

Things haven't really been tough, the situations and sorts. The toughest of all wasn't even enough to weigh him down as he persisted in what he had been doing all along. But it was more than enough to make him troubled.

It was the month of January, the first month of the year 2023. And it was the begining of another cycle. Another twelve months to go by. However, it was like the commencement of a burden for him as he realized that time was running faster than what he could catch up with.

How was he going to get the task done when it looked like he wasn't able to get the necessary time to do that?

He took up the wineglass and sipped the liquor out of it. It was a chilly tequila, one he wasn't much of a fan of. But for him to enjoy the taste, he had specifically instructed for it to be iced. Most times, hot drinks weren't for him. They were never for him and he wasn't ready to get all tipsy because of that.