
The Royal Titan

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The following 11 chapters are available for Patrons.

Chapter 27 (The Attack Titan Vs Levi), Chapter 28 (Historia's Love), Chapter 29 (Titan Serum), Chapter 30 (Levi's Titan), Chapter 31 (An Ackerman Titan), Chapter 32 (Annie's Loyalty), Chapter 33 (Graduation), Chapter 34 (The Breach of Trost), Chapter 35 (The Counter Attack), Chapter 36 (The Battle of Trost), and Chapter 37 (The Past, The Present, and The Future) are already available for Patrons.

As Eren returned from his little encounter with Annie, he could feel his heart beating faster with each step. Mikasa had left an empty spot for him at the table, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth at the sight of her thoughtful gesture. As he sat down and surveyed the scene before him, he noticed a bowl of soup and a piece of bread waiting for him, a humble but welcome meal after the rigors of his day. He took a tentative sip of the soup, savoring the rich flavor and the warmth that spread through his body. It was good enough, but nothing to write home about.

"Where were you, Eren? We searched around for you for an hour?" It was then that Eren noticed Sasha, who was sitting near their table and coughing lightly, indicating she had been waiting for him as well. However, what caught his attention the most was Annie, who was sitting in her usual spot and appeared to be uninterested in their conversation. Despite this, Eren couldn't help but wonder if she was hiding her curiosity behind her impassive expression.

"Ahhh. I - I was exploring," Eren stammered in response to his friends' inquisitive stares. His nervous chuckle betrayed his unease as he rubbed the back of his head, the heat rising in his cheeks. Ymir's devilish smirk only confirmed what Eren already knew - his friends didn't believe him. Oh No, Eren thought, gulping. He knew his freckles friend was more observant than he gave her credit for.

"Ohh, exploring-" she muttered to herself, her words trailing off as she stood up from her seat. She walked over to Eren, who was sitting nearby, and sat down beside him, her arm going around his neck and pulling him closer to her. Eren pleaded at Mikasa with his eyes for her to save him, but she seemed unfazed by his distress, perfectly content with his fate. She turned to talk with Historia.

Ymir cleared her throat as she leaned closer to Eren, causing his cheeks to flush with warmth and anticipation. With a determined glint in her eyes, she spoke in a commanding yet melodramatic tone, "Pray to tell me, Eren, who was the damsel that had the audacity to steal you away from my grasp? I yearn to know her name so that I may teach her a lesson and ensure that she never again lays her claws on you." As she uttered those words, Ymir's presence drew the attention of many who were within earshot, eliciting chuckles and whispers of admiration for her bold and theatrical display of possessiveness.

"Ymir stop this; you're going overboard with this," Eren said, trying to free himself, but Ymir kept a strong grip around him.

"Nah, nah, you aren't going anywhere without telling me everything. Who was it?" Ymir demanded, her eyes narrowing as she scrutinized him. "Was it Sasha? Everyone in here knows the potato girl wants to eat you, and I can't really blame her." She gave the potato girl in question a side glance, causing the village girl to blush with embarrassment. Eren let out an exasperated sigh, wishing that he could just disappear into thin air. Ymir was relentless, and he knew that he wouldn't be able to escape without giving her some kind of answer. He glanced around the room, hoping for some kind of distraction, but everyone else seemed to be engrossed in their own conversations.

Ymir's voice echoed in the room, teasing Annie with a playful tone. "Or was it, Annie?" she asked, pausing for a moment, and then continued with a smirk, "She might try to hide it, but behind her stone-cold face, I know there's an even colder heart." The people around Ymir burst out laughing, some even hooting at her words, while Eren struggled to free himself from Ymir's grip. Annie, on the other hand, looked straight at the freckled girl with a piercing glare that could cut through steel, a fire burning deep within her eyes. Ymir knew all too well what that look meant, but she didn't bother acknowledging it, choosing to bask at the moment as the center of attention.


The darkness of the night enveloped them as they walked, Eren and Historia holding their respective crates with determination etched on their faces. The moon shone down on them, casting a silver glow on their figures as they exchanged words in hushed tones. "Are you sure about this, Historia?" Eren asked, his voice barely above a whisper as he peered at the blonde girl beside him. She looked back at him with a steely determination, her eyes shining with unwavering resolve. Eren had tried to offer her help by holding her crate too, but she had refused with conviction, insisting that she could manage on her own.

As the night fell and the stars twinkled in the sky, the cadets gathered around the dinner table, exhausted from another day of intense training. Suddenly, Shadis, their strict and grumpy instructor, burst out with a surprising announcement.

Apparently, he had come up with a new way to train his soldiers, a way that would push them to their limits and test their endurance. However, this new method was more like torture, as he ordered them to move a hundred heavy crates from one end of the training ground to the other in the dead of night.

