
The Drifter's Second Life

What is a Drifter? A Drifter is someone who does not have a house or a proper job. He’s constantly on the move and does not stay in the same place for a long time. Because he doesn’t have a place he can call home. ***** On July 7, 2016, Cayden Campbell watched helplessly as his parents got killed by monsters he only see in movies. On August 7, 2017, he watched his best friend get eaten by a BOSS monster. On September 9, 2018, he found a girl he fell in love with. Xyris was also a player and he swore he will protect her. On October 19, 2020, she used her life as a price to save him from the penalty instance. When he finally came out from the game, she was already dead. On February 26, 2030, he stood at the eightieth floor of the Dark Tower. He and his comrades raided the instance, but the constant fighting has worn them out. Enemies that are defeated come back to life. Blood was spilled until Cayden was the only man left. The enemies did not stop growing and spreading in numbers. Surrounding him, forcing him to surrender. And he lost all hope. Maybe it’s better if he’ll stop fighting and just die. ***** [You have obtained the Legendary item, Drifter’s Clock] [Would you like to give up all your points to rewind the time back to July 7, 2016?] As Cayden take his last breath he uttered, “Yes…” _______________________________________________ If you want to connect with me find me in: Twitter: phoenixhyperion Discord: phoenixhyperion#9130 Instagram: phoenix_hyperion Facebook: phoenixhyperion

phoenixhyperion · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
52 Chs

Team ranking


Peter was already exhausted. He had been in this farce for three hours!

After the mysterious voice made an announcement about games and whatnot, he was stunned silent by the six black creeps waiting on the other side.

Earlier, the voice told them about the rules of the game.

Peter still has his hand clenching on the baseball bat when that mechanical voice announces,

[Ding! The Dark Tower's first 'Normal' Happy Elimination Game Level has been triggered. Fifty players have been registered.]

[The game data is loading…]

[The game's rules have been established…]

[The game's mission: Steal the points.]

[The rules of the game: First, two players must pair up a team. After you decide on your teammate, you are not allowed to change partners or to switch team number unless the game ended.]

[Second, each team will be given one headband and one flag. One person must wear the headband, and the other must carry the flag. Headbands must not be taken off, and the flag should not be three meters away from the holder.]

[Third, each team must steal the other team's headband and flag. Three points will be rewarded for the headband and five points for the flag. There is no limitation to the method of stealing, nor is killing prohibited.]

[Fourth, once a team lays a hand on another team's headband and flag, the two items will disappear, and the points will be added to their items. Hence, that team's headband will cost six points, and ten points for the flag. Incidentally, if another team steals the six point headband and ten point flag, their headband and flag will be raised to nine points and fifteen points respectively.]

[Fifth, the team with their headband and flag stolen will be deemed 'losers'. By then, our 'hunters' will take action and send them to the 'penalty game' as deemed fit.]

[Sixth, if, in trying to steal another team's items you only managed to steal their headband but not their flag or vice versa, the points of the item will still be credited to your team. But if the other item is stolen by the other team, the points will go to the other team.]

[Seventh, there's no time limit for the game, but… the hunters will only accept one team as a winner out of all the teams in this game.]

There was a long pause before the mechanical voice let out a firework display.

[Happy survival games!]

Peter was stunned after listening to the rules of the game. His mind is full of questions he cannot focus on anything. But Cayden on his side is different. The headband and flag suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Cayden took the two and compared them. The headband is a long white scarf, while the so called flag is a red cloth. Cayden stared into space, trying to test his luck to see if he could get his hands on the three rewards he possessed.

[Ding! The three rewards from the afterlife cannot be used at the moment.]

[The gemstone of Vladimir, the cloak of Vulnar, and the bow of Purnicus, all these three items are on standby and can be accessed once Drifter Cayden Campbell is inside the Dark Tower.]

Cayden hung his head in disappointment. As expected, huh.

[Out of all items, only the Drifter's Clock can be used in the Happy Survival Games of the Dark Tower.]

[Would you like to render ten points now and use the Drifter's Clock]


Hearing the prompt, Cayden can't help but sigh. Whom is this thing fooling? Why ask a question when the option given is obviously no?

Cayden disregarded the choices and gazed at the six 'hunters' standing still. The six individuals are almost two meters tall and look imposing, especially when the bright red light above shines on their faces.

The alligator's eyes seemed to curve as if enjoying watching the humans make a fool of themselves.

Cayden gazed at Peter and decided to have him hold the headband. He untucked Peter's school uniform and tied the long white scarf on his waist.

Peter seemed to stir himself from a trance and look down at Cayden.

"What are you doing?"

"Ready to run?"

Peter did not have time to answer as Cayden pulled his arm, and they ran straight to the next alley. Behind them, there were two burly guys with metal bats.


And three hours passed.

Peter was too exhausted from running. His feet ache, his throat hurts, and he was even having difficulty catching his breath. It was also the same for his nerdy friend.

Because Cayden's body was fifteen years younger, his stamina had gone back to zero. At this age, he barely exercises.

But this method is necessary. He knew he and Peter's weaknesses were strengths. So instead of wasting their strength fighting over the other team, it's better to run away and wait for the right moment.

Cayden managed to find an empty lot with a small space. He and Peter squeezed inside and listened to the trouble outside. Those two burly guys who chased after them were chasing other guys.

Inside those three hours, a large screen will hover above the players that only they can see.

Player count: 40

Remaining team: 20

Team ranking:

1. N2001 – 48 points

2. N2002 – 8 points

3. N2003 – 8 points

4. N2004 – 8 points

5. N2005 – 8 points.

Cayden's eyes lingered on the Top 1. Looks like the 5 eliminated teams were defeated by this team. Lucien glanced around the empty lot they were hiding in and caught a glimpse of the rusty set of stairs.

Peter was still panting at his side when he was pulled by Cayden to his feet.

"Wh – what?"

Cayden pointed at the stairs.

Peter's face immediately scrunched up.

Can't I take a bit of rest?

Cayden ignored his aggrieved face, and the two slowly climbed toward the second floor. At this time, the two did not notice that the Team ranking had changed.

Peter: *huff* huff* I'm freaking tired! Can't I take a bit of rest?

Cayden: *stern* No.

Peter: *aggrieved* #Where did my shy and timid best friend go?#

Author: Support us by voting powerstone, golden tickets and giving gifts please~

P.S. And thank you so much for the summoning pen hehe. ^_^

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