
The Emperor's Daily Nitpicking by Mu Su Li 木苏里

Many years ago, a young man named Kevin was entrusted with the task of looking after the young master (turned out to be the heir to the throne) during spring break. Kevin had barely entered the reserve army, and he was not looking forward to spending his vacation babysitting a spoiled child. However, Kevin soon found that he had underestimated the boy. The young master (aka the prince) was arrogant and demanding. Kevin retaliated and made the young master’s life a living hell. Kevin was constantly inquired of the boy’s beck and call, and he was often subjected to the Kevin’s antics. Many years later, Kevin, the Commander of the Bronze Army who ‘just came back to life,’ returned to the royal city, and the person in charge of power had already changed. His close friend gloated: “Silly; I heard that you had beaten His Majesty several times when he was still seven-or-eight years old.” Kevin unconcernedly said: “The old account had passed so many years ago. He must have forgotten already.” Oswald: “The person you all thought highly of was a shadow-like childhood existence to me.” Kevin choked on a mouthful of red wine in his throat. Oswald propped up his chin, absent-mindedly said: “But now, the power I held was already above his. How should I retaliate then…?” Kevin: “…” Q: Long time ago, I had beaten up a brat. The brat became the top boss now. How long could I still live? A: After a good meal, you could go on your way.

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191 Chs

Chapter 68.2

As Kevin launched his attack, the shattered snow and ice on the ground gathered swiftly, forming a large, frigid net in front of Melo. The net emitted a piercing coldness as it blocked the incoming attack.

Kevin's hand struck like a sharp blade, colliding with the gleaming white surface of the snow-ice net, resulting in a thunderous crash.

The net quivered and showed signs of cracking, but Melo immediately reinforced it with another layer, strengthening its defense once again.

In response, Melo delivered a powerful punch to Kevin.

A light chuckle escaped Melo's lips as he then glanced down at Sinia, who was nestled in his arms.

"I don't want to make you suffer, but there is no way..."

His voice carried a remarkable gentleness, almost as if he were speaking with genuine care rather than making a disturbing threat.

Oswald's front paws hit the ground, and without pausing he swiftly charged towards him, letting out another mournful howl. The howling wind surrounded them as they collided with the icy net.


The Ice and Snow Temple trembled violently once more.

On the top, there were tightly packed cracks that seemed on the verge of collapsing after a few more impacts. Melo pressed down on the kneeling individuals, causing their foreheads to turn blue from the intense cold against the ice.

Some shivered, while others clenched their teeth in an attempt to break free, yet they couldn't escape the overpowering presence of the gods.

The soldiers, accustomed to the iron and blood of battle, cannot completely suppress their awe of the gods, yet they strive to overcome it.

Peter, a member of the Imperial City Patrol Army, had bruised veins on his arms and struggled to rise to his feet, his fingertips shattered from blood congestion. He hit the ground and let out a few groans, his voice filled with unwillingness and despair.

Some timid soldiers trembled uncontrollably, while others broke down in tears from the overwhelming shock and coercion.

As Melo's power gradually intensified, the temperature in the temple steadily plummeted.

The tears instantaneously froze as they made contact with the icy surface. Those with weaker constitutions turned blue and grew cold, their bodies stiffening.

Oswald crashed into the snow barrier twice, finally capturing a fragment of Melo's attention. He sneered and, with a flick of his hand, summoned a surge of purple-white lightning that enveloped the pristine net, violently ensnaring the sky wolf that had collided with it.

The lightning, oblivious to its surroundings, extended its reach along the snow barrier, entangling the nearest soldier on the ice surface.

The soldier on his knees emitted a mournful scream as the electric shock tore his body apart. Bloody gashes opened up all over his skin, a pungent burnt odor filling the air within the temple.

In an instant, the soldier convulsed before becoming completely motionless. Nevertheless, Sirius, constrained by lightning and ensnared in the snow net, clenched his jaw and endured without uttering a sound.

His bloodshot eyes fixated on Melo through the snow net, and his snow-white fur became instantaneously stained with blood.

"Move aside!" Kevin erupted at the sight of Sirius, unaware of the depths of his anger.

Suddenly, the blade gash on the snow net emitted a blinding white light, obliterating the surroundings.

People's eyes were devoid of any perception, except for the searing pain and involuntary tears. It was as if the entire world had vanished, leaving nothing to be felt or witnessed.

There was a tremendous crack that reverberated through the air, shattering the world around them. Minds buzzed and everyone was overcome with a near-complete loss of hearing.

Oswald, who happened to be closest to the epicenter, was even more startled, as if he had been momentarily stunned.

But in the next moment, he felt a strange sensation coursing through his body. The thunderous roar and electric shock that had seemed to tear his skin apart suddenly subsided, replaced by a searing pain that jolted him back to consciousness.

His head throbbed intensely, and in that instant, he caught sight of a gleaming blade amidst the blinding white light. Without hesitation, he instinctively followed the blade's trajectory and launched an attack with his paw.

Unsurprisingly, he heard the sound of sharp claws slicing through flesh, and felt the icy coldness of the claws piercing his skin, as if they were made of frost and snow.

After the blinding white light subsided, Oswald's stinging eyes gradually regained their vision. He witnessed Kevin tearing through Melo's protective barrier, the blade slicing into Melo's shoulder and penetrating deep into his body.

If the blade had gone a little lower, it would have cleaved his upper body in half.

Meanwhile, Oswald's own front paws were firmly embedded in Melo's heart.

He could sense the stretching of Melo's breastbone and the touch of his beating heart.

The pain was evident on Melo's face, but his eyes remained determined and unyielding.

With a surge of strength, he clenched his paws into fists and drove them deep into Melo's chest, aiming directly for his heart.

Kevin pressed the blade formed by the condensed white light. With a sharp thud, the thin and sharp blade pierced Melo's entire upper body obliquely from the shoulder bone. Kevin himself had moved from far to near, now standing in front of Melo, his face a mask of cold fury.

"Crush his heart!" Kevin said in a low, menacing tone.

As Oswald's paws tightened around Melo's heart, he could feel the rhythmic thumping against his palms. It was a steady beat, unwavering and strong, as if the heart itself refused to give up.

Melo's body convulsed violently.

A white light slid out from Melo's heart, followed Oswald's arm, and entered Sirius' body.

Kevin pressed the back of the knife, and said to Melo coldly: "This knife is for the god of fire Arena, who once blessed you with warm clothes and food, and no severe cold."

Melo didn't even flinch. After a moment of silence, he suddenly laughed, as if losing a godhead had no effect on him. He carried the long knife in his body and the sharp claw on his heart, and moved Sinia in her arms behind his back.

Suddenly, several long green vines broke through the ice from the ground, and in the blink of an eye, they entangled the First Elder in the icicle and Xinia on the ground.

The vines sipped like blood-sucking tentacles, and the fleshy bodies of the First Elder and Sinia shriveled up in an instant.