The soldiers groaned in unison, knowing that this was going to be a long and grueling night. Shadis then split them into groups of two cadets, each pair assigned to move a certain number of crates. Eren was paired with Historia. Meanwhile, Armin was paired with Mina, the bubbly and energetic girl who always had a smile on her face. They both grinned at each other. As they set off to begin their task, they could hear the sounds of the other groups struggling and grunting in the darkness.

As Eren and Historia found themselves alone, the quietness around them was only broken by the sound of their footsteps echoing in the darkness. The stillness of the moment gave Eren the perfect opportunity to finally ask her what he had been wanting to do since yesterday. Since accepting the role of becoming the fourth semi-Titan Shifter, Eren had been curious about Historia and her thoughts on the matter. He found it hard to shake the feeling that there was more to her than meets the eye. Despite the fact that he had known her for some time now, he still found it difficult to remember that her name was Historia and not Krista.

As Eren posed his question to Historia, there was a momentary lull in the conversation as she appeared to be lost in thought, her eyes gazing off into the distant horizon. However, after a few moments, Historia slowly turned her head to look at Eren, her expression thoughtful and contemplative.

In a soft voice, she began to speak, her words ringing with a sense of quiet determination and purpose. "Is just like you said," she began, "this is the life we live. Our lives are full of sacrifices for the people we care about or the ideals we follow. We all have something that gives us the will to keep moving forward, even in the face of adversity and danger." Her gaze drifted off into the distance once more as she spoke, her eyes fixed on some distant point beyond the horizon. And then, as if pulled back to the present by some unseen force, she stopped walking, her fingers tightening around the wooden crate she was carrying, causing it to creak in protest. "Krista was a kind girl who saw kindness in everyone," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

After a short pause, Eren gazed into the distance, lost in his thoughts as he pondered the question that had been on his mind for a while. "If Krista was a foolish girl who couldn't hurt a fly, then who is Historia?" he asked, breaking the silence that enveloped them. The half-moon shone, casting a pale light on the darkened landscape, and Eren strained his eyes to see beyond five meters. Despite the darkness, he could make out Historia's figure, and he approached her, placing his hand on her shoulder. As he did so, Historia looked up at him with newfound confidence, her eyes ablaze with a fierce determination that Eren had never seen before. It was as if a fire had ignited within her, a fire that would burn down their enemies and illuminate the road ahead for all of them.

"Historia is the girl ready to face the enemy head-on. I'm not doing this because I want people to think of me as the good girl who sacrificed everything for everyone else, but I'm doing it for the people I consider family. Ymir, Armin, Mina, Sasha, Mikasa-" Historia reached out and grabbed Eren's hand resting on her shoulder before giving it a gentle squeeze.

"And for you, Eren," Historia added. She raised her head, her eyes meeting Eren's, and for a moment, he felt like he was looking into the depths of her soul. Her gaze was intense yet gentle, and it reminded him of the way Mikasa looked at him every day.

"You six are the only ones I need. No one else. This is who I am, a selfish girl who will abandon everyone for you six." As Historia spoke these words, her eyes flickered with intense emotion, and she leaned in closer to Eren, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek. Her face flushed with a mix of embarrassment and affection as she pulled back, gazing down at her feet

"Thank you for considering me as one of your dear friends," As he spoke those words, he couldn't help but notice the way her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue, making her even more charming than before.

Eren's voice was tinged with a hint of concern as he spoke, "I just wanted to make sure that you know the responsibilities; if it does work, you will always be needed to create more Syringes." His eyes met Historia's for a brief moment before he cast them downward, his expression taking on a downcast look.

"I know, Eren, and I appreciate you being concerned for my well-being, but I made this decision on my own. No one forced it upon me. I could have just kept quiet and allowed the commander to have the last syringe, and perhaps it would have been easier that way. I wouldn't have as many responsibilities. I could have continued being Krista Lenz, the good girl who was as innocent as a baby. But-" her words trailed off as she gazed up at the half-moon, shrouded by the thick canopy of trees in the forest. The only sounds that could be heard were the distant hoots of an owl and the chirping of crickets, enveloping them in a symphony of nature's melodies. The gentle breeze whispered through the trees, rustling the leaves and sending a strand of Historia's hair to dance across her face. As she brushed the errant lock behind her ear, a sense of restlessness stirred within her.

"But, then, that could endanger my friends, having more allies on our side. That's why I said it. So we could survive, not because of them." Historia finished before she resumed walking forward; Eren was quick to follow her.

After hearing her explanation, Eren was mostly quiet, thinking about what the future held for them. He just hoped that, in the end, everything would have been worth it.

After an extensive training session, the entire group was left exhausted and drained of energy. As they sluggishly made their way to their beds, the only thing on their minds was getting a good night's rest. Despite the overwhelming fatigue, Eren found himself unable to fall asleep. Instead, he lay on his back with his hands tucked beneath his head, gazing up at the ceiling and contemplating what the future held for them all. Thoughts of uncertainty and anticipation raced through his mind as he wondered what challenges and opportunities lay ahead. Would they be ready to face them head-on?

I will keep moving forward. I will Fight, and those that try to take away my Freedom. I won't hesitate to take away theirs.

