
Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Mutants, beings who undergo mutation or awakening casting them away from normal humans.

A super human of sort. Has certain super powers which were beyond human understanding.

Some could command lightning giving the effect of hairs standing extended outward with lightning snaking around the body. Cool

Contractible metallic knives extending in the gaps of the fist that could slice even metal itself.

I wonder if I could be like the x-men. Hehe

I stood in my previous position for a whole minute without me knowing.

I got lost in my sweet daydream.

Hh? I touch my chin in contemplation.

Would it still be called daydreaming if I dream awake in the middle of the night?

Now, I find myself a question I can't answer.

Better be done with it .

I look around. Guess they take me directly to my tent.

Though the surrounding is a bit confusing since all the tents were all the same I can still recognize my own by looking at the position of the tree that is just at the left side of my tent.

And there it is.

"Hm?, What's this?"


Why would there be a paper here? Weren't there be a regular cleaner here?

What were those guys doing all day long?

" And who's this guy so irresponsible putting a paper here?"

' He even have the effort to puncture it at the table outside my tent, tsk'

I look around trying to find the culprit but saw nothing. I pick the knife puncturing the paper.

' hmm, it has an exquisitely made handle' I complimented.

'mine, hehe'

I took the paper which is actually a booklet with maybe 10 pages. I could just say it's a paper since the place is dimly lit.

I also took care of the knife inside the tent which is really dark currently. It's mine now.

I reach out my hand trying to grasp the lamp. There it is.


Finally, the room is enlightened.

With the booklet in my hand, I sat close at the gas powered lamp( the old type of lamp) which I almost shattered with my new found strength. It had cracks now.


I slowly read what is written in the booklet.

"Mutants; Levels and Ranking by The Eastern Military "

'Wow ,such a good title'. I thought.

But I'm confused. Wasn't this catastrophe started just a mere week and a half ?

How did they already have levels and rankings?

This can't be right. This booklet might just be part of a comic or an old novel of X-Men. The Eastern Military here might just be a name coincidentally the same with the military here.

How could the mutants already have levels when the catastrophe itself just started for a mere week?


But let me read it any way.


The world is plunged into chaos. Mythical Beasts, ancient animals; weird sprouts of Kingdom Animalia and Plantae emerged in the surface of the Earth.

It happened year 2025 of the modern technological civilization at the Northern pole of the Earth.

A strange frequency was sent at American Data Base at that exact time and from the images captured by the human satellite situated in space......…"

"Beasts carry with it a strange power that no human knew at that time , that they could also harness. Power energy ,an energy from beast that flow away from its body when killed which would then be transferred to the killer. This only became known when martial artists of the world decided to fight back with fist and old weapons. Then military followed their steps. There seems to be a strange rule but it happened anyway. No one could explain it's mystery."

"Super Humans rose which then called mutants/ Evolver eventually...."

"This only happened to the connected countries to the north so the involved countries suppressed it to not make a ruckus . Until a year later, same occurrence wreck havoc to the more isolated countries…then to the other country in an uncertain time intervals… So the military were finally informed and trained in the year 2026..."

'Hell no, now's the first day of 2027, it's almost the third year of it's emergence'

'So all this time, the military were trying to control it to not cause chaos to the other places. Not making things known to the public. But I guess they still can't suppress it. Or maybe another situation occurred that made it so the public were involved?'

'Nah, I don't want to get involved in some fishy happenings to the higher ups of every country.'

"Mutants , since the emergence of the first super human , mutants grow like sprouts in the healthy plain. From Military up to the Famous martial arts associations. It's just been two years but through constant killing of beasts, mutants number grew. And though they're all mutants they defer in strength. It's because of the number of mutation a mutant undergo.

LEAPER RANK, a human who just leaped out of the human limitations and experience his first power energy baptism . Has strength, speed and senses beyond human capabilities. He would undergo 3 levels of small mutation before going up to a higher rank.

EVOLVER RANK, finished all 3 small mutation and created a core in his body for his own power energy storage and production. Can use energy in his attacks and has higher physical status than a Leaper. Opening 9 miracle veins is required to advance another rank.

LORD RANK, has higher physique than an Evolver, awakened his element and has advantages when placed in corresponding environment, Lording over it. Has 5 levels of control which corresponds to 5 levels of power core integration.

Next Ranks- unknown "

Oh my god, that's …that's …..



I'm speechless

And a little dejected. I thought I could be superman directly. I guess I still have a long way ahead.

'hayst' I sighed.

That ranking is crazy but it's exciting. I can't wait to leap through ranks.

I'm now a level 0 Leaper. To struggle for the 3 levels of small mutation is my goal.



I suddenly heard a crack inside me and I feel some blood coagulating in my chest area. I don't know what's happening.

But all the energy in my body seems to contract on that place like a fish finding a source of food.

Then the energy finally stabilized.

'What's that?' I tilted my head in confusion.

Forget it.

Ahh. I'm sleepy.

Let's just think about it tomorrow. There seems to be nothing bad happening any way.