
the elects

The story the elect unfolds the truth about humanity in real life which the world is hiding.

Gift_Femi · Lainnya
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47 Chs

divine comes back to life

Now after divines life force escaped from the oni dimension where it was supposed to be sacrificed, it returned back to divine as he was still in the anzola.

As divines body was still in the anzola, suddenly a very bright light appeared in the anzola and glowed straight on he's body.

The power which radiated from his life force shattered the Anzola tube as the unique water in the anzola wasted away and divines body levitated and floated on air.

He's life force slowly entered his body as a descending light, followed by a strange symbol which is the symbol drexel saw.

Almanakk, Drexel and Meriline was still unconscious as this event transpired

For the effect of the blast caused by Hanson kept them deeply unconscious.

But during this moment Drexel's eyes were opened as he saw he's brother levitating and floating on air as a great light entered he's body, drexel also saw a strange symbol in the great light which is the same symbol Hanson saw at the last moment where divine life force escaped from he's hand.

Drexel was lying down as she witnessed the ending part of the scenario.

After the light entered divines body, divine was still left levitating on air as he's body refused to come down and a sun like glow was on him.

Minutes later almanakk stood up as he regained consciousness.

He then stretched out he's hands as he summoned he's staff, he's staff from a distance immediately came to him.

Almanakk then staggers as he clears he's path from broken objects on the ground.

Getting closer to the anzola he's saw divines body levitating, immediately be knew divines life force has returned he then walked closer and stood in front of divine.

Merlin also stood up as she saw divine and almanakk. She then staggers and went closer to them.

Meriline as she walks closer, she used her power to move broken objects and building parts which was blocking her path till she got closer to Almanakk.

"What's going on why is he levitating did your plan work? Is he alive?

Meriline asked in curiosity.

" I do not know if it was my plan that did it, but I think he's life force has returned, he's alive."

Meriline was filled with joy upon hearinging it.

"But mam there's a problem"said almanakk.

" there's already enough problem almanakk, so whatever it might be, if you have the solution just do it and bring my son back to me." meriline replied.

"That's not the case here meriline your son is alive but not as before, he's in a state of limbo [ which means he is not alive or dead but in between ].

The life force that came back to him is not complete as before something is missing that's is why he is levitating.

"What is missing," Meriline asked.

"It appears that he's life force battled with Hanson and somehow escaped and also found its way to the physical world but Hanson Snatched something from it, Hanson took away he's electic potential divine is no longer an elect, he's now a human.

Upon Hearing this tears dropped from merilines eyes.

"How will my son see me to be now after knowing I hid his powers from him and after which he finally lost it, what will he call me?

Even if am not the one who took it from him, he will see me as...(she burst into tears).

"Be at peace with yourself this not time to cry

We are running out of time he's physical body is dying, it's no longer holding he life force anymore

Meriline stood up and wiped off her tears and asked.

"What should I do?

"I need a sample of your blood now! Almanakk ordered.

Meriline quicker looked at her side and picked up a glass and cut her palm and blood dripped out.

She then moved closer to almanakk and stretched out her hands.

Almanakk then drew out her blood from her palm with he's power and created a sphere know as the sphere of return, he used merilines blood to activate the sphere, the sphere began to glow as it was in the middle of almanakks palm.

With the sphere he began to break the limbo power holding divine trying to bring him back totally to the physical world, but the body and life force is refusing.

The more he tries the more the sphere radiates energy Ray followed by wind and flash of sparks.

" come onnnnnnnn come back!" almanakk persuades the sphere.

"Why is he not coming back to life?" meriline asked.

"I can't tell, he's life force has no more electic powers so I don't know what is making it hard for him to come back to life.

Come onnnnnnnnn!!!!

"Get back meriline! Almanakk asked.

Almanakk then levitated as well as he's eyes turned blue, he then moved close to divines body and placed the sphere on he's forehead.

Almanakk slowly dragged him down till he finally brought him to the ground, but divines body stood erect like a statue refusing to come back to life as he's eyes and body glowed.

During this time almanakk was tired as he pants heavily.

" he's life force has stayed too long in the spirit realm which is why Its hard for me to bring him out of the limbo zone, now I have dragged him out of the limbo zone but yet he's refusing to come back to life.

