
The Mysterious Traveler

"I want three boxes."

"Sir, I want your whole stock. I will pay for anything!"

"Hey, I also want to buy!"

A multitude of people was shouting and fighting to be on the frontline of a shop inside the main warehouse of Jin City, where the most famous restaurants and others small and big malls bought their raw resources and food supplies for their business, even the great families and clans servants were there buying food for their supplies.

The banner was from Durian Town, a small village that had the luck of gaining the kindness of a great master, the Mysterious Traveler. The banner was from Durian Town, a small village that had the luck of gaining the kindness of a great master, the Mysterious Traveler.

"What is going on?"

"Haven't you heard? They are from Durian Town. Those farmers are truly lucky. They bought some magical pills, and their full corps are embedded with magical energy. It is said whoever eats them, can have loads of magic supply in their bodies. They are now the most famous merchant village."

"What? Those lowly farmers? How could that happen?"

"Some master gave them to them. I heard that some clans and powerful families are looking for him."

The effects of the pills were more than what they were told and more than what Xueling thought. The first three days, they showed just a bit of their strength, but the following days, the crops were even more healthy and started gathering magical energy. The children that ate the harvest in their food also could feel their core expanding, making them able to use more magic and advanced enchantments.

The whole village was flabbergasted, when they sold their first batch of fruits and herbs, they didn't make a lot of money but the next time they were surrounded by merchants and people from big clans. The whole village was covered in gold after a few days.

However, the money tree was not forever, the seed from the fruits embedded in spirit magic, turned out to be normal. The fruits and herbs were ordinary without the magical properties, and so, the whole country was looking for the Mysterious Traveler to get more miraculous pills.


However, the same Mysterious Traveler who was now disguised as a young man with dark skin and brown eyes, was in a fiery match preparing food. Her hands in the kitchen were moving around like a master, frying, and stirring ingredients. The aroma of the meat and the fragrance of the steamed vegetables were a delight in the nose. The people outside could only salivate at the delicious smell.

Meanwhile, in the other kitchen was a man with a big turban and a huge mustache. He was Eekon, one of the great fire masters from the East. The way he mastered the fine techniques of grilling meat was appreciated by many. It was an enjoyment to see him preparing food with his fire magic that made the grilling even more evenly and without leaving it dry.

How did this happen? Everything began when Xueling stepped into an old inn near a town called Emelle Road, one of the biggest and most respected villages for their street full of fine and high-quality restaurants, and of course, the magical gate connected to the ports of the East. She didn't want to go to the ports, but this old town was a must in her path. The moment she stepped into the street, the little bird went flying at full speed into a restaurant, a big and luxurious restaurant.

Xueling ran trying to catch it but was too late. The little bird had eaten the whole meal served to a young man with exuberant clothes and another one with a big mustache and a turban. As she was dirt poor, she couldn't afford to pay for any of the dishes. The men asked her to give them the little bird, but she rejected the offer despite her desire to punish the little glutton.

She insisted on repaying by cooking another dish, a plate of something never eaten in this whole world. The men were amused and accepted. 'What pair of weirdos.' She was prepared to run away if the thing turned violent, but everything went smooth luckily.

She bought the raw meat from the restaurant, she could afford only ordinary meat, then she took some species, vegetables, fruits, and herbs from her cart. The restaurant allowed her to use one of their kitchens.. The way she cooked the vegetables and when she used the sauce to bathe the meat, exuded magical energy as the vegetables and the herbs were treated with special water diluted with some magical pills.

The final dishes were extraordinary, the two gentlemen were astonished. The one with the big mustache let go of a sonorous laugh and devoured everything.

"Young man, may I know your name?"

"Sir, my name is Ilian."

"Excellent, Mr. Ilian. I wish you to become my apprentice."


The people inside the restaurant were astonished. They knew this man was the most outstanding fire master of the East, and he was also a very famous wealthy merchant who traveled across the continent making businesses. In fact, that restaurant, the Delicias was his.

"I am sorry Sir, but I have to decline. As I see that you liked the food I prepared, I shall leave now."

Xueling didn't want to attract any attention so she retired in the most polite way she could think.

"Please, young man, reconsider. I am willing to let you achieve greatness and help you travel around the continent."

She could feel the sincerity in his words and the little bird was very happy in his hands. Ginnie had taken a liking to this man since the beginning as he felt friendliness and sincerity in his heart, that's why Xueling didn't want to be abrupt in her rejection.

"I am sorry Sir, I sincerely appreciate your offer, but I am out of time for now." She respectfully lowered her head.

"It is okay young man… but remember to reach to me when you are free. I think this one will be able to locate me." He caressed the little bird head with his finger. "However…" He looked at her again and grinned. "I have a proposal…"

That's how they ended competing with each other for the best dish. However, Xueling felt as if his golden eyes could clearly see through her disguise and the little bird's true form. She went away after winning, not before Eekon gave her a big bag full of golden coins as a thankful gift, that she, of course, didn't dare to reject.