Erwin Smith

Erwin couldn't shake the feeling of disbelief that lingered within him even a week after his conversation with Eren Yeager. For as long as he could remember, he had been searching for answers to prove that his father's beliefs were not just the ramblings of a madman but the key to uncovering the truth behind the truth of the world. Now, with the weight of the truth bearing down on him, Erwin struggled to come to terms with the reality that his father had been right all along. The knowledge that those in power had been the ones responsible for his father's demise had been something he had long suspected, but the confirmation of this fact was both a relief and a burden. As he mulled over the implications of this newfound information, Erwin couldn't help but feel a sense of vindication for his father's legacy and the pursuit of justice he had dedicated his life to.

Erwin's mind went to the island's people, Eldians, he thought, the words still sounding a little strange. For years the desire for the truth had fuelled him. For years, a burning desire for the truth had been the sole driving force behind his every action. So many times, he had found himself on the brink of giving up, of letting go of the unbearable weight of guilt and sorrow that threatened to crush him. But every time he felt himself slipping away, an image of his father would flash before his eyes, filling him with a renewed sense of strength and purpose. It was only now, after finally uncovering the truth about his father's legacy, that Erwin understood the full weight of his father's words and the depth of his wisdom. And with that realization came a newfound sense of determination to keep moving forward, to fight for justice, and to honor his father's memory in all that he did.

His fuel became something else, something else to keep moving forward, his hands balled into fists, his blue eyes almost glittering with newfound flames. New found determination.

The desire to protect his people was his fuel now, and with the help of Eren Yeager, perhaps they truly stood a chance. The entire world might be their enemy, but Erwin knew a thing or two about politics. He wasn't only a commander, he knew what drives people, and he knew under the right circumstances, knowing they were Eldian Devils would have little to no meaning when they had no other choice but to work with them.

Last night after everyone had gone to sleep, Erwin had barely shut his eyes to sleep. Instead, he had thought of plans, creating new plans and ideas. He hadn't been the only one.

Levi had always been known to be odd in a way, often sleeping for only two to three hours every night and rarely for four hours. However, last night was different. Erwin, his trusted comrade, had noticed that Levi was not able to sleep for even a single hour. It was evident that the revelation that Titans were humans all along had taken a significant toll on him, and despite his attempts to conceal his emotions, Erwin could see through his facade. The same was the case with Mike and Hange, who had also been shocked beyond belief by the truth that had been revealed to them. Erwin knew that it would take some time for them to return to their usual selves, but he was confident that they would bounce back soon enough.

"You could tell the members of Levi Squad, Hange Squad, and perhaps Mike Squad, but I don't want the truth to be known by too many people yet."

Hange had told them last night that Eren agreed to tell a few things to their three best squads. Not everything, though, the syringe and Eren holding the Founding Titan would be kept secret, but Erwin knew he could trust Levi and Mike's Squad. When they first encountered Eren as a Titan three years ago, they had been there, and all of them reacted with shock and bewilderment. None of them had reacted as if they knew what Eren was or anything to indicate traitorchy.

Erwin would keep the majority of the information for now. But there was one person he could trust with the truth, someone Erwin knew he would need his help in order to bring down the government when the time came. Capturing the Traitor Titan Shifters was still the primary objective, but Erwin had already thought of plans to take down the Government and install someone else. Who that somebody else would be, remains to be seen for now.

Erwin sat quietly at his desk, lost in thought. He had been contemplating the day's events, trying to make sense of the chaos surrounding him. As he sat there, a sudden knock on the door shattered the silence of his office. Startled, Erwin jumped to his feet, his heart racing.

"Come in," he said, his voice betraying a hint of nervousness. The door slowly creaked open, revealing the imposing figure of the Commander of the Southern Territory. Erwin felt a wave of relief wash over him as he realized it was an old friend, Dot Pixis.

Pixis is a bald man with a structured build. He had a distinguished mustache, with light skin and notable wrinkles under his eyes. As a commander, he also wore a bolo tie, much like his fellow commanders Erwin Smith and Nile Dok.

"Commander Erwin, might I know what has come out from under the rug for you to call this meeting so abruptly?" The man asked humorously; Erwin smiled in amusement before standing up.

Pixis furrowed his brow in confusion, wondering what could have possibly prompted Erwin to bring the bottle of wine that he had gifted him on the day he was promoted to commander. It was the last thing he had expected to happen today, as he had not heard from Erwin in weeks. As he watched Erwin approach him with the bottle in hand, Pixis couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement. He knew that there could only be one reason for Erwin to bring that bottle: something important had happened, something that would change the course of their lives forever.

"What victory have we achieved for you to offer me a drink from that bottle?" Commander Pixis inquired, his voice tinged with a curious amusement and a hint of seriousness. He was well aware of Commander Erwin's strict adherence to discipline and sobriety, which made the sight of him pouring two generous glasses of wine all the more unusual. As Pixis observed the rich, crimson liquid flowing smoothly into the goblets, he couldn't help but feel a sense of intrigue and anticipation. This was no ordinary meeting; he knew that much. There was something significant, something momentous that had happened, and he was eager to discover what it was.

