
The Emperor's Flower

Elianna does not believe in love and marriage. She had decided a long time ago that she would grow old alone. Besides, being a spinster doesn’t bother her at all. She can use her money to get admitted to a nursing care facility if she is too old and rickety to take care of herself. And she truly believed that till, A strange turn of events for her soul to take up residence in the body of a young lady from a faraway land full of mystery and enigma. Elianna is certain that she will willingly die a second time to escape her unexpected destiny. She doesn’t want to live in a world with a dwindling female population, and to keep the line of succession going, every suitable young lady is compelled to marry and bear children. She would rather live in hiding than get married, even if the Emperor himself is asking for her hand! When an iron-hearted modern-day woman who does not believe in love is involved in a twisted fate with an Emperor bound by his duty to the Empire, the story takes an unexpected turn. Getting married is the only way out of this national crisis!

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You and I

CROWN Paragon Hotel is built in the middle of the metropolitan. It towers over twenty floors boasting hundreds of luxurious rooms with a magnificent view of the cityscape from the roof deck, where a fantastic and brilliant rooftop infinity pool attracts many guests. And while enjoying a panoramic view of the city lights, the terrace also holds lush greenery featuring various exotic plants and flowers. I always wanted to visit when I first heard it during conversations with my colleagues. Still, because it was too expensive to even stay just for one night, I quickly tried to forget about it. When I learned that this is where the couple plans to hold the reception, I admit that my heart perked up with the thought. I have been looking forward to seeing it in the flesh. Now that I'm standing in the middle of the majestic scenery, I heard the descriptions pale compared to stories. It was just too magnificent for words.

And I couldn't help but think that Alanna has a knack for attracting accomplished men. My sister is indeed attractive in every sense of the word. And this is me not giving lip service, just because she is my sister. Alanna is just the type who can grace the covers of various magazines and steal the hearts of anyone who will see it. And to top it all, leaving aside her overprotectiveness, she has a great personality and is pretty much successful in her chosen career as a Fashion Designer.

With a slight smile on my lips, I start to take a leisurely walk around the place, savoring the calm stillness of the night and the mysterious scent of the flowers carried over by the wind. It is unusual for a famous hotel to find the roof deck free of guests. Maybe because it's already late at night, the people prefer to stay indoors rather than take a dip? I'm glad that I brought my coat with me. It feels frigid for a summer night like this one.

It had only been a few minutes after walking around that I thought I was all alone until I spotted a tall, dark figure wearing a white robe standing close to the ledge that separates the guests from thousand meters drop to the ground. Suddenly overwhelmed with panic, I find myself running in his direction. Still, the infinity pool separates us from that. I couldn't get a hold of him. He is holding to the rail, but he is leaning forward that I'm afraid one wrong footing will send him spiraling down to his death.

Is he drunk or just fooling around?

"Hey, Mister! Can you hear me?" I half-shouted in worry while trying my best not to scare him off.

I did not get a reply, but despite the dark, I could visibly see that his body stiffened when he heard my voice, thanks to the light illuminated by the pool. I decided to try again.

"Is everything alright? Please move away from that spot."

For a few seconds, my pleas were met with silence until a barely audible voice filled the silence of the night.

"I'm not going to jump," the man replied. He didn't look back; instead, he leaned forward so that half of his body would almost fall over.

"Damn it! Who would believe you if you keep doing that?" I can't help but mutter in frustration as I watch the madman pull a stunt.

I pulled my hair in frustration while my eyes frantically darted around the premises to look for someone that could probably help me, but the place was empty. My gaze bounces back to the man leaning closer to his death.

"Stop doing that! Move away from that ledge if you don't want to get hurt!" I couldn't stop my voice from rising several octaves. I did not plan to shout, but he was making me mad.

I can't believe I'm getting mad with a stranger! I screamed inside my head.

I tried to rack my brain on the best next thing that I could do in this situation when my eyes were suddenly riveted to the illuminating pool. If I try to run to where he is, it will take some time to reach him, but I can probably make it if I swim up to him.

Without the time to hesitate, I took off my coat and kicked away my stilettos. I'm unsure if I should be glad that I'm only wearing a cocktail dress that reaches just above my knees. "Are you not going to step down?" I ask again, getting impatient but worried about him.

After hearing the sense of urgency and fear in my voice, it must have finally affected him that he eventually turned around and looked at me. When I caught a glimpse of his profile barely hidden by the dark, I froze in surprise. He somehow looks familiar, but I can't remember where I saw him before. I'm too busy with work that I rarely meet new people or even my friends. I have no social life, which is fine, but where did I see him before?

He looks at me almost too nonchalantly as he leans backward on the glass fence. "What are you going to do then?" he asks, challenging me.

I force out a smile. "I'm coming to get you," For a moment, he grew reticent as he stared at me with disbelief. The quiet tension in the air is stifling, but then suddenly, he throws his head back as he laughs almost too maniacally.

"You never change, do you? You still act like a kind-hearted person when you are cruel more than anyone I've ever met. "

I stop in my tracks. A growing sense of anxiety slowly got into my chest while I clenched my fist. Does he know me?

"What…what did you say?" My question was met with a sinister smile.

"You're not kind, Eli. They got it all wrong," he continued in an almost crazed fashion that I couldn't wrap my head around.

I did not even have the chance to ask him another question when my mouth opened in a silent scream as I watched him lean back. My eyes automatically fell shut to keep away the image of his body falling into his inevitable death.