
The End of Ten Days

(Translation was done by Google Translate, so it may not be accurate. Some parts will also make no sense) When I thought it was just an ordinary day, I found myself trapped in a place of doom. When I thought all I needed to do was participate in death games to escape, I discovered that everyone was awakening supernatural powers. When I thought this place was a “land of gods,” everything was heading towards annihilation…

1Water · Seram
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25 Chs

A Rainy

Qixia exerted effort to turn the table and said, "The positions of 'Ningxia' and 'Shandong' can be connected to form a horizontal line."

"'Inner Mongolia,' 'Sichuan,' and 'Yunnan' can be connected to form a 'left-falling' pattern."

"While 'Guangxi,' 'Guangdong,' 'Shaanxi,' and 'Jiangsu' can be connected to form a square, which is precisely the character 'right.'"

"No matter where Han Yimo's hometown is, as long as it's either Guangxi Province or Taiwan Province, it will form a 'mouth' character, so the answer has been determined from the beginning."

As everyone accelerated their movements, they showed a strange look.

Qixia's train of thought was too unconventional, but he had uncovered the mystery twice in a row, which inevitably made everyone start to doubt.

Qixia understood this, so he spoke to everyone, "Don't misunderstand. If the next game is about abandoning yourselves to survive, I will also unhesitatingly ensure my own survival."

Hearing him say this, everyone could only fall silent, gritting their teeth as they turned the table.

Nine people sat around the table, continuously turning it to the right.

"How many rounds?" Qiaojiajin asked.

"Twenty-six rounds," Linlin replied.

"You can count this too?" Qiaojiajin blinked. "The table looks the same."

"I counted based on the bloodstains on the table," Linlin said seriously. "Counting is important for us psychologists."

Qixia frowned. "We're not even at thirty rounds yet; we need to hurry."

The group quieted down and sped up their movements.

But as they reached the later stages, the table became harder to move, as if the internal chain was tightening.

"What's going on?!" Qiaojiajin gritted his teeth. "It's too heavy."

"Come on... Maybe it's connected to the door!" Sweetie said with a forced smile.

Her words brought a glimmer of hope to the despairing group.

The door.

Since this room could conjure up holes out of thin air, why couldn't it conjure up a door?

Everyone's arms were getting sore, but they continued to turn the table, round by round.

"Don't give up! Just five rounds left!" Linlin shouted loudly.

At this moment, everyone was exerting all their strength, not daring to slack off.

"Click, click."

As the final round ended, the table was clearly embedded in something.

Finally, they all breathed a sigh of relief, feeling the soreness in their arms.

At this moment, there were only three minutes left until one fifteen.

"Where's the door?!" Qiaojiajin shouted anxiously.

The walls around them remained unchanged, and in the pitch-black void, they could still see the cold light of the harpoons.

"Damn it! There's no door!" Qiaojiajin's voice was tinged with despair.

"Wrong! We guessed wrong!" Xiaoran screamed, "Shouldn't we have turned left? We shouldn't have believed that liar! We're all going to die here!!"

Qixia frowned slightly...


Before anyone could react, the central clock on the table suddenly acted strangely.

It trembled slightly, then shot out eight beams of light.

The eight beams of light emanated from the clock and gradually moved to the edge of the table, stopping there.

Under the puzzled gazes of the crowd, the clock split the table into nine equally sized sectors like a pizza, with a loud crash!

The central clock now stood on a small wooden stake.

Time was running out, and everyone was in a panic.

"What is this?" Han Yimo exclaimed. "Why did the table break?"

At this moment, Li Jinguan noticed that there were handles on the back of each sector of the table, and his years of professional experience made him understand instantly.

"These are shields!"

He picked up a sector and held it in front of himself.

"We can use these shields to block the harpoons!"

Hearing this, everyone else raised their table sectors.

But within seconds, they realized the problem.

"How do we block them?!" Lawyer Zhang Chenze showed a rare panic. "If harpoons are coming from all sides, we can only block one direction!"