"The first victory, Pixis. Please have a seat, and let me tell you everything." Erwin offered, his voice laced with a hint of excitement as he gestured towards a vacant chair, his eyes alight with the thrill of battle. Pixis wasted no time. His eagerness was palpable as he scooted out a chair and sat down, his hands wrapped tightly around the glass filled with the rich, red liquid, his eyes fixed on Erwin with rapt attention.

As Erwin carefully placed the wine bottle back amongst his collection of books, Pixis's eyes followed his every move. The silence that lingered between them was palpable, prompting Pixis to break it with a curiously raised eyebrow and a simple yet pointed question: "Well?" The way he uttered the word held a note of impatience as if he was waiting for Erwin to divulge some important information.

"Last night, I had an interesting meeting with a few interesting people who told me quite a few interesting things." Erwin started taking a sip of wine from his glass.

As Pixis relished the taste of the rich red wine, he turned to his friend Erwin with a curious gleam in his eye and requested, "Please enlighten me, Erwin, before I demand a second glass." Erwin, amused by Pixis' eagerness, grinned before recounting the fascinating details of what he had learned the previous night. With each word that Erwin spoke, Pixis found himself increasingly captivated, his mind whirring with new ideas and possibilities. The warmth of the fire, the soft flicker of the candles, and the rich aroma of the wine all combined to create an atmosphere of comfort and intellectual stimulation.

It took almost an hour, but after he was done. Pixis leaned back in his chair and gazed at his reflection in the wine glass; his eyes fixated on the way the light danced across the surface.

As he gazed at his reflection in his wineglass, he couldn't help but wonder how it was possible to live in a world that hated them so intensely. Despite the gravity of the situation, Pixis maintained a stoic demeanor, choosing to ask rather than express his emotions outright, "Eldians? To think humanity had been our enemy this whole time. If I didn't know what kind of people lived in the interior, perhaps I would be more surprised, but the whole world hates our guts?" His voice trailed off, filled with a mix of confusion, sorrow, and anger. Pixis knew that the situation was dire and that they needed to act fast if they were to survive this war and prove to the world that they were not the monsters they were made out to be.

"Apparently, they call us Devils, an island of Devils, to be more precise," Erwin added solemnly, pursing his lips into a thin line.

Pixis, with a curious expression, sipped his drink before posing a question that had been bothering him. "Do you think we can trust this Eren Yeager?" he asked, his gaze intently focused on Erwin.

"Yes." Upon hearing that, Pixis looked deep in thought before nodding.

"That's all I needed to hear. but I have a feeling that you wanted to discuss more, didn't you?" Pixis asked, lowering the glass and laying it on the table. Erwin smiled. He was as sharp as ever.

One Month Later

After learning that the cadets would be free from training for three days and free to do whatever, Erwin decided that would be an excellent time to finally test the syringe on Historia Reiss and see a Titan transformation for the first time.

Because of this, two days before the test started, Erwin ordered Levi Squad, Mike Squad, and Hange Squad to be present in his office. Hearing the commander was calling them into a meeting of some sort. All twelve Scout veterans knew this was serious. They were tempted to ask their captains but knew they would reveal naught to them.

That's why two days before the tests started, Erwin Smith sat in his spacious office, surrounded by his trusted subordinates - Captain Levi, Squad Leader Hange Zoë, and veteran soldier Mike Zacharias. They were discussing the latest developments. Suddenly, the door creaked open, and all twelve scout veterans entered the room in unison, their faces etched with determination and grit. As they made their way to the center of the room, Mike stood up and closed the door behind them, leaving them in complete privacy. Erwin and his team watched in silence as the veterans stood tall and saluted their commanding officer, a symbol of their unwavering loyalty and dedication to the cause.

"Commander," the word echoed through the room, spoken with the utmost respect in hushed tones by all the soldiers present. Erwin Smith, the man at the center of their attention, stood tall and composed, his piercing blue eyes scanning the room as he crossed his hands in front of his face. It had been a grueling task, taking days of careful consideration and analysis, but Erwin had finally managed to identify those he could trust. But based on when the titan they had captured was killed, Erwin could bet the enemy shifters were amongst the new cadets. Not the veterans, of course, he still could be wrong, but Erwin highly doubted anyone from Marley had infiltrated the Walls before the fall of Wall Maria, which meant those that had joined the military before the Fall could be trusted.

With that thought on his mind, Erwin decided to address his scouts. "I have called all of you here for a good reason." The scouts shifted uneasily, sensing the importance of the moment. "What will be said here will be crucial for the future of humanity," Erwin continued, his voice growing even more authoritative. "What I will tell you is not to be discussed with anyone else outside of this office. Understood?" The scouts nodded, their eyes fixed on Erwin, who spoke with a deep and commanding voice that left no room for doubt.

