
The Enigma of Eternal Wisdom and Temporal Dominion

In a universe where cosmic forces and temporal mastery collide, an ancient prophecy speaks in cryptic verse of a force unknown, a destiny untold. “When realms collide and souls traverse, In cycles of life, through realms diverse, A dragon's essence, a timeless grace, Shall awaken to a cosmic embrace. But as cosmic tides and aeons entwine, The hero must heed the cosmic sign, For at the edge where universes blend, A final stand against time’s grasp shall rend.” Only by unlocking the secrets of their cosmic destiny can they confront the enigma of time itself. *** Planet---Earth In a room there lay a young boy on bed open his eyes which were like pure silver after looking left and right he say only two words "f**k seriously"

_KaNETO · Fantasi
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9 Chs

Prologue: A Dream Unveils

In the realm of dreams, where reality melds with the ethereal, a young boy found himself caught in a recurring nightmare—a vision that unfolded night after night. In the quiet hours of darkness, he would awaken from his slumber, trembling, only to reach for his ordinary diary, determined to record the haunting tale that unfolded in his restless sleep.

Each night, the dream was the same, yet different in its vivid details. It was a tale of heroes and sacrifices, of love and despair, and a prophecy that echoed through the cosmos. With each entry in his diary, the boy pieced together the fragments of this unsettling dream.

Four heroes stood at the heart of this cosmic drama, each burdened with their unique quests and the weight of the universe itself. The first, driven by a desire to find the strength to challenge the gods, embarked on a journey that led to unimaginable trials. Yet, on the path to power, he lost those he held dearest.

The second hero, consumed by a relentless pursuit of knowledge, delved deep into forbidden realms. In his quest, he uncovered truths that shattered his sanity, leading him to a fate none could bear to witness.

The third hero, driven by mysteries and secrets, was ensnared by forces beyond mortal comprehension. Her search for answers led to a fate as tragic as it was enigmatic.

The fourth hero, who was the beloved of "the dragon" want nothing but to be with her husband but what she did was the most shocking.

And then there was the Dragon who was supposed to lead them was stood as cosmic Titan with his beloved.

Their purpose was to defeat a being that seemed to dominate time itself, a creature born of relentless ambition and ceaseless knowledge.

As the battle raged between the Dragon and the malevolent entity that seemed to warp the fabric of time, while watching the fight the boy's heart clenched with each passing moment. The Dragon fought valiantly, but just as victory seemed within reach, an act of betrayal unfolded.

A figure emerged from the shadows, a silhouette cloaked in darkness, and drove a blade through the heart of the Dragon. The boy's dream-self turned to see the Dragon's beloved face, her eyes filled with tears. She gazed upon her fallen love with a mix of grief and resolve.

In that moment of despair, the Dragon whispered, "Do "you" truly have to do this?"

Her response was a haunting echo in the boy's dream, "You know the answer already.I have to do this for betterment of my beloved."

With those words, the dream would always end, leaving the boy with a sense of foreboding that lingered long after he awoke.

But one night, as he drifted into his dream, the boy found himself in a place unlike any other—a realm of shadows and whispers. He listened intently as an unseen presence whispered to him about a prophecy, one that foretold the tale of four heroes and the enigmatic dragon.

"In a world shrouded in darkness and despair,

With no hope in sight, a cosmic nightmare.

In the hour of need, when all seems lost,

Four heroes shall emerge, no matter the cost.

Guided by a dragon's ancient wisdom,

They'll challenge the tyrant, the one to blame.

As worlds teeter on the brink of demise,

These heroes will rise, a beacon in the skies.

Through time's relentless, shifting toll,

They'll bear the burden, unite each soul.

For in the cosmic battle where destiny's hurled,

Four heroes and a dragon will save the world."

"The prophecy speaks of four heroes and a Dragon," the voice intoned. "But the dream shows a different truth—a tapestry of love, loss, and sacrifice that defies destiny's design."

As the boy listened to the voice, he felt a sense of foreboding, as though the path of these heroes was veering off-course, guided by forces beyond their control. The dream left him with a lingering sense of unease, as if the cosmos itself held secrets that even the dreamer could not fathom.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

So guys here was my first every story or anything thing I have written in my life. I am just a reader of novels who want to try to write a story which I enjoy while writing it and you guys enjoy while reading. While writing this prologue I have changed it many times at first I was only gonna show about the dragon and his wife but after thinking it through and while taking inspiration from another novel which I am sure you guys have guessed it which ones I am taking about while reading this prologue but don't worry my story will be different from it after act 1 cuz you guys already know about this type of Webnovel have same starting point so I am not gonna say more or other will think I am just adding word to make more words count ones again thanks for giving my novel a try,and have a good day or night whatever it's

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