
The Duke's Obsession

She was his addiction, his sweetest temptation and he knew he could never resist the siren call of her body pressed tightly against his. .... [Warning: Slow burn book and mature content] Aamon: She is mine. Mine to play with. Mine to cherish. Mine to fuck. Mine to protect. Mine to destroy. Above all, she is my Obsession. Sly, ruthless, and formidable, his very name strikes fear, compelling soldiers to abandon arms on battlefields. Beneath this unyielding exterior, however, lies an unexpected vulnerability – a delicate girl capable of turning his world upside down with the subtlest change in her smile. In the monotonous rhythm of his life, she became his everything – his salvation, the air he breathed, and the reason to die for. Despite the dangers coiled around him, and especially from him, she willingly embraced his inferno, rising gloriously above the ashes, reshaping his world. To unravel Aamon and Anthea's love story, embark on their journey into uncharted territory.

Joshan_Jo · Fantasi
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9 Chs

The Duke's Seduction - Part2

"W-where do I start?" Astrid's innocent question hung in the air, a fragile thread connecting her to Lucifer, whose lips curled ever so slightly, which wasn't visible to her.

She stood there, trembling slightly, unsure of her next move. She had slipped into a situation far more complex and intimate than she had ever imagined.

Was she supposed to wash his hair first? Or was it the hands she should start with?

Lucifer's left hand rose from the water, droplets creating delicate ripples. Astrid decided it was his hands she should tend to first, her own trembling as she took his hand in hers.

Starting from his fingers she rubbed the soap moving up to his wrist to see him lean back with his eyes closed. Gathering courage, she let her touch move further, trailing her fingertips along his arm. Her heart raced, unaware that Lucifer, with closed eyes, felt her every move and her racing pulse.

As she moved to his other hand, resting on the tub's edge, a tremor of uncertainty filled her. But she pressed on.

All the while, Lucifer had his eyes closed which she was thankful for as she wasn't sure she could keep up with her duties of washing him if he ever opened his eyes to look at her.

Unbeknownst to Astrid, Lucifer was attuned to her every motion. The gentle sway of her breath, the quiver in her touch, he sensed it all.

She gulped wondering what to do after she was done with his arms before he raised his right foot. With quivering hands, she went to hold on to his leg while also holding on to her dear life and sanity. Her touch on his leg was intimate, and a masterpiece of a man lay before her. Passing a look towards his face, the man looked no less than a beautiful piece of art, stealing her breath from time to time.

With gentle movements, she put pressure on the sole of his feet, massaging it with both her hands. Hearing him hum in the middle of the massage made her feel satisfied to know she was doing it right. Washing his legs until his knee Astrid asked, "Would you like me to wash your hair, Master?" she asked, her voice soft and obedient.

Lucifer responded with a contented hum before his crimson eyes blinked open.

Now that enough foam that she had created while washing his hands and legs had been pushed into the watered tub, she could finally look at him without blushing every few seconds as it hid his lower body. Pouring water over his head, she lathered shampoo into her hands, her fingers massaging it into his raven hair.

His eyes closed again as she massaged the liquid into his hair, moving her fingers in a circular motion, creating foam. She watched the subtle movements of his chest, pulsating in rhythm, making her own heart racing in response. Once she was done with it, she poured water again from the bucket, removing all the soap from his hair, revealing his wet hair clinging seductively to his forehead, the sides of his temple and his cheeks. One part of his hair was stuck right in front of his eye and Astrid couldn't resist herself from moving it away from his face.

Just then, Lucifer's eyes snapped open, locking onto hers with an intensity that sent her senses reeling. The electric connection between them was palpable, leaving her breathless.

Balancing on the tub's edge, she tried to remain calm. She didn't realize the way she had been balancing herself on the side of the tub with her hand on the other side to support herself so that she could remove that piece of black hair that was hindering his handsome face.

