
The End of The World is Violet?

Kai tries to survive in a world that went crazy after the day sky turned purple.

AuthorGopher · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs

Knowing the enemy

Kai feasted on his enemy's corpse. He could feel his injuries healing and his muscles condensing. He was once again getting stronger.

"As expected, humans give a lot of exp." Kai said smiling. His whole face was covered with blood, which made his smile look devious.

Max was looking at Kai from a distance. He was slightly afraid of him.

"Don't worry, I won't eat William. We will bury him." Kai looked at the cute dog, still smiling. Although it was a bit of a waste, he didn't want to eat his friend. Not again.

"Sigh..." Kai got up with a sigh. He already ate the whole corpse and his own body was completely healed. He moved towards William.

"William..." Kai said with a bit of sorrow in his eyes. Max was guarding the body, wary of him. He would attack Kai the moment he tried something funny.

Kai kneeled in front of McRoy and closed his eyes.

"I'm sorry..." Kai also closed his eyes for a bit. He thought about all the time he spent with William. He was with him longer than with James's group. He learnt a lot from him and was grateful to him. That's why Kai felt immense regret that he couldn't protect him.

After a while Kai got up again. He created a shovel with his blood and started digging in front of "Gun N Roll". He would bury William in front of his shop.

Max sat next to McRoy and waited, silently looking at his cold body.


It didn't take long for Kai to finish digging a hole big enough to bury William. He didn't even get tired. His physique now was way beyond that of a human.

Kai carefully picked up William's body and slowly carried it to the pit. He attentively put it down and looked at him one last time, with Max right next to him doing the same.

"Haa..." After a deep breath, he started slowly filling the hole up.


After he was done, Kai looked at Max.

"What are you going to do now?"

"Bark..." Max barked sadly. He looked a bit unsure.

"I'm going to find those b*stards and kill them all. Do you want come with me?" The anger in his voice was very clear.

Max looked at Kai with flames burning in his eyes, but after a bit he shook his head.

"Bark..." He barked once more and sat before the store's entrance.

"Are you going to stay here to protect his body and store?"

"Bark!" Max answered with energetic bark.

"Okay, may we meet again." Kai bid his farewell and went off.

"Bark!" He could hear Max barking in reply.


Kai said that he was going to kill them all, but honestly, he had no idea where their base was. It had to be not too far away from the store and since they were from High Class, they probably stayed in a luxurious hotel or something.

That narrowed the area quite a bit. Kai thought for a second. Was there anything like that nearby?

After his parents died, Kai didn't go out much. Then he was sent to the Outer Neighbourhood, so the only places he visited was his college and the store where James's group stays. He didn't remember much about other places.

For now, Kai decided to quietly look around. While he wanted to rush at their base and kill them all, he didn't know how many people there were. It seemed like they had a lot of people with powers, since they could afford to send three of them to kill a helpless old man.

Kai had to gather information first. He carefully moved around and looked for any human activity or a place where they could be staying.


While searching he didn't find any mob monsters. They really must have cleared this area out of them. But even though he was looking around for a long time, Kai couldn't find their hideout. Since, it was already getting dark, he decided to go to sleep for now.

He entered a hotel and took a key to the room 101 from behind the counter. He then went on the first floor and found the room 101. He walked in, closed the door, looked around for a bit and went to bed.

It didn't take long for him to fall asleep, because he went through a lot today and was mentally exhausted.

While he was sleeping, a shadow in the corner of the room moved slightly.


When Kai woke up, he was chained up to a chair. His whole body felt weak and lethargic. He glanced around with his hazy eyes. He was in a dimly lit room with white walls. He noticed three people looking down on him.

It was Jeremy, the shadow and someone Kai didn't know. He had short, neatly combed, blond hair, unnaturally handsome face, with light blue eyes and with almost art-like body. His muscles, which were visible from under his clothes, looked like they were perfectly calculated and carved from marble. He was wearing very extravagant and luxurious white suit, which faultlessly complemented his built.

"You're finally awake." Even his voice sounded handsome and artistic.

"Ugh... fotar yuy..." Kai tried to say something, but he couldn't form any coherent words. His jaw felt heavy and his whole face was numb.

"Don't try to talk, since we drugged you." The handsome man said proudly.

"Oh, but where are my manners? I'm Arthur."

"...hoata... ARGH!" As Kai tried to say something, Jeremy suddenly punched him.

"Arthur said not to talk, you dimwit!" Jeremy yelled at Kai.

"Okay, that's enough. Anyway, Kai." Said Arthur.

"We don't you join me?"

"..." Kai looked Arthur in the eyes. What was this guy saying suddenly? Join him? After he kidnapped and drugged him?

"Don't look at me like that. I'm just saying your talent is useful to me." Added Arthur.

"But he is an Outer! And he killed Jeff! We can't let him join us!" Jeremy frowned and fiercely protested.

"Well, I was the one that send you to taunt him, in order to see his abilities. So, I already expected that there may be causalities. But if that was the case, it meant that him joining us would even it out. No, we would gain more, since he had the power to kill one of you when outnumbered." Arthur was smiling confidently, like it was certain that Kai would agree.

"And him being an Outer is of no importance, as long as he is useful."

"..." Jeremy still looked dissatisfied, but he didn't say anything more. It looked like Arthur had a lot of authority amongst them.

"So, are you going to join us?" Arthur asked Kai.

"..." Kai shook his head. Why would he join this nutcase?

"How dare you refuse Arthur!" Jeremy shouted and once again punched Kai. Even though he was against Kai joining, he hit him after his refusal.

"..." Kai looked at them. What the f*ck did he get himself into?