
The Duality of Fate: Blessed or Cursed with Two System

https://discord.com/invite/CggXeC27 #WSA 2024 Drake, a 25-year-old writer, unfortunately, meets with rejection. However, at his doorstep, he receives a cheat and suddenly finds himself transported to a completely new world that he has never seen or heard of before. This world is called Astral Nexus, and it is filled with different types of species, each with its governor. Democracy seems to rule here just like back on Earth, but there is one person who rules over all the species - an exiled demon. While some people are aware of this information, others are not. Unfortunately, no one is willing to challenge the demon ruler. That's when Drake - now known as Xavier, an emotionless, stupid, weak young boy, and an abomination - decides to take matters into his own hands. He has been granted two systems, but it's uncertain whether he will be able to balance them as an ML since both systems have different elements.

Seastar_222 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
110 Chs

[Congratulations, host. You are now bestowed with two systems]

Xavier, frustrated, asked the system, 'What are you trying to say?'

Looking around the room, he saw everyone laughing at him. His small friend appeared disappointed yet hopeful.

The voice disregarded his question and kept talking.

{Please, share your observations with me.}

Xavier hesitated before replying, "I see animosity, ridicule, and desire. They want to reject this abomination."

A melancholic smile crossed his face as he watched the reactions of those present. They were confused by his smile, unsure of why he appeared so composed.

The voice then inquired,

{Do you wish to wipe away those smiles, host?}

The voice asked, its tone menacing.

Xavier glanced at them once more.

'I do. I want to erase every smile from their faces. I want to grow stronger and advance. I will not settle for anything less than Grade C. I refuse to.'

{Well done, that's the spirit. Do you desire for the Chromatic sphere to shine, to dominate the world?}

"I want it all."

{Host, you are the 100th individual I have encountered today. The other 99 have perished due to their inability to control their cravings for magic, blood, and power. However, I see potential in you.}

'I understand.'

{Since you desire power, I need you to speak these words aloud.}

{I, Xavier, embrace the Demonic Crystal System Evolution and renounce the Lust system. By uttering these words, the Lust system will be eliminated, and i will become your sole system. Now speak, for my final magical wish will soon expire, host.}

'Why must I do this? Why should I accept you while rejecting my original system?'

{You cannot possess two systems simultaneously; it has never occurred in the history of system users. Now, heed my request before time runs out. We have approximately 10 seconds left.}

"I, Xavier, accept the Demonic Crystal System Evolution and the Lust System as my dual systems."

(What did you do?) the two Systems asked simultaneously.

"I did what I had to do. It may seem selfish, but I don't care," he replied defiantly.

[Error... Error]

Just then, the Chromatic Sphere, which had previously stopped, began to glow even brighter in front of the onlookers.

"Something's not right, Iorin," Isadora remarked, rising from her floating seat and leaping down to stand in front of the Chromatic Sphere.

She attempted to cast a spell to halt the situation, but it ended up backfiring and throwing her to the other side. Onlookers gasped in horror at the unexpected turn of events. Despite the ordeal, she emerged unscathed as her wounds miraculously healed instantaneously.

All eyes then turned to Xavier, who stood stoically as wisps of vapor started to emanate from his body.

{Error... Error. Host body has reached its limit.}

Xavier gritted his teeth at the system notification, "I will ascend with two systems!" With a resounding scream, he collapsed to the ground on his kneels.

The pen on the levitating scroll began to inscribe, "Xavier - Grade SSS."

The room fell silent as everyone processed the shocking news. They were all taken aback by the unexpected revelation that Xavier had achieved a Grade SSS, a level they had never even considered possible.

Suddenly, a voice broke the silence, questioning how Xavier's grade had changed from a C to an SSS in just a few minutes. The confusion in the room was palpable as everyone tried to make sense of the situation.

"Can someone please explain what is going on?" someone finally asked.

[Congratulations, host. You are now bestowed with two systems.]

{Your wish has been granted by the Mother.}

Xavier's whole body then collapsed to the ground as the room returned to normalcy. The events of that day would be etched in their memories for a long time to come.

The test continued as if nothing had happened.



**NOTE: Readers, this novel is set in a unique world with its own rules and customs. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.**





At the core of Ardentia lies the Phoenix realm, a chamber that is both mysterious and enchanting. Adorned with a tapestry of deep red hues, the walls evoke the vibrant feathers of the legendary bird.

Illuminated by a solitary flickering flame, the chamber exudes a soft, radiant glow, casting playful shadows on the weathered stone.

Etched into the crimson walls are elaborate symbols and characters that tell the tales and customs of the Phoenix civilization, their language intricately woven into the fabric of the chamber's design.

Veiled in secrecy, there is a captivating beauty that fills the atmosphere, showcasing the strength and grandeur of the inhabitants of this sanctuary.

Seated on a magnificent throne was a woman, exuding authority and tranquility. Standing behind her was a massive Phoenix, symbolizing power and safeguarding.

With intense fiery eyes, the Phoenix kept a watchful eye over its protectorate, creating a protective shield around the chamber. In their silent watch, they embodied the spirit of protection and elegance, a timeless presence among the Phoenix community.

A voice boomed with anger. "A simple task was assigned to you, Koì. One simple task was given, and you failed. You have brought shame upon us as a princess."

"But mother, I swear on my Phoenix Talon, I was on the verge of killing him when he... but I don't know what kind of magic he used, mother."

Koì immediately confessed, dropping to her knees and bowing her head in supplication. "I did my best, mother, but the magic he used paralyzed me, and I couldn't move." She knew she was only telling half the truth. She wasn't prepared to admit to her mother that she had felt a strange sensation between her legs when she was about to strike him.

Her mother gazed at her with a cold expression, devoid of any emotion. As the queen of the Phoenix land, she harbored no love for her children, only for her kingdom and its people.

This was the way things had been ever since her illicit affair with a demon resulted in the birth of Koì. She had raised her daughter to be obedient and emotionless, like a robot following programmed commands.

Koì had always done as her mother wished, never daring to refuse a single request.