

It was dark as ever with a full moon shining high in the sky illuminating the darkness surrounding the city.

There was no one walking along the roads that night. The whole area looked like an abandoned village,like a ghost town,the road being empty and lifeless.

As Rhys made his way back to his house,he thought about how his life had started changing ever since his escape to the Sacred Riverside.

Things were changing too fast, it was for the better too. He was a Basic Level Rank 1 Elemental Cultivator with a powerful conscience in his mind,assisting him and guiding him.

He also had a system which rewarded him when he completed some quests.

His life was better now, His mother was healed.

He still had a Basic Level Rank 2 Breakthrough Pill with him. The only reason he hadn't used it was the fact that,it would raise suspicions.

No way could he afford to attract trouble.

He walked across the street quietly and quietly made his way to the house without any disturbance.

Suddenly the door opened and revealed Rhys' mother .

"Is everything okay? You took a while coming home,did something happen?" his mother asked. He noticed the worry written on her face,she was clearly concerned for his safety.

"Everything is fine mom..." he lied "...and yes I did take a long time coming back.

I'm tired...I want to sleep" Rhys explained nervously.

After hearing his reply,his mom left the room and walked into the other room to prepare dinner.

Rhys sat on his bed and closed his eyes. He tried closing off his emotions from everybody and focusing on his mana.

"You know kid, you need a medium " Alvin expressed.

"What medium?"

"You are an elemental Cultivator,you use mana. In order to fully use elemental attacks, you'll need to channel it through a medium". Alvin explained.

"And how am I going to manage that?"

"Simple,you have to channel mana through someone enchanted item,it can be a staff,a ring or even a necklace. An inexperienced elemental Cultivator like you,can't fully release the full force of your powers unless it flows through an external medium,get it?". Alvin replied



"So now the most important part is to find some item to channel your Powers through,then you should be able to easily control the spells".

"Alright", Rhys sighed.

"I think there are a lot of these items available in the market right now,you just have to look around and maybe ask someone,it shouldn't be a problem,just ask around ,you'll find a shop or something of that sort " Alvin said.

"It's late...I "

"Shut up kid! We need it now. Don't you want to save your siblings? "

"Ok, let's get going " Rhys stated reluctantly.

In the middle of the town square,they found themselves in front of a huge old store with a black sign reading "Dark Anvil Goods&Crafts".

The shop was extremely dusty. There were piles of old books scattered around everywhere.

Two men wearing brown robes appeared from behind one of those shelves and approached them.

"Welcome to Dark Anvil Goods&Crafts,do you need something?" A middle aged man questioned politely.

Rhys hesitated before nodding.

"Well, do you need help finding anything? Because we are always willing to help customers". The man continued smiling.

"Umm I'm actually searching for...something special. Could you tell me about it?" Rhys answered hesitatingly.

"Sure thing, I can guide you" the middle aged man offered.

After explaining to Rhys about the things that are commonly sold in Dark Anvil Goods & Crafts,he led him to another shelf.

"Here it is,we have some special items and enchantments here. Let's check out what we have".

"I am an Elemental Cultivator and I need an enchanted item to channel my powers through " Rhys stated.

"Ohh okay,Young boy. I have a lot of enchanted items here, check it out". The middle aged man exclaimed happily.

Rhys walked past him and started perusing the items on the shelves.

There seemed to be everything from jewellery to potions to weapons. Each piece was unique,different in every possible way. It seemed like the entire market contained a variety of magical objects.

"The enchanted medium items are over there " said the Middle aged man pointing to the upper section of the shelf.

"Listen Kid " Alvin said as he floated lazily in the mind of his host, "Choose a ring item. They are easy to use "

"I wanted a staff...actually " Rhys stammered.

"Shut up! You know nothing, just choose the silver ring on that shelf, the one on the golden plate. Hurry and let's go " Alvin ordered.

With a heavy sigh,he turned away from the enchanted staff shelf and followed the order of his mental companion.

Rhys picked up a silver ring on top of a golden chain,he immediately felt the Power surge through his body as it was infused with pure mana energy.

"This...this is a good one,this is perfect You have eyes kid! Good eyes! Upon the blood of my ancestors, you are gifted, truly gifted ". The middle aged man showered praises on Rhys for his decision.

Rhys smiled. He knew the ring was special after putting it on.

"Thanks Alvin" he said.


With a heavy sigh,he turned away from the enchanted staff shelf and followed the order of his mental companion.

Rhys picked up a silver ring on top of a golden chain,he immediately felt the Power surge through his body as it was infused with pure mana energy.

"This...this is a good one,this is perfect You have eyes kid! Good eyes! Upon the blood of my ancestors, you are gifted, truly gifted ". The middle aged man showered praises on Rhys for his decision.

Rhys smiled. He knew the ring was special after putting it on.

"Thanks Alvin" he said.

"No need Kid,just pay up and let's go" Alvin replied .

"How much is it Sir?"

"300 gold coins,lad. Its special "

"Erhh...sir,I...can't afford it" Rhys replied sheepishly.

"Hmmm" said the Middle aged man as a malicious smile made it's way unto his face.

"How about going on an errand for me, at the "Crow's Nest"

"The crow's what?" Rhys asked.

"Oh come on kid,I know for a fact that you don't understand anything about this world, you're probably not very familiar with many things,maybe this will make up for it. " The man said pointing to the silver ring.

"What are you getting at?" Rhys asked suspiciously.

"Come on, I'll give you two more pieces of enchanted equipment if you do this for me "

"And what exactly is it you wish me to retrieve?"

"Smart kid, Nothing dangerous,just some herbs" The middle aged man answered.

"And why are you looking for the herb, anyway?"

"Don't you worry about it Kiddo,it doesn't concern you." The man said shrugging.

The younger boy narrowed his eyes but didn't press further knowing that his questions wouldn't be able to achieve their goal so he decided to leave the issue alone.

"Your are going for a herb called the "Crow's Leaf Eye" ,understand?"

"What's that"

"It's a pitch black leaf with purple flowers,like this" The middle aged man replied as he showed Rhys a portrait of the leaf.

"That sounds interesting"

"Just remember kid" The man whispered as he placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a slight nudge "Be careful".

Rhys was intrigued by the mysterious herb so he agreed to take an opportunity and go to the Crow's Nest. Plus,he would also get three enchanted items for free.

"I'll be sure to be cautious " he replied confidently.

The Middle aged man shook his head and chuckled, he patted Rhys on the shoulders then waved goodbye and walked out of the store.

The moment Rhys was out of sight, The middle aged man turned and walked towards the doorstep of the shop.

"You can come out" he whispered.

A tall sleek figure in black robe appeared out of a small bush at the entrance of the shop.

"Good camouflage, you saw that kid right?"

"Yes" replied the voice in black robe.

"He has the "Blue Whale Eye Pearl " with him. He'll be at the Crow's Nest tonight, you bring me that ".

"Okay Master,rest assured " the voice in the black robe replied.

"He'll bring me the "Crow's Leaf Eye " too. You follow him and kill him when he leaves the Crow's Nest Inn,carry it out perfectly. ".

"Understood Master "

The hooded figure in black robes disappeared.

The middle aged man looked left and right before entering the shop.

"I'llhave both treasures." He said with a wicked grin.