
The Earth is Online

⚠️ I don't own this work, I only translate it. Author: Mo Chen Huan Six months ago, tens of thousands of black ghost towers appeared all over the world, floating above cities. Chemists, physicists, clerics... there was nothing they could do. Six months later, people got usedės to the towers and no longer paid them any attention. One day, Tang Mo saw a flying insect crash into it instead of through it. The next day, a clear, high-pitched child's voice issued an announcement for all humans. "Ding dong November 15, 2017. Earth is online." The three golden rules of the black tower: - 1. everything is explained by the black tower. - 2. 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. is game time. - 3. all players are invited to strive to attack the tower.

SUISEI · Fantasi
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245 Chs

Chapter 95 - Go ahead, touch your little hands~

Fu Wenduo noticed a long time ago that Tang Mo's psychic powers seemed peculiar.

On the way from Beijing to Shanghai, he met many powerful players and learned about many powerful powers. For example, the leader of the most powerful smuggler group in Beijing has a special ability that even Fu Wenduo does not dare to underestimate. But Tang Mo's powers seem to be a little different from those of the others.

The most important point is that Fu Wenduo has never seen Tang Mo use the same powers in a concentrated way.

Normal players use their powers frequently. For example, the four stowaways in the Circus of the Weird copy used most of the same methods when they killed people. The pretty boy's ability was bug-related, and the bald man's was to transform into a brown bear. Tang Mo is the only one who kills in many ways, but never uses the same method for long. This could be due to the fact that his powers are limited in time, for example to a few times a day, forcing him not to use them continuously. Other than that, there is another possibility ...

"So, you have many kinds of psychic powers?" Although he was asking a question, there was no hint of surprise in Fu Wenduo's tone.

Tang Mo looked at his expression and understood that this man had already guessed about his psychic ability. Since he was a teammate, there was no need to hide it too much. Fu Wenduo could not possibly kill him. Tang Mo said, "To be precise, I only have one ability, which is the ability to collect other people's abilities. At the moment, I have more than twenty powers, but most of them are useless, useless, and limited."

Fu Wenduo: "To be able to collect other people's powers, if not restricted, would be unfair to the whole The black tower game." After a pause, Fu Wenduo thought, "Four months ago in your first tower game, you changed your name to MOMO?"

Tang Mo honestly admits, "... Well, that's my psychic ability."

Tang Mo used his name change ability to change his name to MOMO in Gopher, when he explained to Fu Wenduo that he had used an item to change his name.

Knowing the truth and remembering it carefully, Fu Wenduo said, "Spitting fire, using a strong wind, having moved something in the way?"

Did this man have such a good memory? Or had he been watching himself since he had some suspicions? Tang Mo said helplessly, "Well, they're all powers. But I have very few offensive powers, most of them are the same as the one that changed my name, which is on the supportive side. There are two ways I got my powers. The first one I am not sure of at the moment, roughly getting something from someone and getting their psychic ability at the same time. The second ..." Tang Mo's voice stopped as he looked towards the bodies of the pretty woman and the middle aged man on the ground.

Fu Wenduo's low voice rang out, "Murder."

So Tang Mo said he hoped that in the future Fu Wenduo would give up his head to him if he had to kill someone.

Fu Wenduo was wrong about one thing: "Eat, Wipe and Pay" is an incredibly powerful ability, even with its limitations. It is probably even one of the most powerful abilities in the world. As long as the player with this ability keeps killing people, he can have more abilities.

In the six months that Tang Mo has been online on Earth, he has only had a total of twenty-two powers, including the eat-dry-not-pay power. This is because he does not want to kill people as a means to collect powers. He never killed for his powers, he had them because he killed. In the hands of another ruthless player, there was no way that the bitchy book of allomancy would only have a shabby twenty-two allomancy written on it. A hundred, or even a thousand supernatural powers, would not be surprising.

Fu Wenduo didn't show any particular emotion when he heard that Tang Mo could get powers from killing people. He noticed Tang Mo looking at the corpses of the two players and asked, "What is her supernatural power?" Fu Wenduo pointed at the pretty woman's corpse.

