
The Earth is Online

⚠️ I don't own this work, I only translate it. Author: Mo Chen Huan Six months ago, tens of thousands of black ghost towers appeared all over the world, floating above cities. Chemists, physicists, clerics... there was nothing they could do. Six months later, people got usedės to the towers and no longer paid them any attention. One day, Tang Mo saw a flying insect crash into it instead of through it. The next day, a clear, high-pitched child's voice issued an announcement for all humans. "Ding dong November 15, 2017. Earth is online." The three golden rules of the black tower: - 1. everything is explained by the black tower. - 2. 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. is game time. - 3. all players are invited to strive to attack the tower.

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245 Chs

Chapter 158 - That statement is not the truth at all!

"Grea, what do you mean by ..."! The latter half of the sentence did not come out, and Li Miaomiao snapped his mouth shut. Any word that could be a question could be answered by the truth clock as a question. She glanced fearfully at the blue clock suspended in the air, and said through gritted teeth, "That question you asked, it's useless."

Grea took off her bowler hat with one hand and said seriously: "My lady, this is a question that has been bothering me for many years." After a pause, his eyes were sincere: "I ask it from the bottom of my heart."

Li Miaomiao: "..."

I'll fuck you from the bottom of my heart!

If Li Miaomiao could move her feet now, or if she could beat Grea, she has no doubt she would have pinned the bastard who wasted her chance to ask a question to the ground!

They only had five chances in total. The first question was wasted as they were tricked by the truth clock. The second question was again punked by The black tower, which was not asked. The third question was answered in a very subtle way by the truth clock, which did explain what the fallacious compass was, but did not reveal a single thing about the Transparent Man.

With only two questions left, Grea actually asked Truth Clock how he was going to make a lot of money.

Why don't you just ask the truth clock how to get rich overnight?

Not only Li Miaomiao, but also the other players stared coldly at Grea. The gentleman in the crimson dress felt so innocent that he smiled helplessly, and when the crowd thought he was going to say something to explain, he turned around and bowed to the clock of truth: "Thank you for answering my question, great clock of truth."

Crowd: "..."

Truth Clock: "..."

A few moments later, Truth Clock: "... No thanks."

Tang Mo's eyes darted back and forth between Grea and Truth Clock, his eyebrows slowly raised and his lips pursed. In the back of his mind he kept replaying what Truth Clock had just said. Tang Mo's reaction was not as strong as Li Miaomiao's, as he could probably guess what kind of questions Li Miaomiao and Zhao Xiaofei wanted to ask.

Li Miaomiao muttered in a low voice, "Such a waste of opportunity, now well, there is only one right to ask questions left." Li Miaomiao still has an attitude of incomplete trust towards Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo, after all, she is a member of the Chosen. She trusts Ruan Wangshu unconditionally, but cannot trust Fu Wenduo and Tang Mo, even though they have more experience in raiding The black tower. The current situation worries her, but she tries not to show it.

Li Miaomiao just whispered a complaint, but Grea actually heard it.

"My lady, are you trying to get me to ask questions that don't seem to have the right answers?"

Grea suddenly uttered a question and the bodies of all the players in the room instantly tensed up. Immediately, the thoughts in their heads disappeared and Tang Mo looked warily at the truth clock. This time, however, the Truth Clock didn't react, probably because it was too bored with Grea's oddity to use it as a way of counting players.

The crowd sighed in relief, and Li Miaomiao held her tongue for a while before spitting out one word: "Yes." She didn't dare to speak as casually as Grea did.

Grea laughs: "Like how do you feel about me and which colour flower do you prefer; if you were to leave Schrödinger's Iron Forest at the end of The black tower game now and you wanted to eat, what would you choose to eat?"

Li Miaomiao was a little surprised and did not say anything.

Grea guessed it right.

Li Miaomiao wants to ask two types of questions, the first is a straightforward question about what is the Truth Clock's way of getting through this game, and the second is asking for some subjective type of answer. There is no right answer to any of the questions that have to do with emotions. This second Li Miaomiao likes blue flowers, a year later she might like red flowers. When she used to be asked by Qi Heng what she wanted to eat, she used to say whatever, and that was really whatever. Because she didn't really want to eat something, too obsessed with wanting every single thing.

Even Li Miaomiao couldn't answer this question herself, and she believes the truth clock couldn't say the right answer. Because if it said any of them, Li Miaomiao would be able to identify the disadvantages of not liking it, not wanting to eat it, and denying the answer.

Grea: "You think too simply of the great clock of truth. Such a question is to it only one of the endless truths that mean nothing."

Zhao Xiaofei couldn't help but say, "Then you shouldn't ask you such questions and then waste an opportunity!"

Grea looked ashamed: "Are you angry?"

Zhao Xiaofei didn't respond for a moment: "Huh?"

"It is my greatest fault to make a lady angry. Though I don't think asking questions that humans can't solve makes the truth clock difficult. My dear lady, do any humans know what The black tower really is?" Without waiting for an answer, Grea said, "No humans do. You can ask questions that are currently unsolvable by humans, but this clock must know it all. It knows more than you can imagine. For it is the great clock of truth! It would be better to waste your questions on these unnecessary questions than to ask ... how I can make a lot of money. Wouldn't you say so, Great Truth Clock?"

