
The Enigmas of the Ruined World

Why Hello there mortals? I'm the heavenly wishing phoenix. I'm bringing you to a live streaming of a different P.O.V on orv! Please read and enjoy. P.S. The pictures do not belong to me and omniscient readers viewpoint belongs to Sing Shong.

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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Winning the Lottery

[00/00/0000 (00:00)]

|Hyeon-Ah P.O.V|

This is weird. I feel quite light. I don't feel any pain at all. I know I'm laying down on something, but this is too weird. Even if I survived the fall, I should be in a hospital bed, not on the hard icy floor. Besides that, I should've broken some bones, but my body is perfectly fine.

"Excuse me, but how long are you going to lay there for?"

I jolted up in a sitting position and looked towards the person responsible for asking that. It was a middle aged woman of average height. She had brown hair and green eyes. She was wearing wide blacked glasses.

I couldn't help thinking how embarrassing my actions were by laying down on the floor. Thinking back to it, I definitely should have died. This woman here might have brought me back to life, but I wasn't sure. So, in a hesitant tone I asked.

"... Are you God?"

There was a moment of silence between us. Contrary to my previous thoughts, I could tell from the look on her face that she thought I was crazy. She returned to her original stoic facial expression and went to say something to me in return.

"No, I'm not. I'm human. My name's Fern. What's yours?"

So, her name was Fern, huh.

"My name is Hyeon-Ah."

"I'm assuming that we both died and because of that we are now stuck here in this white room."

Now that she mentioned it, we were really in a white room. There were no doors in the room either. I look back at her and she asks me.

"How did you die? Never mind. That was insensitive of me. You don't have to answer."

My thoughts bring me back to my horrid life before I died. Even though the question reminded me of the reason why I decided to do it, I responded anyway.

"I committed suicide."

"Oh. I see"

An awkward moment of silence came between us after her blank response. Even so, she looked deep in thought as almost if she was solving a murder mystery. It was quite funny.

Suddenly, a booming masculine voice came from behind us.

"Mortals of Earth No. !@#$#$, congratulations you have won the lottery type. !@#$# No. @#$."

We both look at the source of the loud voice behind us. It was ... a chicken? I was too shocked to say anything. I go to the afterlife and a chicken greets us.

"What does this lottery entail, sir?"

I was surprised by her unfazed demeanor in the whole situation. Then the chicken responded to her in a lower voice than before.

"To begin with, I would rather be called the Heavenly Wishing Phoenix. I am a holy being after all."

This chicken was really cocky. But yet again the woman responded in a calm manner.

"I apologize for my previous mistake. May you please tell us what the lottery entails and how we died? If you do not mind Heavenly Wishing Phoenix?

"You sure are a smooth talker for a murderer. Anyways, the according to the prize of the lottery you mortals will:

1. Transmigrate into the Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint world.

2. You will reside in a different body.

3. You both will be placed in Seoul Korea in a setting where each of you can find each other.

4. You will see your own stats.

5. You will each receive randomized skill sets to start off with. However, some skills may be inactive until orv starts.

6. Most of your actions will be unrestricted. I will not further explain this part of the lottery.

7. We will not be responsible for you or aid you if you get yourself in a near death situation or you have died.

In addition, both of you are not allowed to decline the lottery. If you wish to die, then sure commit suicide anyway."

Too many thoughts rushed to my head at once. I was with a murderer and I could be in orv. Joy and Fear came into me at once. On one hand, I could interact with the characters of my favorite novel. But on the other hand, a murderer would accompany me. I was scared. I wanted to meet Kim Dokja before I died by her hand.

Besides that her face remains unfazed as if she's just accepting the fact she is one. I have to beg. No, I have to demand it of her. I have to see Kim Dokja at least once.

"Don't kill me MRS. FERN, if you do I will haunt you all the way to hell."

Both individuals looked straight at me as if I was an unknown object that suddenly caused an incident. Yet again Fern kept a straight face. While the chicken was looking at me. Fern then responded to my threat in a calm manner.

"I wasn't planning to and I have only murdered two people in my life which was 20 years ago. Besides, those two deserved it.."


Perhaps I threatened her for no reason. I feel bad.

Then the chicken spoke directly to me in a confused yet concerned tone while keeping up his haughty manner.

"You know you murdered her, lunatic mortal. You fell on top of her and crushed her head. Anyways, My times not unlimited. I have to go. Make up when you transmigrate. See ya."

Fern's face turned into one of shock. In addition our body started to slowly disappear. The thing I as most shocked about was the fact I killed someone while committing suicide. I never intended that to happen. Soon my vision to black. 

The updates on the fanficition will be quite random. I apologize in advance. In the next chapter, Fern's name will be changed.

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