
Chapter One, the dust.

War wasn't invented by armies. War doesn't help the people's suffering. War is selfish. War is invasion. War is torture. But war was inevitable. The people became hateful towards each other. Their government's used that hate and capitalised on it. Gaining support based on common hatred. The media also capitalised on the hatred and turned people against their own government just to have something to report on. Government's lost their armies but still went to war. Death tolls grew greater and greater over the years causing the people hatred to manifest and the uprising of the people began. They fought against their governments with sticks and stones but their government's fought back with fire and metal. Too many wars going on at the same time. The world leaders agreed unanimously to hide and set off the giant smoke. The giant smoke killed the plants and the grass and made the the world nothing but shadows and dust.

From the shadows arose the light seekers, a people who believed that the light is healing and all giving. They have built their cities upwards towards the light using levels as rankings. The more light you get the more enlightened you are, the more power you hold. Each level of the cities are circular in shape and get smaller and smaller each level they go up. For the light dwellers at the highest levels of the light seekers cities life is easy, space is plentiful, food is abundant, people are few and the people living in the below levels are never even an afterthought. Neither above or below even acknowledge each others existence. For the bottom dwellers life is tough, they have to live off what falls from above and are considered the vermin of the light seeker people. The worst of the worst. The expelled and the forgotten.

The light seekers are a savage people who are willing to fight to the death against any of their enemies. When they are deceased they believe they are brought into the sun to become pure light and to heal the light seekers below. Also another incentive they use to start violence is that is too many are killed in an above level of their cities then the level below will elect a few to be risen into higher light and rise up a city level.