Truth Clock blushed at the compliment and had nothing to say to this oddball human.

Zhao Xiaofei's face flushes red. Because Grea had guessed everything she was thinking.

Li Miaomiao was thinking of asking subjective questions, while Zhao Xiaofei was thinking of asking some of humanity's famous unsolved puzzles or paradoxes.

For example, she asks the Truth Clock how to solve Goldbach's Conjecture, whether the Grand Unified Equation of the Universe is real, and what it is. But Zhao Xiaofei ignores the fact that humans cannot even explain The black tower, so what makes her think that Truth Clock's knowledge of the universe is within the realm of humans. The black tower exists beyond the limits of human civilisation, and so does the Truth Clock. The questions she finds impossible to answer are child's play for the Truth Clock.

Tang Mo watched Zhao Xiaofei's depressed expression. His thought was the same as Grea's, that the Truth Clock might actually be able to answer these unsolvable human problems. But when it does, it is likely to be blocked by The black tower.

In any case, they only had one chance left anyway.

Li Miaomiao scowls anxiously at Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo, but they don't even look at her.

All eyes are on Fu Wenduo. This tall, handsome man is straight and level, staring at the huge clock in front of him. His gaze was firm and calm. The two female players racked their brains to figure out what question they could ask that would make the clock of truth fail to answer, or answer incorrectly. Grea, leaning on her short staff, looked on with a look of amusement.

Tang Mo, on the other hand, doesn't look a bit flustered.

In the silence of the room, they heard a low male voice ring out, "My question is, what do you ... have to do to turn it into a truth clock?"


The long seconds hand on the large, blue-lit clock dial suddenly stops moving.

The two female players were momentarily stunned and looked at Fu Wenduo in disbelief.

Tang Mo slowly tilts the corners of his mouth.

Fu Wenduo gazes calmly at the giant bell in front of him.

A booming bell sounded, and the ever-subdued female voice suddenly burst into an angry roar: " The black tower Intruder, I don't know what you're talking about. I am the great clock of truth, your questions make no sense, you are deceiving me!"

Fu Wenduo: "Is that your answer?"

Truth Clock was speechless, "You ...!"

"Dingdong! Tested by The black tower, wrong answer."

For the first time, The black tower did the player a favour by refuting the words of the truth clock without being a punk. The crowd looked pleased to hear the voice of The black tower. The black tower was the one the players wanted to believe more than the so-called truth clock. The world is The black tower's world, and even s Schrödinger is forced by The black tower to play the game with the players. So ...

Li Miaomiao said decisively, "You are not a truth clock at all!"

The female voice roars angrily: "I am the Great Clock of Truth. In the 138th century, His Excellency the Great Schrödinger was commissioned by the Queen of Hearts to create me, the Great Truth Clock, as a gift for the Queen of Hearts' 100th birthday. I am the truth clock, the black tower, the only truth clock in the world, I represent all the truths of the world. ..."

"If you are a gift to the Queen of Hearts, then why are you here?"

The sound of the truth clock stops abruptly and it "looks" at Tang Mo.

Tang Mo stood behind Fu Wenduo and said, word for word: "If you were a gift from the Queen of Hearts, you would now be in the Queen of Hearts' jeweled castle, not in Schrödinger's Iron Forest. Schrödinger's 108 rooms house its inventions. You should know that there are successful inventions and failed inventions in these." The voice stops and Tang Mo looks up at the clock that is no longer moving: "You are the truth clock, but you are the failed truth clock. I didn't see anything wrong with you the first time I saw you, because you were so much like the Truth Clock. I have seen it before."

Apart from Fu Wenduo, no one else knew that Tang Mo had seen the real Truth Clock.

Tang Mo: "That clock looks exactly like you, every number on the clock, every hand, there is no difference between you. The tone of your voice and your attitude towards the truth are all the same. But I always felt as if there was something different about you, but for a moment I couldn't find it. You are really too much alike."

The Truth Clock could no longer contain itself and roared, "I am the Truth Clock!"

Fu Wenduo: "Truth, means something that exists objectively and is absolutely correct. This statement is yours."

Truth Clock: "Yes, that's what I said, and every word I said was the truth!"

Fu Wenduo gave a low laugh, "But the first time you met us, the first words you said, that was no longer the truth."

The hands of the Truth Clock twitched violently as it recalled exactly what it had said. On the other side, Li Miaomiao was also thinking hard. Suddenly, Zhao Xiaofei exclaimed: "Welcome to the world of the Truth Clock. I am the great Truth Clock, chiming accurately for His Excellency the great Schrödinger. ... Is that what it says? This phrase, this phrase ..."

Zhao Xiaofei exclaimed, "Ah! This statement is not the truth at all!"


The author has something to say.

Tangtang inwardly: put unconditional trust in Mr. Fu, so I don't even need to look at him!

Mr. Fu inwardly: Waiting for half a day but not waiting for Tangtang to look at me, so annoying I better ask ...