Tang Mo had just killed her, so he naturally knew about her powers. Tang Mo said, "Her supernatural ability is also a bit chicken, a bit like mine. She can know other people's psychic powers and use them for a short period of time."

"So the ball of light that just came out of her hand represents the psychic powers you possess?"


It was no wonder that the pretty woman had turned pale with fear just now. She was afraid that she would not understand until her death how one person could possess so many supernatural powers.

Fu Wenduo's voice was calm: "The twenty-one balls of light that emerged from her palm just now were divided into four colours. White, black and blue, and one similar to gold. It is possible that these four colours represent the classification of the strength and weakness of the supernormal abilities, or they may represent the different types of supernormal abilities."

Tang Mo did know this, and he said, "Those four colours represent different types of supernatural abilities. The book I just took out has a classification of the twenty-two types of supernatural abilities I have obtained, dividing them into four types - genetic, dimensional, atomic and special. The four colours represent these four types. This woman's supernatural ability belongs to the special type, and my supernatural ability is also a special type. Of the supernatural abilities I got, the one related to spitting fire is an atomic type, the one to move objects is a dimensional type, and there is a supernatural ability to enhance intelligence that is a genetic type."

"What type of psychic ability do I have?"

Tang Mo's voice stopped abruptly and he looked up at Fu Wenduo.

In the thick night air, the dense, wide leaves of the sycamore trees clattered in the wind. Fu Wenduo, hands in his pockets, looks at Tang Mo calmly, a light smile on his face. He says this calmly, as if he is just asking a casual question. His deep eyes are fixed on Tang Mo's face, and Tang Mo looks at him quietly.

After a moment, Tang Mo looked away, "I don't know much about your powers either. I only know that you can turn into weapons."

"That's just part of it."

Tang Mo looked at Fu Wenduo in amazement. Fu Wenduo stretched out his right hand and held it up between them. Tang Mo thought he was going to turn his hand into the black, three-pronged cone, but Fu Wenduo's fingers moved and a flash of silver appeared on his wrist. The next moment, steel-like skin crawled up from his wrist, rapidly eating away at his entire right hand. It took barely two seconds for his entire hand to turn pure silver.

Tang Mo's eyes widened in astonishment as Fu Wenduo held this steel right hand out in front of him, "Touch it."

Tang Mo did as he was told.

It really is iron. No, it doesn't have to be iron, it could be some other metal. But it's definitely not human skin, it's metal!

"You have the ability to change into something other than just that black weapon? Is it limited to your right hand?" The second the words left his mouth, Tang Mo saw for himself a cold silver reflecting off Fu Wenduo's cheek, a piece of skin turning to metal. His eyes widened as he watched, and soon Fu Wenduo made the silver disappear again.

Tang Mo took a few seconds to digest this fact: "... You can make any part of your body, turn like this?" He thought again of the black sharpshooter, "Not just turn into metal, but switch shapes at will?"

"I don't know."

Tang Mo was stunned.

Fu Wenduo said, "It's like you know you can get psychic powers by killing people, but you don't know the other way to get them. I'm not sure what my supernatural power is either. So ... can you tell me? Just like she just knew about your psychic ability, it's up to you to tell me what my psychic ability is."

Tang Mo was stunned at first, and after a moment his expression began to grow quite expressive: "..."

Fu Wenduo asked Tang Mo to check his powers because, like Tang Mo, he did not know much about his powers and he wanted to take this opportunity to find out more. On the other hand, it was because he also needed to give Tang Mo an explanation.

Tang Mo had told him about his powers, so of course he couldn't keep them to himself. This is the kind of trust you need to give as a teammate.

But Tang Mo's reaction made him feel a bit funny.

This kind of expression ... Did that pretty woman's psychic ability was so special that it made things difficult for him?

