

Pearl is a member of the Moon Mist bundle and heading to school with joy, waiting for when she turns 1., She will be allowed to finally become her wolf, a  being she could sense from the depth of her soul ever since she was a little child.  She is eager to mate with her boyfriend, Rain, the pack's eventual alpha. That is, till the King of all Lycan packs, arrive at her small village to talk about the conflict tactics to the Alpha. There is an odd sensation that rises at the depths of her belly, a sensation she has never felt before.

Katherineobasi · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs


I ate a dish of waffles while sitting munch the breakfast bar in the kitchen and gazing out the window. With each passing minute, the house grew more and more like a prison, and my heart ached.

Harmony walked into the kitchen and said, "Hey.

I got up, put my dish in the sink, and walked right by her.

"Come on Pe,"

"Don't talk to me," I said.

She sighed loudly and exited the kitchen via the door on the other side.

Mom stood in the kitchen's adjacent library and said, "You can't be upset at her forever.

"Sure, I can."

She is not at blame.

I hate her, I hate him, and I hate being here. "Mom, I don't care. I'm hurting. This is the worst betrayal."

"Ellie, hurry up."

No, mum. Why can't people just let me be sad? Why can't people see that I'm hurting right now?

You should be glad for your sister because she is going through an exciting moment.

I don't want to be pleased for her because I've loved Alex for as long as I can remember and was sure he was my soul mate. However, I won't be able to immediately turn it off.

I interrupted her before she could finish, "Honey, when you meet..."

Ashley and I are going for a few weeks after exams, so I'm not helping Harmony plan her future with the man I loved. "No, mum. I'm not staying.

"Are you going?

We're going to see the other packs and simply go away, so everywhere.

She shook her head and tsked. We don't just leave the pack, so I don't like the idea.

"Mom, I don't belong here. I can't deal with her being the new Luna.

My cheeks began to flush with tears as I watched. She nodded and let out a long sigh.

"I'll see you later. I have to get to school."

I snatched my luggage off the desk in the corner and headed for the entrance. When I noticed Alex's car parked in the driveway, my heart sank. Vomit started to rise in my throat.

"Ellie, you want," I said.

Before he could even finish, I turned and left him.

"Hey, come on, don't leave me alone!"

Say, "Don't talk to me."

You can't talk to me like that, I'm your future alpha, you know that.

"I just did. Please leave me alone."


Alex, stop! I yelled. I'm going to be emotional right now since you marked Harmony in front of everyone at our birthday celebration. You could have at least given me a heads-up or something. But instead, you actually shoved me out of the way.


When I heard Ashley's car's recognizable beeping, I looked up. "Come on, you loser. Get in."

I gave a quick smile and sped over to her convertible. She cocked her nose at Alex and slightly dropped her sunglasses.

He's at your place, ugh.

I blinked. "Let's simply go."

"So, I have some news for you."

What news, at seven in the morning?

I have magic.

The question "How, Ash?"

If you had to take all of your final exams today and then just left tomorrow, how furious would you be?

"That's a lot of tests, What, How, Why."

Dean Anderson called me this morning after learning what occurred.

Why did he call you, exactly?

He knows we're best friends, so of course, Ellie. Can I now finish?

"Yes, please go ahead and finish."

He actually agreed with our idea once I told it to him, saying that we could complete all of our finals today if we so desired.

"Exactly that?"


As I looked at her, I squinted. Why is he acting so politely when there are six finals today?

Although he is a strict disciplinarian, he is a wonderful man who cares about us.

That's a fine idea, I suppose. Let's depart tomorrow.

How are your parents doing?

I'll talk to Dad tonight. Mom is too preoccupied with Harmony right now, so she probably won't even notice that I'm gone for a few days.

Pops is very...I don't know. Pops. He'll be difficult to talk to.

I may have laughed too loudly. Daddy was a great dad. Even though he was the pack's Beta, he was the ideal father. In his own special way, he proved that he cared about the three of us and always offered the greatest advise. But his favorite was Tristan. He was the oldest and would eventually succeed his father.

I no longer felt like I belonged anywhere. I merely sort of remained in the family.

Do you want to enter from the back?

"Sure," you say.

"We can go to the office via the back hallways and get our tests."

As she parked in the far corner of the lot, I nodded. We ran inside before anyone could see me, and I grabbed my luggage.

The rear hallways had an odd, musty scent and were always very dimly lit.

"Back here is creepy."

Ashley remarked, "Yeah, but you don't have to see anyone.

That is true.

She retrieved a key from her key ring and unlocked an ordinary wooden door marked "office."

Ashley greeted the white-haired woman working on her computer behind the desk, "Good morning, Mable."

She looked across at me and said, "Oh, good morning, dear." Hello, my love, how are you?

"Thanks for asking, Mable. I'm fine."

Is Dean Anderson there?

It is "in his office."

I was carried down a long hallway by Ashley when she spun around on her heels and grabbed my hand. Before entering, she gave the dean no opportunity to respond by lightly knocking on the glass door.

Good day, sir.


I anticipate that these tests will take the entire day, so is it acceptable if we begin right away?

He extended two substantial folders and said, "Of course."

My stomach fell to the ground.

I informed Miss Greene that you two would be spending the entire day in the library, so you women are welcome to bring them there.

"Good. Thanks."

He pleaded with Miss Lunaire to wait for a moment.

I exhaled quietly. Yes, of course.

I was signaled to take a seat in one of the seats in front of him by him. "I heard about what happened last night."

I blinked.

Ashley informed me of your plans as well.


She also explained to me what occurred when you switched.

I sighed. She has a huge mouth, I tell you.

She had good reason to inform me.

"Are you going to tell anyone?"

He gave a headshake. "No, but..."

"But, ugh,"

I do, however, have some connections to the royal city.

I averted my gaze. "Okay?"

My friend, the archivist at the royal library, has access to some very, very old records that you might find fascinating.


When you go to the royal city, be sure you visit the royal library and ask for Anna Oakly. I called after I chatted with Ashley.

The question "Anna Oakly?"

He gave a head nod. Yes, she is aware of your unique circumstances, you can put your trust in her, and she can assist you in your study because she is an expert in the field.

I blinked. "Uh, Dean Anderson, I really appreciate it," I said.

"I really am sorry and I do understand you need to get away. Please, be safe while you're traveling. Be wary of the rogue's that are roaming the borders of all the pack territories," the adult said. "You're a good kid. Very smart. And you were done dirty with this whole mating thing."

"I will. Again, thank you."

I got up and quickly left his office.

Ashley questioned, "What was that all about?"

I told him everything as we walked to the library, "Let me tell you."

I made an effort to ignore everyone's glares and murmurs in the hallway.

I sighed and turned to see Rich coming at me as I called out, "Ellie!"

Ashley moaned, "Goddess, what does he want?"

I questioned, "What?"

"I've heard you're back to dating."

Yes? Then?

Well, now that I'm alone myself.

I put up my hand, "I'm stopping you right there." "That is definitely a no, Rich. No."

"But what for?"

"You're not my mate. There is no spark. There is no desire. It's a no."

"How about a forced marriage? We could do that."

Ashley yanked my arm and dragged me away from my sister's ex-boyfriend as I yelled, "Ew, no!"

We sat down at a table and closed the door in a distant library room. Due to the enormous amount of testing we had to finish by 3 pm, the day was about to become absurdly difficult.

We were then, however, free. We could go on.