
Forever yours

Xueling was left alone in her room, locked up again. However, now everything was different. The little bird had brought her many things from outside. From the library, he passed her several books to read at her leisure. From the kitchens, the little glutton stole many delicious food and pastries. She could even enjoy the air of the gardens when the little one was flying around, and she could keep watch from intruders to take precautions.

However, the most fascinating thing was the natural magical energy the little bird could gather, even more than the ring, that she hadn't used since she came back to the Duke's estate. That energy allowed her to open her space, the one that her Master and she for many years studied and at the last moment connected to their core.

They called it the Space Library as they placed in it all the knowledge, they accumulated for many years. They even created many laboratories with the technology they used to make magical artifacts and medicine with spiritual properties.

For now, Xueling had only access to the first levels of the library space and the warehouse, the one she had been waiting for. Inside were millions of potions, enchantment papers, pills, and raw materials, even some cool advanced artifacts the team developed after many years.

She felt fortunate and relieved, the ones that conspired against her, and killed her Master wanted the Space Library and the power that it could provide but now they will never be able to get it. They were obsessed with controlling the world and tried to make Master the one on top of the organization but he refused and sealed the Space Library. So they tried to kill him and take it from him using dirty tricks, but before he died, he bonded the space to Xueling's core and when the explosion came, she was transported to this world.

Now, she could use the warehouse and the storage inside, the only thing that was left for her is to escape the Duke's estate and look for a way to get back to her original world. She just had to wait for the right moment.

Three days before the wedding, the servants from the main residence made way into her little house and began taking measurements for her wedding dress. She stood there without moving, without expression, without happiness nor sadness, without anything.

When they left, she went to her bed and closed her eyes, but she could not fall asleep. She didn't want to dream, she didn't want to remember. She wanted to forget.

A few minutes later, a tall figure of a man entered the room, the little bird had already alerted her. It was the presence of the Duke. She didn't move, nor opened her eyes. He approached her slowly without making any sound until he was sitting beside her.

He smelled of wine.

"Xueling." He whispered. "Xueling please don't leave." He traced her face with his hand. "You are mine, please be always mine as I am already yours, Xueling. Forever yours." He kissed her gently on her forehead and left.

A few minutes after, her eyes let go of a sorrowful tear.

"You are so cruel."


The morning of the third day, a sudden intrusion of several servants destroyed her peaceful breakfast. They were carrying several boxes in their hands.

They didn't ask for her permission when they started undressing her and forcing her to bathe. After some time, she was clothed in an extraordinary wedding dress. A marvelous piece that covered her completely, it was adorned with gorgeous patterns embedded with magnificent red gems, it complemented her beauty rather well.

When they finished putting her makeup on and setting the golden crown on her head, she looked like a queen, the most dazzling queen. She was already an exquisite beauty but now she looked completely enchanting. The servants were amazed, they would never stop being astonished by her impressive looks. The Duke had personally instructed and followed up the making of the dress, employing the highest grade materials, the most precious gems, and jewels, even the best designers were asked to make the dress.

Then the rows of servants proceed to lead her out into the carriage. A magical big carriage with no horses but carefully adorned for the special event, the Duke of Jin wedding.

Inside, she was left alone while the carriage started moving slowly, the flow of servants on both sides was dressed in exquisite red clothes worthy of the Duke's house.

She was not paying attention to the procession but focusing on assessing her space and the treasures inside, the books, the pills, and the enchantments.

Her eyes were closed with a frown on her forehead.

'It is today.'

One hour passed since they began the journey, they were meant to pass all the residences and reach the end of the estate. They had to pass by the large street outside the estate where a multitude of commoners was waiting to look at the bride.

Many loud voices came to her ears, instead of cheering, the only thing she heard was insults and grotesque words even things were being thrown at her carriage.

"Why is she marrying the Great Duke?!"

"The one marrying him should have been Miss Luo."

"You are not worthy."

"That woman is just an adopted daughter."

"Why is such a woman the Duchess?"

"Some say she is the ugliest woman among the candidates, but the General House offered a hefty sum."

"Ugh, that's disgusting! She is selling herself."

Xueling could hear those words but didn't give any care. She just focused on her energy and her plan. It must be perfect, or else she would be a slave forever.

They arrived at the main gates which were adorned in happy tones and wedding decorations. She couldn't see them, but she could smell the roses and fragrant flowers that made up a road for the carriage to pass. The viewers were delighted, it was such a grandiose and extravagant ceremony.

At last, they stopped and the door of her carriage opened. She arranged her veil to cover her entire face and stepped down of the carriage. An old maid was helping her down. Xueling was about to put her hand on the old maid when a sudden wind lifted her up carefully. She knew who it was. The Duke came to her side and took her hand with strength.

The people surrounding them looked at her stunned. The couple looked like a pair of immortals, even though she was covered completely in that amazing dress and her face was hidden. Her figure was stunning and the Duke's possessiveness could be clearly seen by the way he was leading her and glaring at the curious eyes of the crowd, he was emitting such a fierce aura.

"She must be ugly."

"No one is more beautiful than Miss Luo."

"Have you seen her face?"

"No, but my parents did see it the last time they were invited into the Estate. They couldn't even talk about it."

"She must have scared them."

"Hahaha, she must be horrific."

"Poor Duke! Poor Miss Luo, she was replaced by a monster."

Again, with the Miss Luo thing. Xueling was too tired to care, but what about her face, she isn't that bad looking.

The Duke led her into the palace main hall, and they walked over to the front. The place was packed with people in elegant clothes mostly nobles. They also didn't have good eyes for her, they glared at her with utter disgust that they didn't bother hiding it. After a few steps, they were in front of an altar. He took her other hand gently and her treacherous heart was beating nonstop.