Fu Wenduo's mind began to wander. Tang Mo used to think that there was a slight difference between his way of thinking and Fu Wenduo's. He preferred to reason step by step on the basis of clues, and all conclusions were based on facts, or at least reasonable speculation. Fu Wenduo is different. His thinking is, at best, bold and clever, but at worst it is very open-minded and out of the box. But he always gets the facts right.

Fu Wenduo looked at Tang Mo calmly, without a trace of expression on his face, but in his heart he already had a guess: Tang Mo wanted to use the woman's powers to check his powers, but there was a big limitation. This restriction made it a little difficult for Tang Mo. What kind of restriction could make him look like this ...

Fu Wenduo looked at Tang Mo thoughtfully, and as he was about to ask, Tang Mo pursed his lips and said, "Then I'll see what your powers are."

Fu Wenduo stared, "Good."

Tang Mo held out his hand, "Take your hand out."

Fu Wenduo gave him a curious look and held out his hand.

Tang Mo holds it in one hand.

Fu Wenduo body lurch.

Tang Mo's tone was calm: "Her powers require a certain amount of time of physical contact with the other person, so she has just been touching my face and neck, and touching my hands, just to reach the conditions for the use of her powers."

Fu Wenduo was silent for a moment: "... is good."

In the cold night air, Fu Wenduo's hands were actually very hot. Tang Mo's eyes drooped as he watched the two men clasping hands. One word flashed through his mind -

'The blood is fresh'.

Soon, Tang Mo put such an odd thought out of her mind.

It is said that you need to have physical contact with someone, and the more intimate and ambiguous the contact, the better the effect, but the truth is that Tang Mo can know someone's powers as long as there is physical contact. It's just a matter of how long the contact lasts.

The face and neck were far more intimate than the hands, so the woman touched Tang Mo long enough to know about his psychic powers. And now Tang Mo touches Fu Wenduo's hand, although the hand is not a very secret part, he touches it twice as long, or at most three times as long, it is not possible that Fu Wenduo's supernatural power is so powerful that he can't even get three times as long as he touches it, right?

And he's GAY, Fu Wenduo isn't. It was just a touching of hands between teammates to check their powers, no big deal. If he made a big deal out of it and took it too seriously, he was thinking too much instead.

Not wanting to waste time, Tang Mo explained, "If the opponent's powers are very strong, the longer it will take to make physical contact. Let's get out of here first."


The two men hold hands and leave this crossroads.

The neighbourhood happens to be a very busy commercial street in Nanjing, with large shopping malls, cinemas and restaurants on both sides of the road. Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo were walking along the street holding hands, but after a while Tang Mo's mind was flooded with that strange feeling.

... God damn it, it seems like a couple dating.

If Tang Mo were a woman, Fu Wenduo would be holding hands with him like this, a man and a woman, and it would be more like a date. But even if there were two men holding hands, it would still look like a date to Tang Mo. Because he likes men. He can't date a woman at all, only a man.

Tang Mo spat out the woman's psychic ability in his mind. It seemed quite useful, not to mention being able to understand the enemy's powers and copy them, but just finding a strong teammate and getting them from her before each battle would enhance her own combat power. But when you think about it, it doesn't help at all. Because the more powerful your teammate's powers are, the longer it will take you to acquire them.

If Tang Mo wanted to borrow Fu Wenduo's powers before a fight, where would he have to touch them to get them immediately?

This power is really chicken shit!

As time passes, Fu Wenduo calmly takes Tang Mo's hand and walks down the once bustling shopping street. The sound of someone's footsteps came from time to time in the darkness, but they did not dare to show themselves. They only glanced at Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo from afar, guessed their strengths, and left quietly to avoid a confrontation.

Nine hours have passed since the start of the Rubbish Sweeper game, with three hours left.

Tang Mo spotted another player running away quickly, not daring to collide with him head-on. He muses, "It seems that even the players in Nanjing now know that they can earn badges for killing. Any foreign player who can come to Nanjing to participate in a game must be powerful and ambitious. Most likely, they are stowaways. Normal stowaways don't just leave without even trying when they encounter players." So those people just now were all Nanjing players, Tang Mo continued, "There are three more groups of rabbit-headed people coming next."