The scouts gulped, their faces paling slightly but kept their composure nonetheless. "What is this about, Commander?" Nanabi asked respectfully, her eyes flickered at Mike, who was leaning against the wall, but saying nothing.

"Recently, we have been informed that there are people out there with the ability to turn into Titans. And the Armour and Colossal Titan were amongst those people." The words hung heavy in the air, and for a moment, the room was silent as the gravity of the situation dawned on everyone present. Then, as if on cue, a low murmur began to spread, and Erwin watched as the expressions on their faces changed from confusion to shock, fear, and concern.

"Commander, how is that possible?" Petra's voice was the first to break the stunned silence, her face gone pale with worry. "How can we possibly know for sure that this is true?"

Erwin's words seemed to have hit the scouts like a ton of bricks. The silence that followed was palpable. It was as if they were all trying to process the gravity of what they had just heard. "I know what I'm saying sounds impossible, but it is the truth. A reliable source informed us that The Colossal and the Armored Titan are humans who are enemies of humanity." Erwin repeated, his voice unwavering. The news was enough to make even the toughest soldiers feel weak in the knees. Gelgar, who had always been known for his strong constitution, seemed to have been drinking before coming to the meeting. As Erwin spoke, Gelgar's face turned green, and he looked like he was about to vomit everything he had been holding inside. The room was filled with tension and apprehension as everyone tried to come to terms with the revelation that had just been dropped on them.

"Commander, who is this source of information?" Eld asked. Amongst the veterans, he was the one who was holding it together the most.

Erwin told them briefly of Eren's existence and that two days from now, they would all travel to witness it and to make a few tests.

Hearing that they had their own Titan Shifter on their side eased up the tension but not enough. They asked if they could trust this Eren, but Erwin reassured them that Eren was trustworthy.

"Eren entrusted with the truth, so we owe him that much, if not more." Erwin finished, with all the veterans nodding along in understanding. Levi knew there was one thing he needed to say before they went there.

"Oi," he began, catching their attention, "Before we go there, remember that Eren is the same Titan that grabbed Petra in the woods three years ago." His words hung in the air, causing a ripple of concern among his team members. Oluo, in particular, was quick to react, cursing under his breath and clenching his fists.

"That son of a bitch. I will-" "None of you are doing anything," he stated in a calm but authoritative tone, quelling any potential outbursts. "I wouldn't have put my trust in him if I thought he was a liar."

Petra, his subordinate, looked apprehensive at the mention of Eren's name. Levi noticed her unease and turned to her, his eyes softening. "Petra, do you want to stay here?" he asked, giving her the option to opt out of the mission. Petra gulped slightly, her mind racing with conflicting thoughts. In the end, she slowly shook her head, indicating her willingness to proceed.

She didn't want to disappoint her captain and her team by deciding to hide in a corner like a little girl. She wanted to face her fear. Levi gave her a nod of acknowledgment.

"Very well. Two days from now, we start."

Two Days Later

After being free from Keith's grasp for the next three days, Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Ymir, and Historia wasted no time making their way to Survey Corps Headquarters. As they arrived at the imposing gates of the headquarters, a soldier dressed in the Corps' distinctive uniform stepped forward to block their way. Without hesitation, the group of young cadets announced their names, their voices ringing out with confidence and determination. The soldier's eyes flicked over their faces, his expression unreadable, before he finally nodded and stepped back, gesturing for them to follow him.

Eren recognized him as Eld from Captain Levi's Squad. As the sun was high in the sky on the dusty plains, a caravan of wagons slowly made its way across the rugged terrain. Eren and his close-knit group of friends were seated together in one of the creaky wagons, their backs pressed against the rough wooden planks as they gazed out at the passing scenery. Eld was once again at the reins of the lead wagon, expertly guiding the team of strong horses through the rocky terrain. As they trekked on, Eren's attention drifted upward toward the sky. Though his friends were chatting animatedly around him.

Armin let out a sigh and mentioned to the group that he had been eagerly looking forward to asking Mina out on a date, but unfortunately, due to the upcoming tests, he was forced to postpone their plans for a later date. However, before anyone could respond, Ymir interjected with a cheeky grin and exclaimed that Mina had fallen head over heels for Armin and that she would probably faint if he ever asked her out on a date. Armin's face turned a bright shade of red as he tried to hide his blush, much to the amusement of everyone.

As the carriage rolled over the bumpy cobblestone path, the group inside indulged in a lively conversation that seemed to make the time fly by. As they approached their destination, the castle loomed up ahead like a magnificent beast from a fairy tale, with ivy creeping up the walls and gargoyles perched on the turrets. The carriage came to a stop in front of the imposing wooden doors.

