, um yes sir..!" Cash replied hurriedly, quite nervous.

"You can fire a MAGIC WAVE by concentrating your mana on your wand and swiping it in a direction you please. by doing that, you can perform a long ranged attack without using a skill, though it uses 80MP points" Sir Lado explained slowly, then asked a question. "You, how much MP do you have..?"

"umm.." Cash quickly checked his status "I have 50MP sir.." He added. 

"hmm.. Have you distributed your STAT POINTS yet?" Lado asked.


"Yes, beginners like you should have 5 STAT POINTS from the start, look at your status again, you can find how many stat points you have on the upper right of the panel. You add stat points by clicking the plus sign right after a STAT.." Lado explained, his expression is starting to soften a bit as he teaches Cash about the basics..

" Well, since you're a wizard, I recommend Adding some stat points to INTELLIGENCE as it adds 25MP and 3 MAGIC DAMAGE per 1 STAT POINT.. " After explaining Lado looks at Cash with a gentle smile on his lips just before realizing that Cash was staring at him all this time. 

Lado quickly turned his back on Cash, slightly flustered. Cash who's Confused then proceeds to follow the instructions Lado gave him and adds 2 STAT POINTS in his INTELLIGENCE raising his MP to 100.. 

Cash then pulled his wand from his waist and closed his eyes "Concentrate.." He mumbled inside his head and as soon as he felt that his wand was getting hot, he swiped his weapon in front of him, forming a crescent beam of light that hit the target and went through it. 

Lado saw that and smiled a bit as Cash started cheering.."WHOA!! I DID IT, SIR LADO!! Did you see that?!" Cash said excitedly looking at him. 

"yes, you bet I did.. You've got potential kid" Lado replied with a manly smile and a thumbs up, presenting Cash with the quest completion panel. 

                [QUEST COMPLETED]

Talk to the Training Grounds Guard "Lado" and know the basics of magic with him. 


              Wizard Apprentice Robe x1

                             EXP 10

                [LEVEL UP FROM 1 - 2]

                        STAT PTS  +2

                       SKILL PTS +1

"whoa, I leveled up!" Cash excitedly said, quickly putting on the Wizard Apprentice Robe. "this also looks cool! ~" 

"haha! ~ I'm glad you're happy with my gift… " Lado said, putting his hands on his hips. 

"Thank you so much Sir Lado! ~.." Cash said with a bright smile. 

"It's nothing, this is my job after all.." Lado replied.. "And also.. I wish you good luck on your journey, kiddo" Sir followed with a smile. 


        "Instructor's Favor" ACQUIRED!] 

                    CHARISMA +10


           "True Newbie"  ACQUIRED!]

                     SKILL PTS +1

"Thank you so much, Sir!" Cash said after receiving the achievements notifications. 

After waving Sir Lado goodbye, He walks towards the town for a certain task as the instructor told him to.. 


"I guess this is the place.. Adventurer's Guild.." with a smile he walks inside the guild, holding a new quest in his hand. 

                  [QUEST ACQUIRED]

Go to the Adventurer's Guild and talk to the Receptionist. 



                  TO BE CONTINUED...