
The empress is the Alpha

born with the clearest, whitest and most beautiful skin, wei has been receiving praises ever since she was a baby. with her extraordinary glowing skin, blue eyes like the clear sky, pink lips and usual curly midnight black hair. her beauty made heads turn, only those jealous of her would call her a freak for having such kind of skin and eyes and hair. Her beauty was divine but it became too divine as people started to ask questions. 'is she from the moon?' people would ask her mother and always answered that she was from this world but then how can a child from this world keep glowing and become more beautiful with each passing year. At first, this was great attraction and good for business for her mother but it soon became too much to the point she had to swear of her child being of this world before the emperor and the empire. Before her secret come to light, after swearing, she fled with her daughter, leaving her business behind to protect her and not lose her to the people of the moon. There has to be balance in this world and the world of the moon. Such divine beauty cannot be in the human' world but up in the moon. In order to confuse the moon people, wei and her mother never stayed the same place more than two years but what will happen when the love wei had when she was little comes up to the surface and she decides to settle down with the emperor and become the EMPRESS?

Anita_Badei · Sejarah
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4 Chs

under the moonlight

Chapter one

"Please stop watching us, nothing bad will happen to us so you do not need to keep watching us or else someone will notice and see the resemblance and the figure everything out." A very beautiful woman wearing a long tunic made of silk. Her face was beautiful and shine under the moonlight.

Her dark eyes searched into the ones she was talking to. A man dressed as a beggar but with his firm built and great stamina one would think he's with the military.

Although she was telling him to leave and not to watch them again but her eyes hoped for something else. They held longing, her eyes were hoping he would have something to say to could perhaps end her suffering.

But unfortunately, he remained silent. That was another form of an answer to the question she asked with her eyes.

No dear, I have nothing I could do to help.

Does were what she read from his own eyes.

Although she knows this, he wouldn't be able to get any information cause he's just a werewolf, they don't know much yet she was hoping and got herself disappointed.

He kept a straight, emotionless face but she could see tears welling up from his eye.

At the sight of that, her eyes start to sting as well and her nose were filled with snort almost immediately.

She took her head as if to wake herself up. She has to be strong.

"You are a very unique man, it will be impossible for someone not to notice you much less if they see you around us! What will people say? Although they still aren't sure of our existence, this will bring chaos and if this chaos reaches the heaven?! No!" She held her chest and stumbled back a bit.

The man rushed to her side and put his arms around her waist to balance her.

He looked down at her and couldn't help staring at her eyes which were glistening under the moonlight as tears welled up in her eyes.

Her face was perfect in every way without any imperfection. Her small pink lips parted a bit.

"How is she?" He asked with his deep voice as he steadied her back on her feet.

"She is fine. I promise to take good care of her so please stop worrying." She answered.

"How could I possibly do that?" He asked then pulled her into his chest and wrapped his arms around her waist to ensure she doesn't leave his grip. "I worry about you too. Couldn't you do something else? or perhaps don't work, I'll send money to you so you don't need to work in such a place again." Finally some emotions start to form on his face, sadness and despair were written all over his face.

The woman smiled for the first although tears were still threatening to go freely from her eyes.

She stretched both her hand up to his face and cupped his face. "Are you jealous? Is this jealous I'm witnessing?" She asked teasing.

He suddenly tighten his hold on her and pulled her closer if that was even possible anymore with the proximity both of them are closed to each other.

"What kind of a question is that? You are my beloved! I won't be with any other nor will I love anyone again. Seeing you work there, in... In.. in." He stuttered and anger was beginning to build up evidently from his voice. "Just leave, I'll take care of both of you financially from afar." The man offered.

"You still haven't understood my plight. Lord Lee..."

"What's there to understand?" Lord Lee cut her short. "I know just as much as you do."

"No! You don't know. This was the reason I avoided you the best I could and tried not to conceive but you had to have your way." She tried to break free from his hold. Key word, tried but it was futile as he was letting go anytime soon.

Defeated, the woman continued. "Lord Lee," she suddenly lowered her voice in a hushed tone and whispered. "I'm not just a mere witch, I'm a descendant from the witches council. That's why I'm this divine! While you, you're the Alpha of the wolf pack here. If we keep meeting, the heaven is bound to take notice and might even watch our actions! Lord, you have to trust me in this, I know all of this which is why we should never have mated but what's done is done."

She reached up to his face again and cupped his face. "Lord, don't you believe in the love I have for you and our child? Why would I unnecessarily want to distance myself from you? I love you but I also love what we have created together. She's a new being, something very divine. No, she is very divine, too divine! It's already causing a commotion and they already know that I am her mother which is bringing in too much praises but I don't want to imagine what will happen if... If you were to be seen anywhere around me or our child." The woman begged pleadingly with her eyes. "Please leave, leave the capital and go somewhere else to live. We'll be fine, I can assure you that."

The man sighed in frustration. "I should leave my woman and child. Forget that you both exist and carry on with my life? Do you realize the great request you are asking of me?" Lord Lee questioned.

"Lord! I do realize that this is a big request and I am disheartened to be making such a request to you but... What choice do I have? I'm sure you love our child. Please Lord, help me protect her. The heaven will always want to maintain balance and that balance might mean giving up our child!" Finally, the tears rolled down her cheeks freely.

She dropped her hand from his face then rested her head on his chest and wept. "Lord! Please help me protect our child. I have to keep her with me at all cause or my heart will just shatter." She sniffed and cried. "You have a pack, you are responsible for them also, please focus on your alpha duties."

There was a long pause. Only the woman cried but the Lord Lee did not utter a single word but just watched the woman in front of him for a while.

"Alright." He finally broke the silence. "I'll disappear from your life under a condition."

She stopped crying at that. "What is it that you want me to do?" She asked curiously.

"When she's twenty one, she must meet and stay with me while you will disappear from her life."