
The Epic of Leviathan

I am currently working on the REBOOT of this Fanfic... Previously named as- A Mutant's Ascension The CoverArt is provided by LordValmar and I really appreciate his help. This is a Fanfic... I don't own anything!!! All the characters except the MC and all the Worlds belong to their original owners ------------------------------------------------------------- A/N: First of all I want to declare that English is not my first language, so if you cannot overlook a few mistakes then this fanfic is not for you. The MC is neutral evil, so don't complain about that at a later date saying that MC is evil or something like that. Last warning, in this fanfic some characters will have a different attitude than the canon or the original version so please note this warning before jumping into this. I am also writing this to pass my time nothing serious, but I will try my best to complete this fic. This is going to be a World Travel Fic. 1st World: My Hero Academia 2nd World: Harry Potter World 3rd World: Marvel Cinematic & X-Men Cinematic Universe X-Over (Comics Elements Involved) 4th World: Highschool DXD (Final World) -------------------------------------------------------------- MC doesn't meet a God after his death so he didn't have an idea about what he had to do in the future or even if he will have a power or not. But all of this changes on MC's 4th birthday, when he awakens his quirk and receives a message from God. Only one mission is given to him and no other directions or commands. Join the MC in his path to see (or read) how he completes the mission and which path he takes. -------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Channel- https://discord.gg/vQ6rPaqVYs

InGlorious · Anime & Komik
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398 Chs

Quidditch World Cup (II)... {EDITED}

[POV Reo(Edgar)]

The rest of the days quickly passed and we were finally able to get our hands on two time-turners, thanks to Amelia.

We had time-turners in our treasury and Gringotts vault but with the passage of time, they kinda looked unstable. Using a damaged or unstable time-turner is asking for a messy way to die. Amelia was able to sneak off two time-turners, it was quite hard for her, as time-turners are strictly managed by the Department of Mysteries. But as Amelia was a department head herself, she had some leeway and some power to pull this off.

It was 14th August, finally, people arrived in the Riddle Manor. I have set up some minor proximity wards during the last time I visited. The wards would destroy themselves if some humans walk by to get near to them so they won't leave behind anything to inspect. I would bet all of my galleons in my vault that this is Babymort and his entourage. But it's a lot better to check yourself rather than shoot arrows in the dark.

I needed to get in quickly and get out so I decided against using my armor and aging potion. Maybe... not using my armor was a wrong decision as I currently find some wards around the Riddle Manor. Some of them were quite lethal. It had Babymort written all over this. There is no one except Dumbles who could put up strong wards like this so quickly... and we all know Dumbles would never use lethal wards... no, he will go to any lengths for 'the greater good'.

I could rip these wards but it would notify everyone inside the house. So, I conjured some snakes and asked them nicely to do some spy work for me. They happily agreed and slithered into the Riddle Manor. I waited under my invisibility cloak patiently. After about 40 minutes all of the snakes I conjured returned and gave me their report. I had to conjure some mice for their good work. It was confirmed that currently one adult, one ugly baby, and a huge snake. So, I finally got the confirmation that Babymort was here.

With that done I vanished the snakes and Flash Stepped away out of Little Hangletown. Getting out of Little Hangletown I apparated back into our Castle. I sent a message to Amelia through the phone. I think I should give Sirius a phone too... with the plane made I decided to do just that during the Quidditch World Cup.

Three more days passed and it was 17th August. We were getting ready to leave for Devon, where the stadium was made. We were going to travel via portkey and set up our tent in the designated area. Nemuri was already cursing like a sailor as she knew she had to mingle with people as she was the Lady Ravenclaw. The match was tomorrow, so all the chaos was going to happen tomorrow. We would have a nice night of camping before everything goes to complete shit.

Luna has been staying with us since the picnic and she sneaked into our room only when we weren't having a passionate night. I didn't know how she found that out with all the silencing charms and all. Honestly, I am pretty convinced that Luna might be some kind of seer... it's quite possible.

"Ok ok... let's go!" Luna exclaimed in excitement.

"Calm down, Luna. The Portkey will activate in 30 minutes so we have half an hour" I said to Luna who didn't seem bothered. Sometimes I wonder from where the hell Luna gets so much energy?

The Floo flared up and Amelia walked out with Susan. Sirius and Harry are going to arrive directly in Devon, so, only the Tonkses were left. I have invited Dora's parents too... just to annoy Dora. After all, the time we visited the Tonks residence, except the FBI joke, everything was pretty normal like any other household.

Andromeda or Andi... which she preferred over her given name kept telling us stories about Dora when she was small. The stories were really embarrassing as anyone could guess. After a few minutes, Dora along with her parents arrived.

