
chapter 3 : New life (1)

A maid in her forties darted down a dimly lit corridor, her worn shoes scuffing against the cold stone as she chased after a young boy, not more than five years old.

The boy, Ethan, with his youthful appearance and neatly groomed attire, dashed ahead with an air of mischief, his laughter ringing through the corridor like music. His elegant attire, a reflection of his noble status as the son of the castle's lord and lady, stood in stark contrast to the simple maid outfit worn by the woman pursuing him.

The corridor stretched on, its walls adorned with tapestries depicting scenes of battles and conquests from centuries past. Servants whispered amongst themselves as Ethan dashed past, their gossip barely audible over the sound of his footsteps. Ethan, lost in his thoughts, reflected on the five years he had spent in this world since the truck accident that brought him here. Life in the castle with his parents had been both comforting and challenging, the grandeur of their surroundings contrasting sharply with the strict rules and expectations of noble society.

"Master Ethan, please, you must eat your food!" the maid called out, her voice tinged with desperation as she tried to keep up with the energetic boy.

But Ethan, with his mischievous grin and determined spirit, paid her no heed, his small frame darting ahead with youthful exuberance. "No, I don't want to!" he protested, his voice filled with stubborndefiance.

His name in this world is also Ethan.

Meanwhile, a group of servants gathered in a nearby alcove, their voices hushed as they exchanged gossip about the young master of the castle.

"Did you hear about young Master Ethan?" one servant whispered, casting a furtive glance over his shoulder.

"What about him?" another servant replied, leaning in conspiratorially.

"They say he's been causing quite a stir lately, running off and causing trouble," the first servant continued, shaking his head disapprovingly.

The other servants murmured in agreement, their expressions filled with concern as they speculated about the boy's behavior.

As he rounded a corner, Ethan collided with a figure approaching from the opposite direction. The collision sent both of them stumbling backward, and Ethan looked up to see his father, Lord Marcus, standing before him with a concerned expression.

"Father!" Ethan exclaimed, his eyes widening in surprise as he recognized the imposing figure before him.

Lord Marcus, dressed in regal attire befitting his status as the lord of the castle, reached out to steady his son, his brow furrowed with worry. "Ethan, what's the matter? Why are you running in the corridors?"

Before Ethan could respond, the maid caught up, her breath coming inshort gasps as she addressed Lord Marcus. "Your Majesty, Master Ethan is refusing to eat his food. I've been trying to get him to sit down for his meal, but he won't listen to me."

Lord Marcus sighed, his expression softening as he turned to Ethan. "Ethan, you know you need to eat to grow big and strong. Please, come with me to the dining hall."

As they walked, Ethan's father was accompanied by his trusted subordinates: an older man dressed as the head butler, his dignified demeanor reflecting years of loyal service to the castle, and two middle-aged men carrying katanas at their sides. These knights, clad in knight-like attire, exuded an aura of strength and honor as they followed their lord.

"Good afternoon, Master Ethan," the head butler greeted with a warm smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he addressed the young boy.

Ethan's eyes widened with excitementat the sight of the knights, his imagination running wild with tales of chivalry and adventure. "Hello!" he replied eagerly, his gaze lingering on the gleaming blades at their hips.

As they sat at the table, Ethan eagerly sipped on his hearty soup, relishing its rich flavors. Lord Marcus, his father, cut into his succulent steak with precision, savoring each tender bite.

"Ethan, my boy," Lord Marcus began between mouthfuls, "now that you've turned five, it's time to embark on your studies and training."

Ethan's eyes widened with excitement, remembering the long-awaited moment when he would be allowed to delve into the world of learning and skill-building. "Really, Father? I can start now?" he asked eagerly.

"Yes, indeed," Lord Marcus replied with a proud smile. "Your mother will begin teaching you lessons in the morning, and in the afternoons, we'll focus on training."

Ethan's heart raced with anticipation as he imagined all the knowledge and skills he would soon acquire. "What will I learn first, Father?" he inquired, eager for a glimpse into the future.

Lord Marcus leaned back in his chair, contemplating his son's question. "Well, we'll start with the basics, of course. Reading, writing, arithmetic," he listed off, ticking each item on his fingers. "Then, we'll move on to more advanced subjects like history, politics, and strategy."

Excitement bubbled within Ethan as he imagined himself mastering each subject, becoming a scholar and strategist like his father. "And what about training, Father? What will I learn there?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

Lord Marcus's eyes gleamed with pride at his son's eagerness to learn and grow. "In training, you'll learn the ways of combat, both armed and unarmed," he explained, gesturing with his fork as if outlining the path to martial prowess. "You'll also learn horsemanship, archery, and other skills essential for a young nobleman."

Ethan's mind raced with images of sword fights, horseback rides, and archery contests. "I can't wait to start, Father," he exclaimed, barely able to contain his excitement.

Lord Marcus chuckled warmly at his son's enthusiasm. "Patience, Ethan. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will your education and training be," he advised, his tone gentle but firm. "But with dedication, perseverance, and a thirst for knowledge, you'll go far."

Ethan nodded eagerly, determination shining in his young eyes. "I promise, Father. I'll do my best to learn everything you teach me and become the best I can be."

As they conversed, Ethan's mother's melodious voice rang out through the corridor, calling his name. Ethan turned to see her approaching, her elegant attire flowing gracefully around her, a vision of poise and grace befitting her status as lady of the castle.

"Ethan, darling!" she exclaimed, reaching out to him with open arms, a radiant smile lighting up her face.

Ethan welcomed her embrace, though he couldn't help but feel slightly embarrassed by her effusive display of affection. "Mother," he greeted her, returning the hug with a polite smile.

"How was your day, my dear?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine concern as she brushed a stray lock of hair from his forehead.

"It was good, Mother," Ethan replied, his tone respectful. "Father and I were just discussing my studies and training."

His mother's eyes sparkled with interest as she turned to Lord Marcus, who was still enjoying his meal at the table. "And what have you decided?" she inquired, her gaze shifting between her husband and her son.

"We've agreed that Ethan will begin his lessons in the morning, followed by training in the afternoons," Lord Marcus replied, his voice tinged with pride.

"That sounds wonderful," Ethan's mother exclaimed, her smile widening as she glanced at her son. "You must be thrilled, Ethan, to finally start your education and training."

Ethan nodded, a flicker of excitement crossing his features. "Yes, Mother. I can't wait to learn new things and become stronger," he admitted, his eyes shining with anticipation.

His mother's affectionate gaze softened as she cupped his cheek tenderly. "I'm sure you'll excel in everything you set your mind to, my dear," she assured him, her voice filled with maternal pride.

"Thank you, Mother," Ethan replied, touched by her words.

Meanwhile, Lord Marcus watched the exchange between his wife and son with a fond smile, his heart swelling with love for his family. "You'll be a fine mentor to him, my dear," he remarked, addressing his wife.

His wife's eyes sparkled with gratitude as she turned to him, her expression filled with warmth. "And you'll be a wonderful teacher and role model," she replied, her voice soft with affection.

Lord Marcus reached out to clasp her hand in his, a silent acknowledgment of their partnership in guiding their son's upbringing. "Together, we'll ensure that Ethan grows into a noble and honorable young man," he vowed, his gaze meeting hers with unwavering determination.

And as they sat together at the table, bathed in the glow of familial love and support, Ethan knew that he was truly blessed to have such caring and devoted parents by his side, guiding him every step of the way on his journey through life.