

There was almost no light in the room, the windows were blocked with tick dark curtains and some enchantments obstructed all entrances. The only lights available were the small blue flames floating around the place. They illuminated many ancient-looking books and yellow scrolls locked with powerful magical chains. In the middle of the room was a reading desk with an open book inside a magical circle. It looked old and filled with strange symbols.

"Ginnie, can you touch it?"

The little bird moved cautiously around the book and crossed the magical circle. The book was opened on a random page. It was a travel diary. It described multiple places on the continent from centuries ago, even some meticulous maps and drawings were included.

"Ginnie, can you change the pages?"

With his little beak, he carefully moved the sheets. The maps were extremely detailed with numerous annotations in the borders, it was like a treasure hunting diary. Then from a page, a folded piece of paper fell off.

The little bird grabbed it and unfolded it with care.

"What is that little one?"

The paper was a drawing with a very detailed map but nothing more. There wasn't anything impressive except the corner where a symbol came into the view. Ginnie started chirping and jumping excitedly.

"What is going on? Ginnie calm down I am dizzy! Ginnie stop!"

The little bird moved its leg to the corner of the map and touched the symbol. It was the form of a bird, a bluebird like the one in the back of her hand.

"That's… Ginnie, what is that? Can you carry that map over here?"

The little bird folded the paper, but it was too big, it would attract too much attention. Then with a move from his wings, the paper disappeared.

"What? What just happened? Ginnie where is the map?"

However, the answer was in her hand the next moment. The little bird had transferred the map to her using their connection.

"How could this happen?"

The little bird was flying back to her quarters before she could ask it to bring more things. 'Idiot bird, If I had known.'

Then a movement from outside made her lose the connection with Ginnie. She became agitated and hid the map under the bed.

The Duke entered the room with several servants behind him.

"Dress her and make her presentable."

"Where are you taking me?"

"You have an hour." He ignored her and turned around after he took the chain from her.

The group of maids carrying boxes with jewels and dresses approached her immediately.

After less than an hour, she was dressed in a beautiful blue dress with exquisite gems adorning her long hair and marvelous done makeup. It was impossible to look away from her, she was breathtaking. The little maids were very proud to be able to adorn such a beauty. They covered her face with a delicate and translucent veil and helped her unto the horseless carriage. The Duke was already waiting inside but he never turned to look at her once.

They traveled for a bit and entered a residence that she remembered very well, it was the old madam courtyard. The carriage came to a stop and she immediately went down with the help of a servant without looking at the man behind her. She waited for a moment and the Duke walked past her, however, she didn't move an inch.

"What are you waiting for?"

"Why am I here?"

"Don't talk! You are not allowed to talk in my presence, whatever happens, is out of your choice, so start walking."

She clenched her hands and moved towards him. They walked side by side while an old servant led them to an enormous hall. Several people were already waiting inside. Only by their clothes, they looked like noble people of high status.

When the servant announced their arrival and guided them inside the hall, the ones sitting stood up and the ones talking kept silent. All of them looked at the Duke with respect and fear, and without delay, they bowed, greeting their master.

The Duke led her to the front where his seat was prepared and on his right was a woman, an old but beautiful woman, she was the former Duchess of Jin.

Xueling remembered when she met her in this same room but the place was filled with other beautiful and young women waiting to be selected as candidates for the Duke's consort. That time she was accompanied by the General Han. He declared her as his adoptive daughter and was very proud of her as she looked the most beautiful among the other girls, even though she didn't have any magical talent. He thought that only her background was enough to compensate for the lack of talent and the old madam could see that.

"Liam, is this the woman you chose?"


Xueling clenched her hands. 'This man is still going to use me.' She felt a sting in her heart.

"Take off your veil." the old Duchess commanded.

"There is no need. She is going to be my wife, not a show for everyone to see." The Duke rebuked without an ounce of respect.

However, Xueling had already removed her veil by throwing it to the ground. The Duke turned as the gasps from the crowd reached his ears. He saw her for the first time in many months.

She was beautiful, but her eyes looking at him, were empty and cold like the first time she met him. He knew she was declaring defiance. It was as if saying she was no longer his and wished to be kicked off the estate.

"She is beautiful."

"She is like an ethereal fairy."

"Her eyes… did you see them? They are blue!"

"Is she more beautiful than Miss Luo?"

"I bet she is, she is on a completely different level."

The entire hall was filled with murmurs and voices from the high-ranking noble women and men. But among all those murmurs, the looks from the men lusting after the beauty standing in the middle made her feel a bit uncomfortable, even the jealous looks from the women behind her were burning the back of her neck.

The Duke shot the crowd a murderous glare and again the hall fell silent. He was about to pull her to his side while covering her with his robe, but she took a step back, away from him. Then she stood before the old madam and looked up.

"Lady, I recalled you are the adoptive daughter of General Han."

"Yes, Madam"

"And you were one of the selected candidates from months ago…"


"Furthermore, you were punished for your poor behavior and were meant to be sold. So, why are you here?" The old madam glared at Xueling fiercely.

"Madam, I have no talent in magic, therefore I am without power to defend myself from the thugs inside or outside this place, much less go against the decisions of the most powerful man on the continent. Madam, it is not me who should be questioned."

The voices in the crowd lit up again. Then a loud chuckle was heard.

"Yes, indeed I should be the one being interrogated, old madam." The Duke's hoarse voice resonated in the hall, and the crowd fell silent again.

He walked to Xueling's side and made her look at him by pulling her chin up, then he tucked her hair behind her ear. "Don't say you have no talents, my dear, you certainly have at least one, the only one that can bewitch my heart and made you my only wife forever." The crowd rumbled again.

He took her hand and forced her to stand next to him. "My wedding will be at the end of the month, and I hope that everyone in this room will come and show your respect for the new young Duchess." Then he dragged her out.