As the carriage pulled to a halt just outside the walls of the castle, Eren couldn't help but notice the way nature had taken over most of the stone structure. The walls were covered in a thick layer of ivy, with veins of greenery reaching all the way to the top as if the surrounding forest had swallowed up the castle. However, amidst the overgrowth, a single tower stood tall and proud, catching their eyes with its sturdy appearance. As the gate to the castle swung open. It was as if the castle had been built in the very heart of nature itself, with the trees and foliage serving as its protectors and guardians. Eren observed several horses grazing peacefully, their gentle whinnies and the rustling of the leaves the only sounds to be heard.

As soon as he leaped out of the carriage, Eren's eyes scanned the vicinity, trying to spot the familiar faces of Survey Corps members who had gathered to witness the test. Amidst the sea of soldiers donning their iconic green capes, Eren's sharp memory quickly identified some of his fellow comrades from The Levi and Mike Squad. However, his attention was soon diverted towards a group of eccentric-looking soldiers, whom he later deduced to be from The Hange Squad, as he noticed a ruckus among them. Due to the crazy woman being held back by one of her friends.

Commander Erwin was standing in front of them all, with Levi just beside him; The subordinates stood at attention, their faces etched with anxiety and worry, while the captains appeared to be at ease, displaying a sense of calmness that was infectious and that went double for Hange, who seemed not to be able to stand still in her place. Her hands were shaking uncontrollably, and someone beside her was looking at her with concern.

"Erennnnn, Ohhhh. Can I Please See Your Titan? I reaLYY-" "Calm Down, Four Eyes." Levi stopped her from embarrassing them even further. With a shake of his head, he clucked his tongue in disgust at her antics and the drool that continued to roll down her jaw.

Ymir threw her head back and let out a hearty roar of laughter that echoed through the vast expanse of the open field. Her clear amusement reverberated around the surrounding area, filling it with a contagious joy that was hard to ignore. As she gradually regained her composure, her eyes locked with those of Historia, her dear friend. "I must say, she's quite fun," Ymir commented with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, referring to Hange. However, her moment of lightheartedness was short-lived, as Historia chided her for laughing at someone in a position of authority.

"Eren, I'm happy to see you here before we test the syringe. I would like it if you could transform in front of everyone." Erwin requested with a little smile.

Armin couldn't really blame them when he saw the ODM Gear, all of them were wearing ODM Gear, and Levi was among the tensest.

"Of course, Commander, but Give me some space." Eren accepted, ready to transform. Since the incident with Historia, he hadn't turned into a Titan since then.

"Everyone else retreats to the top of the castle walls," Erwin commanded everyone. Using ODM gear, it was easy. However, amidst the flurry of activity, Levi found himself struggling to drag a particularly enthusiastic member of their team - the eccentric scientist Hange. Despite the imminent danger, Hange insisted on taking a closer look at the Titans, claiming that it was for the sake of science. Levi couldn't help but roll his eyes at her antics. This earned another burst of laughter from Ymir; Mikasa thought the crazy woman was nuts.

Levi watched as Hange shouted at Eren, her hands cupped around her mouth to make her voice sound louder. "Eren, you're Free to Go!" she yelled, her voice echoing through the deserted land. Levi couldn't help but wonder why she needed to shout so loudly; after all, Eren wasn't far from them. He was only twenty meters away at best, and he didn't seem to be in any danger.

Eren Yeager, with determination etched on his face, reached into his pocket and withdrew a gleaming knife, ready to show his true power. He turned to his comrades, his voice firm as he spoke, "Remember this. A Titan uses their power like this." With a swift movement, he sliced his palm, unleashing a burst of blinding yellow lightning that illuminated the skies. The intensity of the lightning was so great that almost everyone else around Eren had to shield their eyes from the bright light. However, Eren's friends, Levi, Hange, and Erwin, didn't need to.

Eren's body underwent a series of metamorphoses that left even the most seasoned scouts in awe. It all began with his skeletal structure taking shape, each bone materializing with a resounding crack that echoed across the field. Next, his muscles and tissues started to envelop his frame, expanding and contracting with each passing moment until they formed a solid mass of sinew and brawn that radiated sheer power and tenacity. As his transformation continued, his skin emerged, stretching taut over his bulging muscles, and his hair began to sprout from his scalp, cascading down his back in a wild and unkempt fashion, its pointed tips glistening in the light.

As the Attack Titan loomed over the scouts, his massive form standing tall at 27 meters with a stomach and arms rippling with muscular power, his piercing green eyes glinting in the sunlight, and his nape crystallized in a sparkling array of colors, the scouts fell into a stunned silence. All except for Hange, whose excitement and fear were palpable as she let out the loudest shriek of her life, startling almost everyone around her.

Mike's expression was a mixture of awe and disbelief as he murmured incredulously under his breath, "He can truly become a Titan?!" Despite having heard it from Eren, seeing it for the first time was quite an experience for him. The sight of Eren's Titan looming over them was both exhilarating and terrifying as it towered above them, its massive frame casting a shadow over the entire area. Erwin, the commander of the Survey Corps, stood beside Mike with a small smile on his face, watching Eren's Titan with a sense of pride and admiration. He was happy that they had this spot away from everyone.

