
Chapter 5.5: Carving a place for myself

I have always been fond of gold, glory, and women… I will be straight with you, these three things are trophies to me and so I treat them with value and respect based on their importance, well if they were at least a bit important.

"Hey Geon, notice me please…?"

Huh… were they here? I must have drifted off into my own thoughts again.

"Oh… it's you two."

A woman with disheveled black hair smiled in front of me, holding what seemed to be a piece of meat. She wore a hoodie like me, complete with a mask that almost covered her entire face. I met her a few years back when that old man Wyzen brought me here. Ever since then, this woman has been here for me, taking care of me, looking out for me, she did it all…

Beside her was someone who wasn't important…

She had soft hazel hair that fell to the side of her head… wearing a white blouse… Why am I even bothering?

She's there, she exists.

"Good Morning!"

Oh god… my eye worked too well, far too well. Please go die in a ditch, your voice hurts my ears… Seeing a frown form on my face, Olly decided to sit beside me with a grin.

"Ehehe… I had… a meal of meat… intestines… It has been days"

"That's great Olly… I see why you're optimistic… and you… what was your name again?"

The other woman looked at me with wide eyes and a frown. She then sat beside me and got close to my ear.

"The names Debbie… Debbie Chu my dear master…"

Ah! Bloody hell that was so creepy! I understand that I controlled her after my job with that old man almost got discovered… but even this was too bloody much. Although, with the right people, my powers can prove to be really fun.

My mind drifted off to a faint image of controlling a strong pretty woman who I can be with… then I'll escape with her in tow, away from that Wyzen and all the hustle and bustle. We can make an entire kingdom together and I can always get more people with my power… Ah that would be the life! My own empire!

Then a loud thud… My imagination, that perfect world soon blurred out as I was thrust out from my daydream.

Who… Who was it!

A man and a girl… she looks adorable… wait, soft white hair, fox ears, a pair of glasses?! Wasn't she the woman Wyzen wanted?

After quite some time of searching and prodding she finally showed up in this class… despite all the time I spent searching who would think that she would finally show up?

Well in that case, I am kind of hungering to make her mine… That powerhouse will grow over the years, and that amazing bespectacled look! I want to gobble her up! The guy seems a bit plain though… tacky clothes, a simple bag… he should be easy to bully… then maybe I can make him hand her over to me.

With a sneer, I approached the coward and spoke up.

"Oh boy, where, oh where did you get that look? The dollar store?"

I smiled as I saw him flinch, but little did I know that he had something planned. Something that proved to be less timid that what I have expected…

From the darkness that enveloped his face came a grimace, then a smile.

"You say that as if you didn't look like a walking gold mine of angst and insecurities."

He… I was not insecure! Why should I be insecure you frigging moron! You absolute idiot! I can take any girl in this room, away from you! I can kill you in a heartbeat and parade down the halls with your bloodied clothes as a sign of power!


A soft gentle hand gripped my open palm; I turned to see Olly who looked at me with droopy eyes, shaking her head from side to side before glancing at the man.

She wanted me to stop… why?! This weakling can pay right?!

Then a horrible chill ran down my spine. For a moment I felt like death has stared right at me. A pair of eyes gazed from behind pausing their scribbling just to send a warning…. Why… why was she involved with him? It would have made my job easier if only that monster weren't here!

Ah! Screw it! If I get that lady, then everything will be fine!

I walked up to the man trying my best to keep my rage within myself… If it was only a threat, then it shouldn't be too obvious, right?

"What did you just say to me, you punk?!"

The man shrunk a bit, backing away from me. I felt my lips curve into a wide grin. Ahahahaha! How was that you damned nerd!

Yet from his shuddering body came yet another smile.

"Do you need me to repeat it, or does little Timmy need an ego boost from the ladies?"

Y-You… Why don't you just fall?! You're lucky I can't control guys like you!

That's right! I can just hit the moron!

Raising my fist to the air, I smiled as I got ready to strike when the door opened with a creak. It revealed the man that Wyzen hated. He wore the same tacky outfit as this guy and he always has a smile on his face.

It honestly creeps me the hell out. But I did not want to be on the receiving end of his anger… If he finds out about my plan, then he most certainly will put a stop to it.

Calm down Geon, there's a time and place to beat up roadblocks, okay?

I lowered my arm instead of taking a swing at the guy. Letting out a huff, I looked at him to see the same hittable face with a smile plastered on it. The best I can do was grit my teeth and grumble… for now.

"Watch where you walk at night… You might trip on something you don't want to fall into."

"Thank you for the kind reminder, but I do not intend to go out of my room in the evenings."

And with that, the two of us broke it out, that was until I felt a faint tug from my sleeves.

The fox girl whom I eyed trailed behind me. She looked at me with her bright blue eyes, shifting as I looked at her face.

"U-Um… Sorry! My friend was kind of heated… so please forgive him… t-that's all! The name's Shan by the way!"

She quickly turned around and attempted to skip back to another seat, but I wasn't letting the chance slip. I snatched her wrist and pulled her ever so slightly, causing her to turn towards me.

Her face was beet red, her mouth open with lips slightly quivering, and her irises were wide…

A perfect condition for control…

I closed my eyes and opened them, and with a swift flash of light coming from them, her shoulders dropped. Her figure soon retreated to the chair beside, for my convenience at least…

The fox girl has been claimed.

It has been an hour and at long last the bell rang like a sweet release. I tapped my fingers lightly on the table as the woman's body to my left jerked in response.

