
Chapter 16

Chapter 16

" You've done enough . Rest a bit and let me do the honor to finish your job."

This sentence was spoken by someone familiar as Demus' knees betrayed him limping down to the ground.

As his knees plopped at the dented ground where he was thrown, a shadow dashed from the distance carrying the bearing of a mighty warrior.

The figure faced the tough enemy that he once fought with all his might, which is also the one who almost broke most of his ribs rendering him coughing with blood.


The blade of the sword whistle upon the wind pressure as it was slashed with the strength equivalent to a charging rhino.

It created a sharp piercing sound that could make a person's heart falter in panic afraid to be caught and be shredded into pieces.

This gave the furious wolf, which was charging to its helpless enemy, a fright. Furs standing up.

It flinched bending its legs by instinct to escape the precarious situation.

Sorry for the wolf, it's too late.


Sound of flesh being cut was then heard right before a spurting sound of spraying blood sounded like the old town's small fountain.


Wolf head rolled on the bloody ground ,eyes opened wide , fear written as its life was stolen from its body.

Demus was half awake only seeing the vague silhouette of someone's back.

'Lo- ok..ie'

He whispered, then the sun was taken off from his vision.

He was seriously injured and he finally completely fainted after enduring the urge to black out for about 20 seconds.


In a certain area at the eastern forest, trees were laid down at the ground disorderly. It's as if a great storm just passed this place creating havoc along its way.

Fallen trees scattered . Broken branches chopped in different sizes with no certain pattern.

Craters could also be seen like the wake of a fallen meteor.

However the most eye-catching thing is the scattered gores of blood and flesh.

Shredded wolven body parts that loitered around were the art of the blood covered humans who're standing around the area.

One certain human stood at the side of a slaughtered beast. His blooded military shirt and pants flattered as the winds blow pass.


Lookie looked at the headless body of the beast he just slaughtered with ease.

His mouth were opened in o with eyes shining in amazement, barely believing what just happened.

Seconds ago , after slapping Demus flying with serious injury to the bowl-like craters, the crazed wolf pounced in excitement.

By instinct, and driven by the human emotion , he made a move.

Flashing like a wind, maneuvering a certain foot movement , he arrived at the beast's position.

The sword gleam with faint light, as he slashed his sword to the beast while subconsciously releasing chi out from his body covering it.

An impossible feat for a Leaper. Yet became possible for him though he did it subconsciously


He killed the beast in seconds.

After that is the current situation. Lookie's blood never stop it's boiling.

The feeling of delight drowned him. Tier 2 beast was killed by him in breaths time.

And he didn't even dropped a sweat . What he did is just a casual attack with limited strength.

' So this is my strength now.'

Lookie said to himself. He looked around again not minding the rushing smoke of power energy that later fuse with his body.

It never did too much of improvements to his level for some reason anyway aside from reaching the peak of level 2 Leaper.

He then caught the sight of the dumbfounded seniors.

" Officers? "

Lookie tilted his head in question.

"Ahm, good job!" Jack cleared his throat and made a sudden thumbs up with a wry smile as many thoughts were running in his head.


'How in the world did this fella became so powerful?'

'Level 2? Yet could kill a beast of the same level as easy as breathing?'

' How did this chap improve so quickly?'

' Yes, his quick level advancing can be attributed to his absurd absorption innate physique talent. But this?'

' How could this combat power be explained?'

' With speed almost reaching the Evolver Rank, he's now unmatched in the Leaper Rank. '

It is beyond his understanding. It's as if his world view was just shattered.

An absurd discovery drive Jack into maddened thinking. He's eyes can't help but bulge in disbelief.

And his change in expression never slipped unnoticed by the woman in a bloody combat suit.

" Surprised?" She blurted.

" Why, you aren't ?" Jack replied.

" I was just startled a bit."

She paused for a moment before continuing.

" Before ,I just speculated that this guy could be compared to the Heaven's Choice by his natural fighting talent. Now however, I can't be anymore wrong."

" He's a chosen."

" and I can already see light of providence shining on him."

Geneva could already imagine the rise of the fella before them. They both were staring at Lookie with satisfaction.

The Eastern Block of the Neo Military finally had someone like the monster soldier of the Central Block neck named , The Bloodthirsty Cleaver.

James Socker, a Broad Sword Wielder.

An idol who made a bloody path towards the Goblin Den of Amazon.

The Two continued their discussion in whispers, completely forgetting that the subject of their conversation was just 10 meters away .

Scree…. Scree….Scree

Three consecutive Bird screeching noise broke their complacence reminding them that the danger isn't yet over.

Clap. Clap. Clap.

Sound of flapping wings of a gigantic creature then followed.


The winds whirl and dust flew up together with its swirl.

Leaves whether it's dry or fresh got carried by the strong surge . The surrounding was plunged in to a storm.

Jack's eyes constricted, brows knitted.

Then he gritted his teeth in grimace.

" F*CK , what does a Tier 10 beast doing here?"

Geneva frowned. Things were going to be messier now. She then look at Lookie's direction.

" Carry the guy and go away from here. The coming beast is way beyond your level. We'll hold this thing as long as we can. "

She said with a stern face. Though she's not saying it Lookie clearly see the tension in his expression.

Lookie look at the two seniors. He could also feel the oppressive might of the coming beast. Its aura give him an urge to just limp down and surrender his life.

It's scary.

" Yes , Ma'am ."

Lookie replied without further question. He's smart enough to understand that in the coming battle, he will just be a heavy bag if he stay.

Turning around he dashed like the wind to Demus position.

Lifting the person with his left hand which just recovered with the help of his enhanced cell regeneration.

He took one last glance full of worry to the two Soldiers , who both give him a nod of affirmation in return.

" Don't worry . We're not weak. Just go. We'll go after you."

Jack consoled.

Though he said it like it's not thing worth of mention , his tensed muscles betrayed him.

Lookie can see it.

But he can't do anything.

He turned around and run fast towards the camp leaving the two officers.

He'll have to check if he could asked for reinforcement from the captain.


Meanwhile as Lookie left the two seniors' observation, Jack's previous confidence vanished replaced by uncertainty.

" Two Level 6 Evolvers can defeat a Full pledge Tier 10 Beast right."

Jack asked Geneva.

" You should know the answer as an experienced Soldier and appointed Vice Captain of our squad. "

" We're not like Lookie who can do leap frog battle."