As Petra gazed upon the Titan once more, she found herself transported back to the harrowing moments of her first encounter with the monstrous creature. Memories she had long tried to suppress came flooding back with an overwhelming force, leaving her paralyzed with fear. She could vividly recall the sheer terror that had gripped her as her knees threatened to buckle beneath her, and a numbing sense of dread had seized her entire being. Every detail of that fateful moment was etched into her mind with a terrible clarity - the deafening sound of the Titan's footsteps, the earth-shattering impact of his huge frame, and the icy realization that she was utterly helpless in the face of his immense power. As she stood there, transfixed and trembling, Petra could feel the weight of her past traumas bearing down on her once again, threatening to consume her with their dark and all-encompassing presence.

"Petra, are you alright?" Eld's voice was laced with worry as he approached Petra, his concerned gaze fixed on her. The other group members had also noticed her pale complexion and the tension in the air was palpable. Levi's hands instinctively reached for his blades as they all waited with bated breath for Petra's response. She stood there, frozen in place, her mouth opening and closing several times as she struggled to form words. The silence hung heavy in the air until Petra finally managed to shake her head and let out a deep breath.

As Petra found her voice to speak, her body shivered uncontrollably, and her words came out shaky and weak. "I-I'm f-fine," she stuttered, trying to convince herself as much as the others around her. The cold was not the cause of her shivering but rather the fear that had taken over her entire being.

Historia, noticing Petra's state, comforted her with words of assurance, hoping to calm her nerves, "You don't need to worry, Petra, Eren would never harm us." However, Petra couldn't help but feel doubtful of her words, her mind consumed with the possibility of danger lurking around every corner. Despite her fears, Petra took a deep breath, trying to steady herself as much as possible. She knew she needed to trust in her comrades and their abilities to protect each other.

"Eren, can you hear me?" Hange shouted at the towering Titan, her voice echoing through the empty streets of the abandoned town.

Eren, who had transformed into a Titan, slowly turned his head towards Hange, acknowledging her words. With a sense of pride swelling within him, Eren made the military salute in front of Hange, showcasing his complete control over his Titan form.

Levi, who had been watching the scene from a distance, was taken aback by the unexpected display of discipline from the usually reckless Eren. His mind raced as he tried to make sense of what he was seeing. "Well, I'll be damned," Levi thought to himself, "the brat can truly become a Titan and control himself."

Levi felt a sense of relief wash over him as he realized that Eren was not the uncontrollable monster he had feared. With this newfound realization, Levi allowed himself to calm down a little. He began to contemplate the possibilities of what Eren's newfound control over his Titan form could mean for the future.

Hange's shrill screams pierced the already tense atmosphere, causing everyone to jump in surprise at the sudden outburst. Her wide eyes were fixated on Eren, who stood motionless, unsure what to do. "Quite, Four Eyes, stop squealing like a pig," Levi said, trying to get the crazy woman to shut up and stop eyeing Eren in her very weird way before he addressed the cadets.

"So, does everything seems to be alright?" Levi asked with narrowed eyes.

"Yes, Captain Levi. As you can see, Eren can control himself." Armin answered, pointing at Eren, who was now crouching, looking like an eleven-meter Titan.

Very well, you can come out, Eren!" Three seconds later, a burst of scorching steam erupted from the Titan's neck, followed by the emergence of Eren, struggling to free himself from the slimy, viscous skin of the Titan that was firmly glued to his face.

For the next hour, Eren and the others transformed to show their Titan abilities, Hange and Moblit made sure to write everything in their notebook, not wanting to miss anything. Ymir's titan so far was the shortest one and the ugliest, according to Levi. When Armin turned into the Armoured Titan, Levi and Mike checked their blades against his bone plates, which shattered like glass. When it came to the Titans, Mikasa's Titan was the strangest one. Even Eren told them her Titan feels like a mix of both Female and Jaw Titan.

Erwin looked around at his team with a sense of pride and accomplishment. "Very well, we are done for today," he stated firmly, his voice echoing through the land outside of the castle's walls.

As the group began to pack up their gear and make their way toward the exit, Erwin turned to them once more. "Tomorrow, we will do the test with Historia," he announced, his eyes scanning the faces of his scouts. "I want all of you ready."

Eren nodded his agreement. He expected they would be sent back to Trost for the night, but to his surprise, Levi stepped forward, a mask covering his face.

"We are cleaning," Levi declared, his voice echoing throughout the abandoned building, "I want every inch of this place spotless." However, as they stepped further into the dilapidated structure, Eren couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling that something was amiss. The pungent odor of urine wafted through the air, making him wrinkle his nose in disgust.


As Ymir labored tirelessly to clean the room, she couldn't help but vent her frustration about a particular individual who always seemed to rub her the wrong way. "I hate that shorty bastard," she grumbled, her voice dripping with disdain. "Seriously, he doesn't know how to be gentle with a Lady." As she spoke, she massaged her sour shoulders, the tension in her body a clear indication of just how much this person had gotten under her skin. Hange Squad, who were cleaning beside them, couldn't help but laugh at the freckle-faced girl's antics.