She was awake, now I wonder if it worked.

She turned to me and flashed me a warm smile.



"You sound really nervous, did something happen?"

She walked up to me, hugging my head as she stroked my hair with her soft hands.

"N-Nothing really… How are you doing?"

She released me from her embrace and met my eyes with a warm smile accompanied with a blush.

"The class was interesting… but I want to hear more about you dear…"

"Well… we can eat lunch…"

"I-Is that so Geon?"

She playfully bit her lip before winking at me…

It worked… It actually worked!

But then, the ultimate test arrived… Soft footsteps came from behind her as the man stared at me with a

disgruntled look.

Olly and the other girl just looked at him with a frown thanks to the events from earlier. As for myself, I am afraid he might break my control…

He edged closer to her with his brows knit in a frown.

"Sure Shan, you seem pretty cute after all. It would be my pleasure."

Hearing this, the man let out a soft grunt as she gripped her shoulder tightly. With the look on his face I was certain that he might have yanked her away had I been absent and that's no good.

"Pardon, I think I need her to be with me so that I can at least find the cafeteria. Is it fine with you guys if I borrowed her for now?"

He had a stern expression coupled with his lips being set in a grim line told me that he was concerned for her…

This was the test of my control…

I grit my teeth as I locked eyes with the man who was now the bane of my existence, and this may very well be our final battle.

I clenched my fist, grit my teeth and gave out my best damn smile! No way was I backing down when my goals were only in arms reach, together with this woman!

"Eh? Didn't she say she wanted to stay with me you moron! I understand she is cute but give your damn wiles a break man! The woman's already asking to stay with me after all so maybe go find someone else. Or do you perhaps have no one to ask?"

And just like that, I let out one of the loudest chuckles I had in days. I pointed at the man whose face turned sour the moment I taunted him. His forehead creased, his eye narrowed, and I got to keep her… yet out of the corner of my eye, I could see Shan's hand twitch ever so slightly as I shouted.

It was a work in progress I had to fix with more doses of my power… that should be all…

Everything seemed to sail smoothly. The guy shook a bit as he stared at me, raising his fist in the air he threw it at me, but at the last second a hand gripped his wrist, stopping him dead in his tracks.

"I'm taking him with me… It should be fine if it is like this, right?"

That Cora again, she looked at me with a glower, her eyes changing from their usual black color to a crimson red that embodied her rage.

I raised my hands in the air, my jaw shuddering as I spoke.

"Y-You… Cora was it… Are you really sure you want to hang out with that loser?"

However, the petite woman simply nodded in response

"It was for the express purpose of him being a loser that I wanted to hang out with him… Do you find that odd, or do we have to settle our beliefs the hard way…?"

Taking the opportunity, I blinked owlishly as I released my power. I noticed Cora's eyes contract and retract for a few moments, still staring at me with a scowl.

Subliminal messages… How do I even do this…?

Still recovering from the initial shock of trying that risky move, my lips quivered as I tried to reply.

"G-Gotcha then… take care you two, but I am still not allowing you to bring Shan if she doesn't want to join you…"

Cora's glance eased up as she shifted her attention to the man who looked at her with a smile. The guy walked up to Shan and asked her a question.

"Yo, want to join me and Cora for a meal."

However, my newly controlled wife shook her head.

"Nah, maybe next time… I want to get to know Geon here better…"

The fox girl had a small frown, her hands twitching as she spoke to him.

He was about to open his mouth when the monster named Cora pulled him away, exiting the room before slamming the door behind me.

I breathed a sigh of relief while Olly and Debby? Well whatever her name was, the two of them grumbled angrily.

"She… My new meal?"

Olly glanced at me with bloodshot eyes but I shook my head sideways. I knew she wasn't an Epico, but an actual creature herself. The plain white complexion of her skin and the fangs she sported whenever she talked told me that she wasn't just an imitation…

Something tells me that if it wasn't for my eye, I would have long since died…

The brunette had a huge grin as she tapped Olly's shoulder playfully.

"Sorry Olly! Looks like master will be sending me instead."

Come to think of it… if she attacks instead of me the blame would be directed at her and not me… I can be free.

However, as I was about to make a decision, the new addition to my group, my prized kitsune patted me on the head.

"Shouldn't you think about this later dear? I don't know what grudge you have against my friend but surely you can't plan evil schemes on an empty stomach."

She continued stroking my head with a sunny smile while the two girls that were with me pouted.

"Not fair… Olly wants to be close too…"

"Hmpph! Master has never allowed me to cuddle like that!"

However, amidst their complaints, Shan let out a small smile before letting out a joyous offer.

"Heeh?! Who said I planned to patronize him! Come right in, we can share!"


What was happening!

Before I knew it, I was being hugged by three girls on all sides… save for the front. It was… a flustering experience.

I carried on as per usual, trying my best to contain the three beauties that surrounded me.

"H-Hey… Don't you three think that this is too fast?"

"Fast? No… Olly want to care for you."

I felt her body press against my back and like a bullet; I was launched off the chair.

Little do I know that this day was about to get a whole lot worse…

A league of controlled women and an awkward abrasive guy like me who wants to build an empire.

What could possibly go wrong?

But just like earlier, a door slammed open as yet another gal entered. She looked generic, plain even, but she wore a black uniform and a red headband… Discipline Committee if I wasn't mistaken.

"What are you three doing lounging around in an empty room?!"

The four of us gazed at the newcomer as I tried my best to force a smile.

We were in hot water weren't we?