"So, is everyone ready?" Momo asked everyone. We had two Portkeys as there were too many people for one Portkey. All of us nodded our heads after confirming that all of us were carrying our luggage. We can't leave anything important behind.

Finally, the clock hit 9.30 am and the Portkey activated. I felt a familiar tug around my navel while my surroundings changed. All of us arrived in an open field. Dora found herself sprawled on the ground... it wasn't something new to see.

"Screw Portkeys... fuck them" Dora mumbled but her voice wasn't low enough. Andi clearly heard what her daughter said and decided to chastise her.

"Nymphadora! I am going to wash your potty mouth with a soap" Andi said firmly.

"Don't call me that!" Dora exclaimed and all of us were snickering because of the conversation between the mother and daughter duo.

Finally, a guy walked up to us, the guy was with the management as he showed us our designated place. Nemuri pulled out a shrunk trunk from her robes and expanded it right in the middle of the plot and expanded it. She shot another spell at the trunk and the lid opened and the tent shot of the trunk and started to take its place. It was quite satisfying to watch it happen.

"This thing is huge!" I heard Harry's voice and turned around to see Sirius and Harry were already here and were walking towards our group.

We quickly greeted them and by this time the tent was already up. We entered the tent and found it was huge... much larger from inside. It had a forest theme going on. There were several miniature tents around a camping area. It was quite easy to discern that Nemuri made this with the idea of getting the feel of camping.

"I have never seen a tent like this" Sirius said quite bewildered. Andi and Ted also nodded their head. Amelia didn't pay them any attention as she was already looking around the jacuzzi. She didn't know what it was... it looked quite similar to a pool according to her.

Soon Nemuri started to describe and explain everything about the tent. Then on the other side of the tent, there was a makeshift beach along with sunlight concentrated through magic. I didn't even know why Nemuri needed a tent like this but I knew better not to ask her. She always had fetishes of different kinds. The rest of the day went on quite normally. Across our tent, we saw the Weasleys while they were setting up their tents.

Honestly, I didn't hate any Weasleys except some select few. Mommy Weasley was at the top of that list. Harry was quite unlucky as Ronald recognized him and immediately started to scream his name. This caused everyone to turn their attention towards our tent. Harry didn't know what to do so he decided to run inside the tent. After all, even if this Harry wasn't meek... he still hated this kind of attention. He could have stayed out to meet everyone then it would have disturbed us.

Ronald Weasley tried to enter our tent and proclaimed in front of everyone that Harry was his best friend but alas, Nemuri shot Arthur a glare and he immediately understood the reason for her glare. Arthur quickly dragged off Ronald Weasley not wanting to cause any problems for us. After the crowd calmed down, Harry came out and decided to answer some questions.

Harry did answer some questions before Amelia and Sirius decided to put their foot down. Amelia was head of the DMLE, as since the crowd was causing problems and disturbance she had the right to intervene. Sirius's reason was much simpler, he was Harry's guardian and he decided that it was enough answering for today. From the other side... the Weasleys kept watching. Three Weasleys, actually, Ginerva Weasley was intently watching Harry with cow eyes. Ronald Weasley was looking enraged... it was clear that he was jealous. Molly Weasley had a rather complicated look on her face.

While all of this was happening, I got a good chance to sneak around and finally reached near the Weasleys and decided to read Mommy Weasley's mind. Well, I wasn't disappointed. As there were several plans going inside her mind. The old meddler had apparently reached out to her and made several plans. Ol Twinkles had told her that he was going to get Harry's name in the tournament so he could bring him back to Britain. And it was her job to brew loyalty potions for young Harry and love potion keyed to young Ginerva. After all, he had told Molly that he had the duty to lead Harry into the light.

Her shields were so pathetic that it wasn't even funny. I swam around her mind collecting any important information I could get my hands on. After a couple of minutes I was completely done and no one noticed me... wow... after getting what I needed I decided to walk away. Suddenly I collided with someone and found a small blonde girl. I immediately recognized her after all, I have seen her before.

Gabrielle Delacour. She was about to fall but I caught her.

"Are you okay? Sorry, I wasn't looking" I said to Gabrielle who just nodded her head and turned back to look towards Harry.

Oh... the rest of the Delacours were also here and they were watching me. Actually, they were keeping an eye on Gabrielle and since I bumped into her their attention turned towards me. Seeing me apologize they didn't say anything. I also didn't need to say anything as they didn't know me. I waved at Gabrielle and slowly walked away but I noticed Fleur's eyes were on me even after I have started to walk away...

1670 words in this chapter.

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