
Episode 3

"Move left, move right! Move left! Move right! Move- Ow Ow OW OW Ow Umma Ummaaaa!" The mansion startled by your screams. Your mom ran to you.

"Ya Ya Ya, are you-" your mom ran to see in a hurry until she found out that Miss Lizard was doing exercise.

"Hm..." Your mom held her arms on her waist.

"Ah, my back!"

"Who told you to do exercise on your own??"

"Can't you just help me to stand me up?"

"I cut prawns, do you want me to touch you?" your mom gave an evil smile and stepped forward.

"No, no, no, no, I'm okay by myself."

"Come quick; your brekkie is ready."


You stood up with the support of the bed, took a deep sigh, and went downstairs walking awkwardly like old people and sat on the chair.

"What happened to her?!" your dad freaked eating his breakfast.

"Ask yourself..." your mom continued eating brekkie.

"I fell..." You made a pout and faked the cry.

"Fell?! Did it hurt? Where does it hurt? Are you okay?" your dad seemed concerned about your baby behavior. Your mom nodded, seeing all this drama.

"Can you please stop treating her like a baby?" she begged.

"Can't you see she's hurt?" your dad held your hand.

"Carry on," your mom gave up.

"It's your last day of Uni, right?"

"Don't call it the last day, please. It's just a break for the engagement, dad."

"Don't be so happy; it's the 1st and last time of your break," your mom interrupted.

"I know," you continued, "Unnie didn't come downstairs?"

"She left for an emergency," your mom told.

"Life of doctors... That's why I never wanted to be a doctor."

"You're really dumb," said your mother.

"Umma. Engineers are not dumb-"

"Eat quickly and go for university," ordered your mom.

You hurried for the bus. Yes, you go by the bus, and that's okay even if you're the daughter of a billionaire university holder—that's what your mom thinks.

"This bag is so fuvking heavy. My back can't take it anymore," you were standing in front of Tae. As the bus took a brake, you jolted into the man in front of you.

"Mianhae, Mianhae," you apologized.

"Ay! Can't you see a man is standing? Cheap girls like you-"

"Hey, Hey man! shut this fuvking mouth up," Tae defended.

"Why are you butting between us? Oh, she's your girl?"

"Ya," you stopped the man from saying that.

"Yes, don't you dare to say anything!" Tae blurted. You looked at Tae and gave him a What-The-Fuck Look.

When the bus reached the university, you grabbed Tae by the collar and dragged him out of the bus. Despite your height disadvantage, you delivered a drumroll of slaps on his back.

"Ya, mwo haniya?? Stop it!"

"How dare you spit out that word??" You grabbed his ear.

"I was saving your dad's money and pride."

You made a dramatic gesture of pretending to slay him with your words and then walked away in frustration.

Jikook approached Tae, wearing mischievous grins.

"Ahem... Tae," smirked Jk.


"What's going on...?" Jimin asked with a sly smile.

"I'm planning to throw a treat today! L-let's go," Tae hurriedly changed the topic and left, brushing it off.

In class, Chae Eun bombarded you with a barrage of questions.

"Don't lie, I saw that myself!"

"Why are you dragging nonsense?"

"You were close to him too much!"

"You were close to Jimin too," you taunted.

"Hey! That's nothing like that."

"That's what I'm saying."

"What was the matter then??"

"I won't tell you. You'll laugh like an idiot."

"Trust me."

You explained what happened, and she burst into uncontrollable laughter, rolling on the floor.

"I knew it!" she blurted out between fits of laughter.

"What?" you asked, puzzled.

"He likes you, GwoRl."

"W-T-F. Never!"

"Don't neglect that. I know it very well."

"He's not my type."

"Oh really?"

"Well, he doesn't deserve me." You put on an attitude-filled face.

"Let's see then. By the way, why didn't Eunwoo come?"

"He went for a taekwondo competition. Do you miss him?"


"Now go bring me some snacks, please. I'm hungry."


"My back hurts badly."

"What did you two do?" She leaned in and smirked.

"You!" You kicked her butt.


"You know I got a cramp, idiot."

"You want me to bring you snacks for THIS?"

"I swear to God, if there was Eunwoo, you would've left me behind and gone with him."

She grabbed you and took you to the cafe.

You both were sitting parallel to Tae, able to see him but not really wanting to. You excitedly discussed the wedding plans and enjoyed your lunch. Tae also seemed to be enjoying his meal before heading off with his friends for a badminton match. During the rest of the break, you revised lessons for a math test.

The test went well, but your back wasn't cooperating and began to ache. After the test, your math professor asked you to bring all the files to the staff room along with the tests.

"O-k...." you wondered if you could manage it, as there were quite a few files that couldn't be easily carried. You picked them up and headed outside the class. As fate would have it, Tae was coming from the opposite direction, and you both collided, causing you to accidentally step on his glasses.

"My files!"

"My glasses?!"

You were seething with frustration now.

"You wear glasses, but you still can't see?!" you complained.

"I wear glasses, but you're blind! Never ever try to come in front of me," Tae scolded you and walked away, leaving you on the verge of tears.

Your heart felt crushed into pieces. You were already suffering from back pain, and his scolding without any reason just added to your misery. You bent down to pick up the files but ended up groaning in pain. Chae Eun came running from the corridors.


"Leave me! Go away!"

Tae noticed your groans and yelling.

"Drama Queen," he muttered.

"Tae, she might be really hurt," said Jimin with a genuinely concerned expression.

"Yeah, you should have helped," added Jk.

"You don't know her. She's absolutely a Chlorine Bomb."

Meanwhile, you managed to return to your seat, and Chae Eun sent the files to the staff room and came back to you.

"Are you okay?" she asked, sitting behind you with worry.

"No," your voice trembled as you were on the brink of tears.

"Did you submit the application?"

"No... Can you?"

"Okay," she wrote the application for you. "Go to the office yourself."

You stood up and went to the office, not noticing that Tae had followed you.

"How's your back?" asked Professor Namjoon while taking your application.

"It hurts when I bend down, but it's okay," you replied with a smile.

Tae overheard your conversation as he entered the office and felt a pang of guilt, realizing how he had left you in pain.

"Come in, come in," said RM.

You glanced over your shoulder and saw Tae. You absolutely didn't want to talk to him.

"What are you guys doing here TOGETHER in my office?" RM exclaimed with a surprised smile.

"I don't know about her, but here's the application."

"You guys are submitting applications at the same time. Cool."

You and Tae were shocked, while RM seemed to have figured out that your siblings were going to get engaged.

As the night came you couldn't help but think of what just happened today

*Ughhh, why was he looking at me with guilt? Did he accidentally step on a banana peel or something? Wait, no, that doesn't make sense. But then again, neither does his expression. Y/N, Y/N, you're not on good terms with him, there's nothing like that... unless he's secretly training to be a professional mime! Yes, that must be it. But what was that in the bus? Did he mime a dramatic scene? Oh God, help!