"Is not that bad, Ymir," Historia's words echoed through the dimly lit chamber as she scrubbed the floors beside her friend. "You will get to sleep in a castle. Not everyone these days can say they slept in a castle, with its grand halls and towering turrets that touch the sky, where the whispers of the past still linger in the air. It may be different from what you're used to, but like always, I see this in a positive light. Who knows what adventures await us in this noble abode?" As she spoke, a glint of excitement sparkled in her eyes, as if she knew there was more to their stay in the castle than just a simple change of scenery.

Ymir let out a loud groan as she rolled her eyes, feeling utterly exasperated by Historia's words. Yet, despite her irritation, a playful smirk spread across Ymir's lips as she snaked her arms around the girl's waist.

"Well, if I sleep beside you, I wouldn't mind," Ymir said with a chuckle, her voice laced with a hint of flirtation. The blonde girl blushed a deep shade of crimson, her eyes darting away as she tried to hide her embarrassment.

Just as Ymir was about to continue her teasing, the sound of heavy footsteps echoed through the room, causing her to freeze in place. A sense of annoyance washed over her as she recognized the voice that followed - easily the most grating and irritating sound she had ever heard. Ymir gritted her teeth and let out a frustrated sigh, knowing that she would have to deal with the source of the noise before she could resume her playful banter with the blonde girl.

Levi stood with a deadpan expression, arms crossed over his chest as he barked at Ymir, "Giant girl, go clean the bathroom. You have barely touched it." Ymir rolled her eyes in response, wondering if the man had ever been with anyone before. It seemed like he enjoyed taking the joy out of people's lives.

As she spun around, her fiery gaze landed on Levi, and she felt the urge to unleash a venomous insult that the midget deserved. Still, her intentions were interrupted by Historia's piercing stare that seemed to be commanding her to maintain her composure and be courteous. The internal battle within her intensified as she struggled with her conflicting emotions, realizing that Historia had an inexplicable power over her that left her feeling vulnerable and exposed.

"Yes, C-Captain-" She groaned loudly, deciding to wash her mouth later to get rid of the bad taste. Why did she have to clean the most disgusting place in the castle?


Ymir was now feeling restless and irritable after spending an uncomfortable night sleeping in the damp, musty fucking basement. As she emerged from the dimly lit room, her eyes scanned the group of fellow soldiers, and her gaze settled on the diminutive figure of Levi, who was busy barking orders at the others. Ymir felt a surge of anger rising within her as she recalled the rude remarks Levi had made to her earlier, mocking her height and calling her titan ugly. To make matters worse, she noticed that Mikasa was also glaring at Levi with an intensity that betrayed her own frustration and annoyance. Ymir could only guess the reason for Mikasa's anger, but she suspected it had something to do with Eren.

And according to Armin, Levi had ordered Eren to clean the same room twice before he was satisfied.

Being informed beforehand that the first transformation always resulted in the one transforming losing control at first, because of this reason, Eren and Armin had already transformed in case Historia lost control.

Everyone was on high alert, with sharpened blades glinting in the sunlight, ready to strike at a moment's notice. Amidst this chaos, Hange's voice cut through the air like a knife, shouting out commands to her comrades with a sense of excitement that was hard to ignore. "Historia, you can go ahead," A bright green flare shot up into the sky, signaling the start of the mission. Erwin's voice echoed in their ears, reminding them to be cautious and precise in their movements, to make sure that Historia's real body remained unharmed.

As Historia stood thirty meters away from the castle. Suddenly, a bright green flare lit up the sky, and Historia's attention was drawn to her arm. Even though she knew what was expected of her, she remained calm and focused. She took a deep breath, reminding herself that there was no turning back now. Her mind was set, and she had no regrets as she reached for the small syringe she had concealed in her pocket. With a swift movement, she injected herself, feeling the cool liquid spreading through her veins.

As the needle pierced her skin, Historia felt a sharp sting in her arm, followed by an intense burning sensation that seemed to spread like wildfire through her entire body. Despite the agony, she gritted her teeth and persevered, knowing this was the only way. Suddenly, a blinding bolt of yellow lightning struck her. Everyone watched in astonishment as an eleven meters Titan formed, unlike all the other Titans.

As Historia strode forward, her Titan form was a sight to behold. Her skin was a luminous, almost ethereal white, lending her an otherworldly glow. Rows of razor-sharp teeth glinted in the light, a clear warning to anyone foolish enough to come within range. Yet, it was the wings that truly set her apart. They sprang from her back, each feather shimmering in the sun. Long, powerful, and graceful. Despite the transformation, her long blonde hair still flowed like a river down her middle back, and her face remained strikingly similar to her human form.

"Which Titan is that?!"

Historia's Titan is based on her Titan design from the OVA 'A Sudden Visitor: The Torturous Curse of Adolescence.' of AoT.

Fun Question: Which one is your favorite Attack on Titan Opening?