
Star images

"My stomach hurts."

"That's why I told you to stop eating so much."

"It's your fault."

"There, there, we will rest for a few minutes in this place until you feel good again."

"Heal me."

"No, it's your punishment for not listening to me."

"Heal me."

"No." He looked at the little woman resting in his lap as he rubbed her stomach tenderly.

They were in a private room inside a fancy roofless restaurant. They could see the magical sky that was constantly changing color creating a wonderful experience. The food was exquisite and some of the dishes were exuberant and delicious so much that she could not help her urge to devour it all. After that, she felt sick to her stomach and rested on his lap. He could use magic to heal her very fast, but he did not. She knew he enjoyed touching her without her putting a fight.

Then she rose from his lap and turned to him with moist eyes and biting her lip. Her right shoulder sleeve was slightly down showing a bit of her white skin.

'It's no use, let's use the beauty trap.' She was grinning inside. She wasn't wearing her hat so he could see her full expressions. She put her finger in his chest and began to draw circles. He gulped.

"Heal me please."


'Damnit. She is a seductress.'

A warm light enveloped her, and she felt comfortable again. She then turned to look at him with a sweet smile and cupped his chin with her finger and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you, Your Highness"

"Not enough." He said with a lustful gaze.


He took her in his arms and kissed her hard in the lips invading her mouth completely.

"Let's go." He took her by the hand and led her out of the room without forgetting to put on her hat.

They walked around the top floor where some restaurants and snacks corridors where displayed. Then she took her to the clothing and jewelry stores on a lower floor. He almost bought her an entire store if it weren't for her stopping him. She already has enough with the daily gifts he gave her.

Then they went down to another floor and she gasped at what she was seeing. There was a big stadium on that floor. It was inexplicable how it fitted on that space that was the same size as the other floors from the outside.

"Come, they will start in three hours, we have time to go to another place."

"Is this a tournament?"

"Yes, for force magic users. It is quite entertaining. Do you like it?"

"Yes." She was again excited. She can't wait to see an ancient battle between force users. In her world, the force magic was forbidden and only a small group was allowed to use it, as it was found that it reduced the lifespan of the users because they had no way to replenish their core with the decay of magic energy in their world. But in this world, that would not be a problem.

He was glad to make her happy, with this he hoped to alleviate her craving for going out.

They went again to a magical circle that helped them change floors and arrived at a place with many stalls full of books, maps, and enchantment papers. He led her to a very strange front door that seemed to be made of crystal and several precious gems. The windows were also made of delicate panels with crystals and gemstones that created exquisite stars images.

"What is this place?"

"Let's go inside." He opened the door and the interior was mind-blowing. It seemed to be a small world within another. It has a night sky full of sparkling stars illuminating what it looked like a vast ocean and in the middle a huge and luxurious cruise ship. They were standing at a platform that appeared to be the port, but there were many couples walking and talking to each other on the cover of the night. He took her hand and led her to the ship. Inside the boat were several magical fountains filled with gems and precious stones. They were sparkling and illuminating the whole ship, creating a beautiful scene.

"Take one."

"Can I?"

"Of course."

She turned around and saw the people taking stones from the other fountains and trees as they wish.

"You can use them while you are inside the space array, if someone wishes to take one out, they must buy it."

Then he extended his hand to take a particular precious blue stone embedded in a ring. He put it on her finger. And he kissed her hand.

"This…" She was met with complicated emotions. 'Does this mean? What does he want to do?' She blushed.

"Do you feel it?"

She seemed distracted and confused at first, but his question woke her up. The bluestone was emitting warm energy.

"It is a gathering magic stone."

She looked at him. She knew he was worried about her lack of talent. She depended on him in most cases when using the magical artifacts around his palace and the library. She felt touched, with this stone she would be able to use at least the lower enchantments. However, she felt a little guilty because she hadn't told him that her core was almost healed.

"Thank you." Her voice sounded sincere and touched. He smiled and was about to open her veil when a man in a black robe and a dark mask stood behind him whispering something with a low voice to his ear.

The Duke frowned and took her hand with a serious look.

"Stay here for a while, I have a matter to attend. Don't worry, there are some hidden bodyguards around." He patted her head and turned around. After a few steps, he stopped and turn his head slightly. "Don't talk to anyone." Then he disappeared.

She was confused and disappointed when he left. She waited a bit, then turned around and walked dejectedly down the paths of the cruise ship. She saw several performances and magical dances to pass the time, they were incredible and full of color, but she was alone and could not enjoy anything.

After a while, she decided to stop and sit on a bench near the stern of the cruise gazing at the ocean waves and the stars. For the first time she came to this world, she felt truly lonely. She could feel the attachment that the Duke had for her and it troubled her that she was feeling the same, she was beginning to yearn for his constant presence and warmth.

She took her hat off and looked at the vast ocean. 'What is going on? This must stop.' She looked at the ring in her hand and covered it with her other hand.

Unbeknown to her, a pair of eyes had been watching her for a while. They belonged to a young man wearing a black robe and an amazing pair of red eyes.

"That is an extraordinary gem."

She turned around and met his red eyes. She was stunned for a moment but decided to avoid this strange man.

He chuckled a little and sat down with her. She was about to get up and leave when he took out a winding watch, it looked like the ones used in her world.

"Do you know what this is?" He asked showing her the watch. It was indeed a watch like the ones in her world, it even has the brand of a famous store.

"Who are you?" She narrowed her eyes.

"Come with me and I will tell you."

He stood up and held out his hand. She was hesitating when a man in black stood next to her and knelt.

"Miss Han, we need to go to the tournament, the Duke is waiting."

She looked at the kneeling servant and then up just to see the man in black disappear.

'What is going on?'