Fu Wenduo: "One more I to go, and we'll have two sets of letters."

"We just got an I from those two Wuxi players. there are two possibilities, firstly, I badges are very rare and the chances of acquiring them are very low, that's why we never got them. Second ... killing a rabbit-headed man is not likely to get an I badge. Those two players got the I badge by killing other players, we didn't kill players before, so we couldn't get the I badge."

Fu Wenduo raised one eyebrow, "The only way to get the badge together is to kill someone?"

"Fu Wenduo, what exactly is SURPRISE?"

Tang Mo suddenly stops in his tracks. Fu Wenduo is still walking forward when his hand is suddenly pulled back. Fu Wenduo stops and turns his head to look at Tang Mo. Tang Mo realises that he has just pulled Fu Wenduo and subconsciously tries to let go.

Tang Mo looked up at him and Fu Wenduo said lightly, "Isn't it time yet?"

Tang Mo: "..."

"Well, it's not time yet."

As they continue to hold hands, Tang Mo says: "The black tower shouldn't have given the answer 'kill to pass the game', there must be another way to pass the game. Now that we've been able to spell out the letters of surprise with the badges, it's logical that surprise should be the badges. Putting the collected badges into that rubbish disposal station would most likely have something to do with the yellow ball of light hovering in front of it. Put it in, and you'll pass the game. But it's certainly not the only way to clear the game."

Fu Wenduo: "SURPRISE isn't about those badges."

Tang Mo's mind raced and after a long time of thinking, Tang Mo said, "You mean, rule number five of the game, send your surprise to the rubbish disposal to pass the game. This SURPRISE is not a badge?"

"The black tower doesn't say, send your SURPRISE badge to the rubbish disposal."

Tang Mo thought for a moment, "So what's a surprise?"

Fu Wenduo's eyes were fixed and he did not answer. As the two men walked, they each pondered the question. There was no way to determine what surprise was in any of the information given by The black tower. There was only one possibility, and that seemed to be the answer given by The black tower, that the wooden badges were surprise. But assuming that the wooden badges are not, what is surprise?

"For players across Nanjing, and the rest of the nine boroughs, this litter clean-up game is a SURPRISE from The black tower."

Tang Mo was wondering if the surprise for The black tower would be some special prop or something special. When he heard Fu Wenduo's words, he looked up at him. Fu Wenduo was also looking at him. Their eyes met in the air and without saying a word, they understood each other's meaning at the same time.

Tang Mo: "Everything in that world can be said to be SURPRISE."

"Yes, so we have to guess what exactly is the SURPRISE that The black tower wants. Or what SURPRISE the end of the line rubbish dump needs."

Tang Mo's lips parted and he was about to speak when a familiar nursery rhyme rang out over Nanjing. Tang Mo turned his head quickly and looked at the huge The black tower suspended in the sky. A cheerful 'Painters' song echoed through the city, and countless players in Nanjing stopped in their tracks to look at the tower in unison.

When the song finished playing, a clear child's voice rang out, and there seemed to be a sense of gloating in its tone -

"Dingdong! China Zone 6, official player Fu Wensheng has successfully cleared 'The Last Man's Trash Sweeper Game'. The first player to pass the game receives the additional bonus 'Gaze of the Trash'. All trash will look at this player for three seconds. Tremble, trashers, this is the contempt from the successful."

The black tower's beep ends and Tang Mo looks to Fu Wenduo with a start. As expected, Fu Wenduo's face was completely black, his eyes staring coldly at the heavy The black tower. The next moment, Fu Wenduo took Tang Mo's hand in his and ran forward.


The two men turned into a bolt of lightning and quickly disappeared down the street.


The author has something to say.

Tangtang: ... Fu Wenduo's hand is so hot, it's very bloody ...

Mr. Fu: Yeah, it's very bloody ^_^ So where do you want to touch and get my powers?

Tangtang: ...[Minato shameless!!!