

the air is so fresh but the world is unfair its hard tobe a human

Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

CHARTER 5 (the last word)

(the birds whispering)

"vlaire ,vlaire,"(auntie lorry said )

Vlaire open her eyes her bothe parents smiled and hug vlaire

vlaire look at me and smile

"switie hows your felling"(her mother said)

"im a little bit ok mom"(vlaire said)

"vlaire do you feel amything "(uncle jhon said)

"yeah yeah vlaire is something wrong do you feel in your body?"(kael ask vlaire)

while im standing at the back of kael

"no im alrigth "(she said confidently)


i open my eyes and see my family and also i look at the man i like james i smiled at him

while th doctor checked me again mom going to cry while dad hes comforming mom and then kael is talking with james

I feel like i have more days left before the end of my breath but i've promise to my self before i die im going to confess my feelings in james .im going to said mom to take care of herself and dad im going to said her that your the best dad i've ever saw and also kael the only thing i said her is he's always be ther for me to protect me no matter how .

and also the world well i guess i m saying thank you for my life for bieng alive for 20 years

After 4 hours of moment with my family mom and dad and also kael are going to the laboratory to swab all of them and james is still by my side a little while he invite me to the rooftop again he said he something to teel me .like seriously so i agreed

JAMES KAYUKAZI ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

i invite vlaire to the rooftop again

when while she's staring at the sky again i held her hands and start saying my words

"amm vlaire this is my chance to teel you what kind of feelings i feel for you . vlaire first time i saw you when we was 10 i've caugth your attention and starting crushed you and now i thin its time to confess you that .AHH VLAIRE I-I LIKE YOU"(i said nervously)

i saw her reaction like shocked and suprised

he put her hand to my face and start saying his word

"james you must stop liking me you know why ? cauze look at my situation i am in the sicknesses situations james you must stop liking me. well thank you for your perposer but .yes i'd like yo too but the only days left i will die soon"(she said while crying)

"I KNOW i took the days left to enjoying with you no matter what you are i still like you and love you vlaire .no matter you said that i stay away from you .i will never do that remeber i said yesterday and today that i've always be there for you to protect you. that kind of fellings vlaire that i fell today is i love you"(i said from the button of my hearth )

"james thank you for accepting me who are i . "(she said and hug me with all of her hearth)

i touched her face and start kissing here

i've kissed her with all of my hearth ,i will kiss here until the end of the world ,i will protect her until the end of my breath

"i love you vlaire "(i said sincerly)

"more than i love you"(she said sincerly too)

until i feel thats shes not breathing at all

"vlaire,vlaire,vlaire woke up"(i said while criying)

i down to the elevator

and go back to her room, the doctor come and checked her family come and start panicking again until vlaire is not answering and not breathing

vlaire said her last word - I LOVE YOU JAMES

I LOVE YOU ALL (She say her last word and last breath )

"no.no.no vlaire you can die vlaire we need you switie "(her mother said )

the died of vlaire can comfort us well i guess i did'nt think that thats our last moment in the rooftop


ITS been 1 year after vlaires gone her family live a peaceful life .and me nothings change i've always miss vlaire .well i go back to the life i live before .studying at the acedemy .well i gues many girls want to date me but hearths only for vlaire