
The End of The World is Violet?

Kai tries to survive in a world that went crazy after the day sky turned purple.

AuthorGopher · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs

The scavenge hunt

Kai quietly entered the house. It looked like it was one of the houses where its owners just disappeared.

He was looking for anything salvageable, like chairs, tables or even metal boxes. He would then cut them to smaller pieces and store them inside his backpack. Now that he thought about, he should have brought some bag as well. One backpack, even though it was big, wouldn't be able hold much.

Kai looked around, but only found a wooden hanger. He dismantled it into smaller pieces, using his blood to cut it and packed them.

When Kai used his blood, it condensed and took form he wanted it to. The tools made of his blood were even sharper than those made of steel. That's why he used it instead of normal ones.

After he finished, Kai entered the first room on the left. From the looks of it, it was a living room. There was TV on the wall, a coffee table, sofa, etc. Kai quickly started working on disassembling them.


After he was done his backpack was already full. He really should've brought a bag as well.

Since he couldn't bring anything more, Kai decided to explore. Maybe he would find something nice?

He entered the kitchen and found some canned found. He squeezed it into his backpack and went further in. Next was bathroom, there wasn't anything interesting here.

But when Kai was going to open the next door, he heard a sound inside. He stopped for a moment. Maybe there was a person here after all? Just in case, he increased his blood flow and got ready to create a knife out of blood, as he slowly opened the door.

Inside was a monster dog. It was whimpering in the corner. Kai was momentary disappointed, but decided to go back nonetheless. The monster still hasn't noticed him, so there was no point in fighting.


But when Kai tried to close the door, it made a sound and the hound looked behind. Its crimson eyes looked at him with bloodlust overflowing from them.

It took only 2 seconds for it to get up and get close to Kai, but he already created a knife out of his blood.

Just as Kai predicted the monster jumped at him. All the hounds he faced so far did. He just leisurely stabbed it mid-air and threw to the side. While it was on the ground, he stabbed its neck and heart a few times to make sure it would stay dead. Then he stood up and looked down at the corpse. A wave of pleasure washed over him. The reality that this lowly creature couldn't even touch him, made him feel amazing.

"Haha!" Kai started laughing as he was glaring at the miserable corpse underneath his feet.

*Thud* *Thud*

"Hahaha This f*cking pathetic piece of sh*t!" He started kicking the dead monster, still laughing.

*Thud* "Haha!" *Thud* "Haha..." *Thud* "Ha..."

"Sigh..." Kai sighed and looked up at the ceiling. What was he even doing? There was definitely something wrong with him.

"Sigh..." After one more sigh he finally calmed down.

'Let's go back. I'm sure James is done by now as well.'


"You're back, Kai." James said, when he noticed Kai exiting the house.

"Yes." Kai looked at James. He was holding a full bag and had a full backpack on his back.

"What took you so long?"

"I met a hound inside, so I had to kill it."

"I see, are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine."

"That's good. Let's go back for now."

"..." Kai nodded.


While walking back Kai noticed that he wasn't feeling tired, even though it was already two hours, since they went out. They fought crows on the way, he dismantled some furniture, killed a hound and now they were going back with heavy backpacks. He should've been tired at this point, but Kai wasn't even sweating. Before the Violet Day, he wasn't really physically active or anything, so this was surprising.

Kai looked at James. He looked tired from lifting such heavy load. Sure, he had more to hold than Kai, but he was a trained policeman, so he could handle himself.

"What's wrong?" James asked, after he caught Kai staring at him.

"No, it's nothing..." Kai quickly looked away.


They continued to walk in silence after this.


When they finally arrived in the store, they put down their stuff.

"With this much we should be able to cover the front of the store." Said James.

"Everyone, please help me with this. Wayne and Kevin, you can go rest. Kai, can you guard the entrance?"

"What? But he only just got back!" Roy protested.

"It's fine." Kai answered.

"What? But..."

"Don't worry, I'm not tired yet."

"..." Roy just looked at Kai with worried eyes.

"Then, I'm going."

"Yes, thank you, Kai." Said James.

"No problem." Kai went outside the store at that. It was still day, so there shouldn't be much problem.


After a while James went out of the store with few more people. They had the spikes in their hands.

"We will now start installing those."

""Okay."" They replied.

"Kai, look out for us."



Kai was watching the surroundings while James and his group prepared the spikes. The door was already repaired by the time Kai returned, so they didn't have to worry about that. The window was replaced with small hole, that you could open from inside. It was reinforced over all as well.

The spikes were made mostly of wood, but there were steel ones mixed in between. This should somewhat help with security.


After an hour they finally finished installing all the spikes. It was starting to get dark by that time.

"Kai, you can rest inside. Tell Wayne that he will be on watch with me now."


With that Kai headed back inside. When he noticed the shinning bald head, he called out.


"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"You're on guarding duty with James starting now."

"Okay, I'm going."

After that Kai quickly went to sleep, before his night watch started.