
The Drifter's Second Life

What is a Drifter? A Drifter is someone who does not have a house or a proper job. He’s constantly on the move and does not stay in the same place for a long time. Because he doesn’t have a place he can call home. ***** On July 7, 2016, Cayden Campbell watched helplessly as his parents got killed by monsters he only see in movies. On August 7, 2017, he watched his best friend get eaten by a BOSS monster. On September 9, 2018, he found a girl he fell in love with. Xyris was also a player and he swore he will protect her. On October 19, 2020, she used her life as a price to save him from the penalty instance. When he finally came out from the game, she was already dead. On February 26, 2030, he stood at the eightieth floor of the Dark Tower. He and his comrades raided the instance, but the constant fighting has worn them out. Enemies that are defeated come back to life. Blood was spilled until Cayden was the only man left. The enemies did not stop growing and spreading in numbers. Surrounding him, forcing him to surrender. And he lost all hope. Maybe it’s better if he’ll stop fighting and just die. ***** [You have obtained the Legendary item, Drifter’s Clock] [Would you like to give up all your points to rewind the time back to July 7, 2016?] As Cayden take his last breath he uttered, “Yes…” _______________________________________________ If you want to connect with me find me in: Twitter: phoenixhyperion Discord: phoenixhyperion#9130 Instagram: phoenix_hyperion Facebook: phoenixhyperion

phoenixhyperion · Fantasi
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52 Chs

Team ranking (5)

Cayden's sight darkened.

For a moment, the memory of being killed by that monster on the eightieth floor flashed in his mind. But the sensation of being burned is much more painful than being stabbed.

At least, he won't die with a measly wound like this. His body has a high pain resistance that....

Cayden's thoughts faltered.

His body is that of a seventeen year old. Not the top player in his mid- thirties.

Then his pain resistance and perseverance are gone.

Cayden finally realized the issue underlying the problem.

In his mind, he heard something click.

Then the sound of metal gears grinding against each other echoed in his head.

[Drifter Cayden Campbell's life is endangered.]

[Unsealing, the Drifter Clock's first clad rule.]

In the midst of Cayden's dim sight, blood red letters written in a huge bold font appeared in front of him.

[First rule: Never let Cayden die.]

The sound of metal gears grinding disappeared, replaced by the soft ticking sound of a clock.

[Activating, Dimentional Time Lapse.]

Cayden's sight immediately recovered. He watched the young man's face, which was full of glee; his hand that held the knife was covered in blood. Behind him, Cayden saw the bulky man being raised off his feet by Peter.

Peter was at the top; his face burned bright red because of the burly man's weight.

But something was wrong.

Nobody is moving. Even the six hunters who were observing not too far away.

Cayden was at a loss.

Under the faint red light from above, a suspicious character appeared.


Followed by a gold curve below and then an arrow that hovered above the VI.

Without a heartbeat, Cayden realized what was materializing in front of him.

A Clock.

A very large clock ticking in a very slow manner revealed itself.

"Wh- What's going on?"

Cayden stepped back in vigilance. Is this a new enemy? An existence comparable to that scheming god of death?

Like the god of time?

In Cayden's fifteen years in the Dark Tower, he never met the god of time. Because that god has an almost omnipotent existence. Never bothering to appear or favor any of the players.

When the huge golden clock took its full form, the world suddenly shattered in front of his eyes.

Literally shattered.

Cayden could not help but flinch. The area around him suddenly transformed. As if every space was made of mirrors reflecting each scene.

The ticking arrow of the huge clock stops at 4:12 a.m. Cayden could not remove his eyes from it.

He can feel the immense magic from the clock. But he knew it had no form of life.

So it's not a god? Cayden's brow creased. When the arrow suddenly moved counterclockwise for one second, the mirror shattering sound echoed everywhere.

Then the notice came again.

[Activating, Dimensional Time Lapse]

[Reversing time back to one minute.]

The motion of reversing time was created by mirrors shifting and grinding against each other to accommodate several scenes in one space.

That's what it was like when Cayden watched the whole thing. He saw himself, his own body, moving through the broken mirrors. He was stabbed by the knife, and after the tick of the clock, the knife was removed from his stomach.

Then he stepped backward, his whole body made of mirrors just to show him the scene of his every move per second.

Is this the Drifter's Clock power?

So this is what a legendary item is like...

Despite his confusion and the mixed feelings of strangeness, Cayden can't help but be amazed at the sight.

The Drifter's Clock actually turned back the time to one minute.

Cayden's body was now back against the wall where he was hiding earlier. The hood on the young man's clothes was back, covering his face.

At this point, the clock hand stopped ticking backwards. The minute hand sat at 04:11 a.m. sharp.

[Unsealing, the Drifter's Clock second clad rule.]

Another set of blood red letters written in a huge font appeared.

[Second rule: Help Cayden kill those who tried to kill him.]

A burst of golden light emerges from the center of the clock, completely removing the mirrors that took shape in every space.

The world was back to the way it was. But time did not resume. The huge clock hovering above them started to fade away, along with the bright golden light.

Cayden was staring, dumbfounded at the second clad rule. He thought the first rule was strange and did not pay attention to it. But the second rule is much weirder.

At once, blue words inside a pop up box appeared in front of him.

[What information do you want to receive?]

[A. Strengths and weaknesses of your opponents]

[B. Multiple methods to kill your opponent]

[C. Both]

Cayden's brow raised at the choices. So, not only does the Drifter's Clock save me from imminent death, but it can also provide me with the information I need to kill others?

Now the second clad rule made sense.

To test the waters, Cayden clicked on choice C. Immediately, the question disappeared.

[Player information]

[Name: Dominican Lumpur.]

[Age: 27]

[Strength: Has powerful legs. He can leap from a three storey building without injury. Run ten kilometers without getting tired. And has an extremely fit body that is hardened after three years of boxing.]

[Weakness: His left eye is blind. His shoulder was also recently dislocated. Not totally healed, but he is currently recuperating.]

[Methods to kill him:]

[1. Use the brick to hit his left shoulder. You have ten seconds to steal the knife from his waist and stab his neck.]

[2. Use the brick to hit his left shoulder. You have ten seconds to steal the gun from his hand and aim at his head. Use the same gun to shoot the forehead of player Linchen.]

[The first method has 70 percent success. As the second method only has 60 percent. Highly recommended method to use was the second. Remember, you must not take more than ten seconds to steal the knife or gun from him.]

[The fewer seconds it takes for you to steal his weapon, the more chances you have of killing him.]