"Do you need more blood from me tell me I can still cut my second palm" meriline suggests.

As they both spoke, drexel finally stood up and went to them as she was wounded from the blast.

"Hes body is refusing this world I need someone who has a deep connection with him to attract and call he's life force back to his body to dwell," said Almanakk.

Immediately he finished saying it, Drexel spoke out and said.

"Use me, take my blood mine will work."

"No don't touch her!" meriline orders.

"She's the only chance we have left meriline, we have to try.

Almanakk then used his power to tear the center of Drexel's palm and it started to bleed.

He then held drexels palm and placed it on divine forehead.

A sudden silence overshadowed the whole place in another second a great beam and ball of light appeared in between Drexel's bleeding hands and divine's head Eve as Almanakk held drexels hand.

The light which appeared in between drexel and divine was so powerful that it made drexel and divine start to gradually levitate as almanakk was forced to let go of her hand.

The surge of energy which came from the process of light was so powerful that it covered the whole place and made meriline and almanakk blind for some seconds.

After which the light began to fade away, then drexel and divine became visible to the eyes of meriline and Almanakk.

As the light faded away they saw divine carrying drexel on he's hands as he slowly comes down.

They watched as Divine slowly dropped his sister on the floor as Drexel appeared to be unconscious.

Meriline ran towards them both and bent down to check drexel for she became worried as drexel didn't wake.

Almanakk stared at divine as divines eyes glowed, after some seconds divines eye turned normal and the glow on he's body and eyes faded away.

Drexel regained consciousness and stood up to see if he's brother is fine, as she hurried out of her mothers hands and stood up.

Both Almabakk Drexel and Meriline stood up staring at Divine.

Divine seeing that every one was staring at him, he then spoke and said

" I need water am thirsty"

Hearing him speak meriline was happy as she smiless and tears drops from her eyes.

Drexel then ran and hugged him.

"Hey" thank you for bringing me back little sis"

"I need a good nap" Divine requested.

"Okay I will take you to my room" drexel offers in joy, for she's happy seeing that her brother is back to life.

As divine walked pass Almanakk and Meriline, meriline held him by the hands and said

"You are okay my sweet boy!

Divine smiles and said

"Dont cry mom am okay.

Drexel then led him out of the destroyed and scattered healing chamber.

"Tell me almamakk is my son no longer an elect?

" I won't lie or hide it I don't sense any electic essence in him at all even he's god gene is gone hanson has taken all away.

" I thought no one can take away ones electic essence without the silver hourglass or was he with a Silver hourglass?" meriline asked.

"Yes you are correct but the silver hourglasses is only relic used if you want to harness and trap ones electic essence to use it for yourself or to offer it to a deity, but Hanson has gone beyond using hourglasses its now clear that With he's new height of power he can reder almost anyone powerless just as he did to divine. Hanson has gone even beyond all the low and middle-rank elders of the oni society, for only the elders of the infinite seven has the potential to do this.

"So now mam how do you..

Almanakk turned and saw Meriline lamenting and weeping heavily as she was on her knees.

"Why do you cry this hard I though you always wanted he's powers gone from him?

" yes but that was to protect him not to take it away from him permanently my actions has caused me to hate my own life how blinded I was not to see that I was over doing things in the name of protection, I have deprived him of he's natural gift In return another nature and now he has lost it for good he will hate me for the rest of he's life.

Almanakk laughs you should be grateful he's alive.

Suddenly meriline yells as her head quakes

"Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhh…hhh"

"Are you okay meriline? Almanakk asked.

"HANSON! Hanson is dead"

"WHAT? That's not possible" Almanakk replied.

"My connection with him is broken I can't feel hes energy anymore".

Almanakk then raised he's staff up and a kind of holographic symbolic energy map appeared ontop of them both, the map shows that hanson is no longer existing both in the physical or spiritual world.

"he doesn't exist that's impossible" said Alamanakk as he was shcoked

" does that mean he's dead?" meriline asked.

"No if he was dead he's soul will be in the realm of souls but it shows that Hanson does not exist like he was never even born, something is wrong, something is going on.

"I will go and find my way with my children and Christine as well, you find out what's going on.

Merlin then walks away, immediately she walked out of the healing chamber, a portal opens behind Almanakk and a strange hand dragged him inside the portal and the portal closed.