"We need to cooperate," Qixia regained his senses and said, "We'll form a circle and block each other's backs."

After hearing this, everyone quickly adjusted their formation, waiting quietly.

At this moment, nine strangers became teammates, indispensable to each other.

Qixia glanced back inadvertently at Han Yimo, only to find his face covered in sweat, trembling all over, looking particularly nervous.

At this moment, a distant clock sounded outside the room again.

"Are you okay?" Qixia asked.

"N-nothing..." Han Yimo shook his head.

"Hey! Dr. Zhao, flip your table!" Zhang Chenze suddenly spoke up.

"Why?" Dr. Zhao looked at his table. Its pointed end was down, and the wide end was up.

"You won't be able to block my legs like this!" Zhang Chenze said nervously. "I'll get hit!"

"But if I flip it, I won't be able to block my head!" Dr. Zhao retorted. "Which is more important, the head or the legs?"

Some people, after hearing the argument between the two, thought that Dr. Zhao made sense, and they all turned their sectors over.

Pointed end down, wide end up.

This created a bizarre situation.

The harpoons flying from all directions would only be blocked by the upper halves of the shields, and everyone's legs would be vulnerable.

"Is this really right?" Xiaoran hesitated for a moment. "Even if we can hide our legs in the pointed end to block the front, what about the harpoons coming from behind? And those from above?"

"I'll block the ones from above!" Li Jinguan lifted his table above his head. "Get closer to me, and I'll protect you."

Linlin quickly thought it over and said, "The rest of us should alternate high and low. We can spread out!"

"Yes! That makes sense!" Qiaojiajin also agreed.

"No, it's not right." Qixia interrupted the two, "If everyone's shield is perpendicular to the harpoons, it's too easy to pierce through..."

"Pretty boy, what do you suggest then?" Qiaojiajin asked.

Qixia's gaze fell on the sheepskin mask on the ground.

"Why isn't a bamboo shoot afraid of the rain?"

The last hint made Qixia ponder.

"Hold on... Give me some more time," Qixia frowned.

Everyone held their breath, watching as the seconds ticked away, leaving only one minute before the harpoons were launched.

"Forget about it for now!" Dr. Zhao shouted coldly, "Let's do as Linlin said and arrange ourselves alternately!"

"You brat, shut up!" Qiaojiajin shouted, "I believe what the liar said."

"You!" Dr. Zhao gritted his teeth and swallowed his words.

"I've got it!" Qixia suddenly widened his eyes. "Everyone, point the wide end upwards!"

Although most people were skeptical, their minds were mostly blank, so they had no choice but to comply.

After a moment of thought, Dr. Zhao also turned his wide end upwards.

"Everyone, bend down!" Qixia continued, "Move the wide end backward and lean against each other. Li Jinguan, you don't need to block from above anymore. Join us!"

Under Qixia's command, everyone slowly aligned their sectors, forming a cone.

No one had expected all the sectors to fit together so perfectly, blocking all directions and the space above.

From afar, the cone resembled bamboo shoots, awaiting a downpour.

In the pitch-black space, everyone's anxious hearts beat loudly, and only the sound of their breathing echoed among them.

"It's coming..."

Qixia calculated the time and spoke softly.

The next moment, they only heard the sound of wind bursting, and something invisible slammed heavily against the table sectors held by Qixia.

Immediately after, the sounds from all directions swept over them like a violent storm.

The force of the harpoons was unexpectedly great, and everyone felt their arms sore, their hands almost unable to hold onto the table sectors.

Fortunately, with everyone's sectors pressed together, a delicate balance was formed.


A harpoon suddenly pierced through the table sector in front of Xiaoran, causing her to scream.

Qixia turned around and saw that the harpoon had stopped just two or three centimeters from Xiaoran's eye.

Luckily, the table sector was sturdy enough; otherwise, Xiaoran would have been dead by now.