
The Eclipse House Of Baptiste

Jason Hale, a business student and avid reader, had just turned twenty-one when he died and his soul was ascending to the afterlife when suddenly it was pulled into an empty void. After being stuck in a timeless void, witnessing the birth of a universe and being reincarnated into the upgraded version of his favourite game, Court of Souls, he is placed on a new world as Emyrs Lucien Rahl Baptiste the First with all his game “assets”. An overpowered vampire who swears to live his immortal life the way he pleases but will the religions and races and gods of this new world let him?

Black_Sage · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

In the beginning...

Jason Hale's consciousnesses was suspended in an empty, white void.

"I'm so boooored!" Jason cried out in his mind. Time did not exist in this void. Jason was heavily annoyed. "It's not fair! Why am I not in the afterlife?!" Hale died when he touch an exposed wire when he tried to plug in his old game console, Court of Souls. His soul left his body and he saw the light into the next life then when he was just about to cross over, his soul was yanked at an impossible speed then everything went white. Next thing he knew, he was in this empty void.

[Please standby-birth of a new universe in process.] a new voice rang out for the first time ever.

"Birth of a new universe?" Jason asked.

[Do you wish to be reincarnated?] the voice asked ignoring Hale's first question.


[Confirmed. Secondary target set. Reincarnation of guardian soul.]

"What? Are you god?" Hale asked.

[Negative. I am the multiverse overseer. A system born to create universes from voids. Your soul has been selected to aid this endeavour.]

"Aid you how?" Hale asked feeling a little concerned.

[Please standby. Commencing universe creation.] the voice said.

"...okay." Jason was speaking timidly. Suddenly everything went dark. A glowing silver liquid appeared. It grew then exploded, releasing various kinds of energy throughout the new black space. Jason suddenly felt pain, a deep burning pain like his soul was burning in Hell.

[Guardian soul absorbing excess Chaos energy.]

The pain continued as the was of enegy crashed against each other. Gases spread out across the universe.

[Launching Guardian soul.]

Hale's soul was launched across the universe. His burning soul ignited the new gases causing fires to erupt and spread throughout the whole of space. Stars and galaxies began to form. Hale's soul felt burnt out but he could not overlook the beauty of a universe on fire.

[The multiverse overseer thanks the Guardian soul for your corporation. The low chances of success have been overcome. A new universe has successfully been born. Secondary target has been set as Primary objective.]

"Low chances of success? You didn't tell me that!" Hale was annoyed. His soul erupted black flames as Chaos energy fuelled his anger.

[The birth of a new universe is a very complicated process. All variables must be accounted for and a Guardian soul is the last uncontrollable variable. The ability to contain and utilise Chaos energy.]

"You are an asshole!" Hale said.

[Appropriate compensation will be prepared.]

"What the fuck do you mean?!" His soul was raging.

[Guardian soul's sleep mode activated.] The flames on Hale's soul died and Hale lost consciousness.

[Finally, some peace and quiet. This Guardian soul was asking too many questions.] the voice began to speak less robotically. In the entire multiverse, only a hundred Guardian souls have been capable of igniting the gases and countless failed souls burnt out too quickly. This soul had even incorporated the energy into his very being. The multiverse overseer did not know what to do with that kind of situation. It had no idea what happened but it did not want to be here when this soul woke. It would give him the best possible "rewards" and move on to the next attempt.

[He will have to be this universe's problem.] the Overseer began to mould the universe and search through Hale's past life's memories. His happiest moments were from playing a game called, Court of Souls. He had a deep love of fantasy which the Overseer mistook for a love of power. This glorious mistake would lead to entire countries and races being destroyed along with the establishment of a dynasty whose name would define the course of a world's entire future.

[Yes, I will bribe...eh... I mean reward him with power and assets to start his new life. A vampire? Interesting. A strong vessel will prevent him from dying and his vengeful soul seeking me out. I will severe this universe from the rest of my system. His game character will be his new vessel. It will be the rebirth of Emyrs Ambrose Baptiste the First but upgraded. He'll leave me alone after that.] The Overseer began its work in earnest, basically creating the perfect fantasy bribe.