When she tried to clear the strand of hair from his eye, her soapy hand lost the grip on the tub, sending her tumbling into the water. More water splashed into the ground as she fell into the tub on top of Lucifer, who had caught her from falling into a more awkward mess.

With a splash, she fell upon Lucifer, her dress soaked, her heart pounding in her chest. Her voice trembled as she gasped for air, disoriented by the sudden fall.

She looked no less than a startled cat that was thrown into the water.

Astrid being confused, it took her time to notice the compromising position she was in with Lucifer.

Astrid's apologies filled the air as she struggled to free herself.

"Forgive me, master Lucifer!" She went to stand up but the man grabbed her hands, not releasing her from his. Or rather he didn't want to.

His expression was calm and serene. He had other plans. He pulled her closer, a sly smile playing on his lips, their positions growing more compromising by the second.

Lucifer wasn't the kind of man to let an opportunity slip through his fingers, not when it was so close, and definitely not after witnessing her wild reaction, which is tugging his heart strings.

Astrid tried freeing herself from his grip by pulling her hand but he pulled her hands so that she fell right into his arms.

"M-master Lucifer?" Her voice quivered with a mixture of nervousness and desire. "I think I need to get out of the tub."

Lucifer's voice dropped to a sultry purr. "Is that so?" He moved closer, his gaze locking onto hers, igniting an irresistible tension. "I think this is what you wanted."

Before she could respond, their confined space worked to his advantage. He pushed her down, reversing their positions, so that she laid in the tub while he hovered over her body.

"I thought you were trying to seduce me," he teased. His lips brushed against her hand, sending electric pulses racing through her veins.

Astrid's thoughts raced, and her brain screamed inside, "You're the one seducing me."

As the thought stuck, her heart raced, and her blood surged in reverse, creating a tumultuous sensation throughout her body, turning her face a shade of crimson.

As she raised her head, her gaze locked onto his broad chest, the intricate black marks decorating his skin like tattoos, forming a mesmerizing pattern. It had a peculiar effect on her, igniting a sensation of attraction, one that whispered of a dominant alpha presence – precisely the type that stirred her deepest desires.

Her gaze ventured further, slowly descending to his lower abdomen, where well-defined muscles sculpted his physique into a work of art. A longing to touch them overcame her, her gaze lingering in that tantalizing territory, causing her breath to hitch in her throat.

Just as her eyes continued their exploration, his voice penetrated her reverie, yanking her back to reality.

Looking at her curiosity, his voice, dripping with seduction echoed in the room, "For someone who claims to have seen better, you can't seem to take your eyes off my body. Want to feel it?" He teased, his voice a sultry invitation.

"Wh-what?!" Her response came out in a shocked, hurried voice, her heart pounding faster. Lucifer's laughter filled the room, his playful smirk unrelenting.

"My chest! Or is there something else you'd like to feel?" He continued to tease, his voice a seductive melody.

Astrid panicked, desperately trying to regain control of the situation. She didn't know how the situation came to this, but she knows, she has to stop him right now, and then, or else consequences unbeknownst.

"It was my mistake, Master. Please, stop moving."

She urged him, trying to stop him, before they crossed the line.

Lucifer locked eyes with her, the intensity undeniable. "Are you sure you're not provoking me further?" He taunted, pushing the boundaries of their teasing game.

Astrid took a deep breath, gathering her resolve. She needed to put an end to this playful yet dangerously titillating game they were engaging in. With her eyes still averted, she replied, her voice steady, "Of course not, Master Lucifer. You've misunderstood the situation. Now, please get up."

Lucifer's smirk persisted, and he continued to hover over her in the tub. His eyes bore into hers, making it challenging for her to break free from their magnetic pull. But she knew she had to maintain her distance, preserve whatever boundaries remained between them.

So she pushed him back, and leaned into the tub, creating a safe distance between them, and closed her eyes, breaking the eye contact, which is leading her astray.

Lucifer smirk grew bright at the little rabbit who is cowering in a corner.

"Too bad," he added, his tone dripping with amusement, "I almost fell for it."