
Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Time skip

Four days of training , we trained like the overpowered bald superhero.

The ones 50 push ups became 100 all of a sudden.

The once 50 curl ups turn in to 70.

20 pull ups to 50

And the we now have to run for thirty laps.

Strangely though we carry on all the same as the first day.

We seem to be….


That's only one thing. All time round we're still puzzled by the strangeness of the food we ate every meal.

Those foods have additional effects on us or at least for me.

After every meal I felt like my cells were all tingling in delight.

They're wriggling as if there's an electric current massaging them driving them in excitement.

Those food, those meat.

'Did the military secretly feeding us with drugs?

A seed of suspicion sprouted inside me

'But.., it seem not to be so, because if it's really what I think it is, then I'd be crawling begging to be feed again. But it seems to be not the case.'

I racked my brain in thought,


Can't find an answer. I stood up.

My fatigue after an exhausting day seem to vanish like a puff in mere minutes of rest. This..this is another thing that's been bugging me since the first day.

I go out and walk to the training ground. I'm not in a mood to sleep.

" Can't Sleep?" A voice jolted me awake. I turned around to see senior Jack.

"Yeah!" I replied.

" Do you feel strange or anything?" He questioned. I was shock.

'How did he know? Oh no there's really something about the food.' I widened my eyes

"Did you perhaps…" I blurted out wanting to confirm my suspicion.

"If you're thinking that we, the military drugged you. Then you're mistaken " He interrupted.

"But what.." I questioned in a somewhat like a riddle way without fully stating it.

But Sir Jack seem to already know it.

"You're Lookoy right." He changed the topic.

"Lookie sir." This guy. I give a wry smile.

"Right Lookie. It's Lookie right? What did I say.?" He said still with a plain face .

This guy.

I stood beside him, he's practicing some sort of exercise by the way. Maybe martial arts. I tried to copy him which he then deliberately slowed down to let me caught up.

" Lookie, you see the beasts right?" he asked in a serious tone. Then the memory of the incident flash back.

The falling trees, explosions, then the beasts, crazed beasts.

"Yes sir, I saw them first hand, sir" I said. We're still doing the exercises.

" Then you saw how strange they are. How powerful they are. How some of them seem to be pulled out from hell. They're monsters. "

"But I guess black and white co exist."

He smiled, paused and stopped in his practice.

'Black and white co exist?' I don't understand what he said.

" The beasts sure is destructive. They ripped many lives scattering despair through out the lands."

" We thought we were helpless."

He said in succession.

" Are you talking about the first ever killed beasts, sir?" I questioned.

"Yes, we discovered that this beasts can only be killed by cold weapons. Swords, spears, axes, arrows, crossbows, maces, club or any thing of sort that we think were just useful in the middle ages.

But that's not all. "

He stopped and looked at me. I'm waiting for the Vail to be finally parted and reveal the secrets it hides.

" May be it's better if you see it yourself. Com' on ."

He invited. We went to the armory . I don't know why.

It's a huge tent filled with weapons. Knives, swords, bows, mace and axes.

Jack took one axe and a sword which he throws in my way while saying.

"Pick up the sword. We'll go hunting. Hehe."

'Wha-' I was dumbstruck. What did he say hunt?


My nerves tensed.

" Don't be nervous. We'll be fighting a low class beast that I discovered just now in my patrol. We decided to let it be for the time being and let it roam the fenced yard, the one at the back. So it's not really a hunt, it's killing. Com' on."

He consoled. I forcefully calmed my raging nerves. I want to know what really is happening. The secret is just ahead waiting for me to unveil. All it takes is courage.

Curiosity won over fear.

I stilled my shaking guts , pick up the sword on the ground and followed Jack to the yard.

Jack is just about twenty-nine or thirty so I felt awkward calling him sir or senior. I'm still not used to military formalities.

We arrived at the yard that just outside the wooden wall.

" Aren't you gutsy fellas?" A sweet but cold female voice suddenly sounded.

We turn around and sure enough the goddess is also here.

Geneva Slevin, a twenty plus young soldier. Wearing her military pants and combat boots and a sleeveless top that barely hold her ample bosoms.

Our eyes lit up.


Oh no, I'm becoming perverted. I look at Jack sideways and saw his saliva dripping down the grasses.

He stared back , wiping out the traces of saliva in his mouth.

Such a clown.

He then smiled.

"Hello Miss Geneva, are you stalking the handsome me?" ask the baboon.

'I don't know this guy. We're not acquaintance.'

"Hello, good evening ma'am ." I bowed greeting her, while putting aside the unnecessary thoughts.

She nodded at me then trace back her gaze to Jack.

"And where do you think would you take this recruit at?" She asked Jack with glaring eyes.

"Com' on , relax. This guy is clearly more aware than the others. He needs to understand the things more to wipe out his suspicions."

"I'll be giving him his initiation in advance." He said taking his eyes away from miss Geneva and stared back at me.

Ma'am Geneva did the same.

Then she sighed.

"Okay" she said.

"I'll get along" she added.

Thanks God . It would be a lot safer now.

We resumed our walk now with Geneva's addition.

It only took a mere seconds.

"Let's go in and corner that beasts." Jack excitedly proposed.