

Hello author here.

I just want to say that I don't upload chapter everyday.

I currently can't do that because of my lack of experience and unlimited imagination. Maybe one day I might be able to do so but till then I have a long way to go.

And I'm sorry for the short chapter ;-;

Have a good read ^-^/


In one of the City's that is part of Vehlss Kingdom. A City renowned for it's huge papulation of adventurer's and the Huge Vast land where it is located at.

It's surrounding land's are mostly unexplored, and that's where the adventurer's come in. They explore the unknown, discover new unfound placeses, slay monsters, finding hidden treasures and many more.

The morning has just started. And Inside the Huge City of Aghanon. Where the streets are starting to fill with up with people, that have just woken up, and starting there day, some are opening there work shops and other's are going to there work place.

Adventurer's are seen walking to a place. Where adventurer's like themselves gather and meet everyday.

The place called The Adventurer's Guild Branch Association. It has branches in all over the Wolrd of Aden. And as the name suggest the Guild here is just a Branch of the Main Branch.

The said branches, are once a small adventurer's group. That then grow in size, and once they become big enough. They can then fille to the Guild Branch they come from to be evaluated.

And If the evaluation is successful. They can then, established themselves as a Guild Branch. And be one of many other Branches of the Guild Main Branch Association, In the World.

There seems to be a commotion inside the Guild. That the Adventurer's are gathering for. Inside you can see a few high ranked party of adventurer's sitting around the table, waiting for someone.

[(Adventure's POV)]

"What's taking her so long Karin?" Asked Merns Luck 23 years old. He is 6.1 feet tall guy with black short hair, sharp black eye's with a handsome round face and Lean macular body. Wearing enchanted beast leather armor that is thightly fit on his body and 2 deadly looking reapers strapped on his hip.

The lady that was questioned is Karin Juid 19 years old. She is 5.7 feet tall, shoulder long curly Violet hair, dark Violet eye's with a cute heart face and a fit Petite body. Wearing a fit black enchanted leather and 2 poison fang edge

Dagger on her hips with 8 throwing knife.

She just looked at him and the three other's and says " look. Just wait a bit more and she'll be here." As she say the word, she to was quite tired of waiting. It's been 30 minutes already and there healer is still not here.

"Fine fine. 10 more minutes and that's that." says Merns. He then looked at Hans. Singling him if have anything to say.

"While we wait. Why don't we talk more about the place where were going to?" Asked Hans Juid 21 years old. Older Brother of Karin. He is 5.10 feet tall, short drak Violet hair, Violet eye's and a mature handsome round face and a Mascular build body. Wearing dark gray enchanted armor and a big 2 hand dragon fang long sword strapped on his back.

"Yeah. let's talk more about it. I know that she's still not here but, let's just briefed her after she comes. On what we talk about here, while we travel sounds good?" She said. Marcel Kusla 20 years old. She in 5.8 feet tall, long straight black hair, gold ember eyes and a beautiful oval face and a lean curvy body. Wearing enchanted leather and robe armor and a black staff on her side.

Merns look at his group and say "Ok then. We are going to the north side of the forest of fairy's."

"Wait isn't that place a sacred grounds for fairy's?. And adventurer's are forbidden to even get close to that place...Unless it's a serious matter.." said Karin with nervousness in the last part.

Merns just calmly looked at her and continue. "Yes. It really is a serious matter. From the report 'we' got from the Guild, there seems to be a sittings of a group of cultists going in and out of the sacred forest of fairy's and a hundred `Slaves` entering the forest with them. If I had to guess, the slaves are there for sacrifice." He said with a seriousness and cold tone in the last part.

"Wait you said 'We'. Are there other group of party going to come with us?" Said Hans with a questioning look towards Merns.

"*Sign* Yes we're not going alone this time." Merns said while looking at the ceiling while massaging his forehead.

"Is it that really that severe?. That they won't let a AAA ranked party like us to do it alone?"

Asked Marcel with a worries in her voice.

"Yes apparently so. And the group that are coming with us are. The two Ravens and Alsen's groud Cramos." He said while looking at his group.

"That's quite surprising. Never thought the two revens are coming with us, of all the other groups they are exceptionally good." Said Marcel with surprised and prise.

"Yeah I heard that. They took down a rampant Drake while fighting a Basilisk at the same time there very exceptionally capable even though there it's just the 2 of them." Said Karin who was quite excited to see the two powerhouse.

"Looks like someone's excited." Said Hans with a smile.

"Wha-" before Karin can say anything she was immediately interrupted by the new commer.

"I heard that the group Cramos have just subjugated an Evil Dragon terrorising the elf's near the forest of Forever." said Juddia varen. 21 years old. Long curly blonde hair, blue eyes with a mature beautiful face and a curvy body. Wearing an enchanted Robe and a staff on her hand.

"Yes they did bu-....." Merns looked behind himself and see her. "When did you get Here!?" Asked Merns. "*Sign* just forget it. Just sit down so we can talk about the important matters and talk about why your so late." Said Merns with a frown while looking at her.

"*Sign* Okay ok. I get it I'm sorry I won't do it again. I just woke up late and 'stuff' happens and that's why I'm late." She said while faking an apologetic face while taking a sit.

"Whatever. What matters is that your here now. The other party will arrive shortly.*Sign*" Said Merns with tired voice.

[(POV Ends)]

They then start talking about the place and more information about the cult and what not.

And shortly after that the group of Cramos and The two Revens arrives.


Thank you for reading the chapter and sorry for taking so long to Finnish. And please bear with the bad grammar for now.

I hope that you like this change of POV and stuff. Expect for more thing like this to happen in the near future.

Have a good evening/day ^-^/

{Author out}