
Mirage Town

"Where is your country?"

"In the north."

"Who are you? What do you want from me?"

"I can't tell you yet… you will understand when we get there."

"I can't go like this. How are you thinking of taking me with you?"

"I know someone who can help us heal your legs, but first we have to get to a magic door."

She was silent for some time. The Duke's library provided her with a lot of knowledge about the continent, it even had detailed maps of the territory and the location of magic gates. The closest one was near one of the military bases under General Han's orders.

She had decided to trust the man for the time being. It didn't look like he was going to harm her, but she didn't fully trust him.

"Why can't you use your magic?"

"I'm recovering from the impact… That time I had to protect you and transport you at the same time. It was too much for my body."

"When are you going to recover?"

"Maybe two days or three at least. Keep silent, I need to focus my strength to carry you."

"I am not that heavy."

"Yes, you are."


They arrived at an old village called Mirage Town, there they found a small inn and stayed a few days. It was very rustic and a bit old, but comfortable, the people were simple and friendly. Only the farmland workers were their usual clients, it was more of a gathering place serving wine and food than an inn. They did not receive many people from other parts of the city since it was not a tourist spot nor was it near the main road.

"Sir Seren, is your wife comfortable? Does she need anything else?"

The innkeeper's wife was a very kind woman. She had two daughters and a son who were helping at the inn to serve customers. They were well known in the town.

"Yes, Madam Ning, she's fine. Can I bother you for some food in her room?"

"Alright young man, I'll make my daughter bring some food, but doesn't she need to look for a doctor? Is she alright?"

"It's fine ma'am, I am taking her with me to meet some magic healers in a few days."

"Young man you must love her very much."

It was well known across the continent that magical healers were expensive and arrogant, they would not treat just anyone. Someone had to give them an incomparable treasure in order for them to voluntarily treat a patient.

"She is very important to me. Excuse me, madam."

He bowed slightly, turned around, and went up into the room. Xueling was sitting on the bed playing with her ring lost in thought. He looked at her with a frown.

"Tomorrow we can start traveling."

"Has your magic returned?"

"Most of it."

She looked at him carefully. He was a mysterious man, with a grim countenance, pale skin, red eyes, and short, messy black hair. He wore a long black robe that made his white skin more eye-catching, however, unlike his appearance, he had never been cold with the townspeople, he was kind with his words and attentive. He even helped at the inn and worked on the farm. She had begun to look at him with another light. She wondered how he and the people from his place grew up. 'Is it the same place he wants to take me?'

The people around the town took them as a married couple traveling around the country looking for a doctor to cure her. They were very nice to them and friendly.

A knock interrupted her thoughts. Ning Xing, Madame Ning's youngest daughter entered with a cheerful expression.

"Ms. Seren, I brought you food."

"Thank you, Xing."

"It's my pleasure, Ms. Seren."

The little girl was very excited, she loved serving this young couple, they were very good looking. The woman was like an ethereal fairy and the man was like a handsome warrior.

"Sir Seren, my brother asked me to tell you if you are willing to go hunting in the woods with him and the others. They are planning to have a farewell banquet for you and Ms. Seren."

"Alright, I'll go then." He turned around and left.

"Ms. Seren, you are very lucky to be married to such a handsome and kind man."

Xueling looked at her awkwardly.

"… Yes, I think so."

"You are like the Duke of Jin and Miss Luo, a dream couple, though ... Ms. Seren, have you heard of the rumors?"

Ning Xing always told her the news of the country and the town. It was her way of entertainment for Xueling that couldn't leave the room much.

"What rumors?"

"Well, it is said that the Duke of Jin was going to select a wife last week and marry her even though he already loved Miss Luo, but on the day of the election he rejected all the candidates and sent them out his estate."


"It is true, no one was chosen, and some people are speculating about what is he going to do, I think he is doing it for Miss Luo. Maybe he is waiting for her."

"…" Xueling was beginning to feel uncomfortable.

"… there are other rumors, unconfirmed, but the merchant who came from the Jin Market told us that the Duke brought with him a woman and he looked very happy… then the big explosion happened and the Duke was very nervous… he ordered a search in the whole Market and the surrounding territories… no one is sure, but they think he is looking for the woman."

Xueling was speechless. 'Is he looking for me? No that can't be true, he must think I died, right?' Her mind was trying to convince herself, but her heart was telling her otherwise, it wanted her to have hope.

"Ning Xing, I was looking for you, help me with the customers downstairs and let Ms. Seren rest." Madam Ning came into the room at that moment. She smiled at Xueling.

"Alright Mom, bye Ms. Seren." She waved at Xueling and went out.

"I am going down Ms. Seren, get a good rest."

"Thank you, Madam Ning."

Xueling was left alone in the room but her thoughts were elsewhere. She closed her eyes and traveled to the gardens of the Duke's estate, the stone paths surrounded by beautiful flowers, the library, the books, then to his study and his chair where he was always writing long letters and documents, then to their chamber and bed. She missed his warmth at night, she had gotten so used to having him by her side that she felt cold at night. A small tear ran down her cheek.