
A Sacred Ritual! IV

Waves of information smashed down one after another as they were enough to cause any Gem Master to despair.

Dreadful Beast Clans were out there.

They were powerful already, and now there was the exposure of the fact that one of the Human Lineages had joined hands with such Beasts for their own benefits.

For power and whatever else was promised, they actually abandoned defending their own World and joined hands with the invaders who had killed millions upon millions of humans.

How extensive was this cooperation? Because of the Galanis Bloodline, how many more terrifying Beasts of Corruption had made entry into their world?

Because as of right now, it seemed like Breaches were likely to be opened freely while Beasts walked through as if they were invited.

There was the even more horrific Dragon Clan with Dragon Lords and Dragon Kings that had Seven-Link and Eight-Link Gem Sockets!

All of them and more were targeting Ephesus.